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Dugeons & Dragons console games?


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Now that summer is over and I finally will have more free time and plan to get back into gaming a bit more I plan to buy a few new games over the next couple months (Battlefield for sure) but I was just wondering something. Back in my younger days during the late 70's through late 80's my friends & I were massively into Dungeons & Dragons RPG. I would love to find a game that was somewhat like a D&D version for PS4 but not sure what if anything that is out now for PS4 would fit that bill? I know when I had my PS3 Skyrim was somewhat of a console D&D game. So kind'a looking for something like that for PS4. Anyone know of anything that's out right now?


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Have a look at:


 Neverwinter is a free, action MMORPG based on the acclaimed Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. Epic stories, action combat and classic roleplaying await those heroes courageous enough to enter the fantastic world of Neverwinter! 
Choose from over a dozen races and eight classes to live the engrossing world of Dungeons & Dragons your way with tons of content heavy updates that have already been released, and more on the way! 

Some of the UK guys tried it out. I know Dids did. I downloaded it, but never got around to it.

Also skyrim is coming to the PS4 if you want to wait. Fallout 4 is kind of skyrim but in a more modern setting (I don't play that one but that is my understanding)

I've been playing skyrim on the PC lately. You might also want to look at that. With all the mods that are available, it gives the game a lot of replay value it's pretty stellar on the PC



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Iheard there was supposed to be Skyrim coming to PS4 but forgot all about that. Looks like it is coming out somewhat soon though by the release date I just looked up, will for sure grab that when it comes out. Never heard of Neverwinter but will look into that this evening when I have more time. I was also looking a bit more last night and found a game for PS4 called Shadow of Mordor (LOTR type game) which looks like you can buy it new pretty much anywhere now for only about $20 since its 2 yrs old now. Has anyone tried that one?


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I had Shadow of Mordor, I had some issues with the game mechanics and I never got into it. 

From what I understand, if you like assassins creed there is a good chance you will like. I never played AC so I can't comment much other than that is what I had read. 

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7 minutes ago, cyberninja2601 said:



I had Shadow of Mordor, I had some issues with the game mechanics and I never got into it. 

From what I understand, if you like assassins creed there is a good chance you will like. I never played AC so I can't comment much other than that is what I had read. 


Funny you mention Assassins Creed because I just recently bought AC Unity at Walmart for like $15 and started playing it last night. So far it seems decent. Takes some getting use to the climbing/controls for me though that's for sure.


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9 minutes ago, Drifter said:

So what exactly is that? Can you explain it a bit for me because I don't know anything about it. I clicked the link and it just takes me to a sign in/up page.

It's a site that allows you to play tabletop rpgs online. You can join games with random people or you can form your own group. It's basically everything you would have in an actual physical tabletop game, but everything is digital. It has D&D, Warhammer, Pathfinder, and a ton of others.

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Okay thanks. I have never played any games on PC or anything like that so it's all new too me. So if I join that page then how would I find where say you and Plasticgaming are playing? Would you guys send some sort of request to join the game your in or how does that work?


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I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. I've never noticed a search function for usernames. The best I know of is if we all agree on a game to join or if we can find someone to DM one for us we can share the link to the specific game to join. 

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@Drifter I think Neverwinter was okay, actually good tbh because it's free. If you're getting back into gaming I wouldn't go far wrong with AC Black Flag. Was really enjoyable and has a fantastic companion app.

@PlasticGaming @Rumelylady so are you saying we could make our very own game aswell as joining one?

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