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Straight to the point...

How long do you guys feel like you need to play a game in order for you to feel like you got your money's worth out of it?

A lot of people are worried about The Division and how the end game content will work. Most of us feel like we got our money's worth out of Destiny. Call of Duty goes and goes each year.

What are your thoughts on how long you feel like you need to play a game to consider it to have longevity?

Do you feel there are some games that don't have longevity, but still good value because of it's short, but good content?





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Good question.


I think the cost looks expensive at first glance but it isn't quite as bad as it seems sometimes


If you look at movies, it's about $12 to see a movie or $7 to rent one. 


So for $7 you get about 2hrs of entertainment


Games are about $70 on average. 


So as long as you get about 20 hours worth of entertainment then I would say its decent.


Anything above that you probably come out ahead. 


If it's a game one of the kids like then that's even better (both are over 18 now)

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I do a Cost/ Time played scenario


Once it hits about 2$ an hour, I feel I have gotten my money's worth.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Value for money is something I really consider these days and if I can get at least 25 hours out of a full price purchase; it isn't a bad return. I think Call of Duty back in the day, for all its problems; you had exceptional value for money even after shelling out for the DLC's. I got about 2000 hours out of MW, WAW, MW2 and BO combined. Some games are shorter but offer an unforgettable experience and in some way you compensate it with the value for money you've had elsewhere but other titles that are disgustingly short like The Order 1886 are not only disappointing games in terms of quality but the length and replayability is non-existent. It's those that I will happily pass on and probably wouldn't pick up even in the sale. 


Major AAA games like The Division; I would expect a three figure return of hours even for the same price as a game that may have 25 hours of gameplay. It would disappoint me if the game doesn't offer significant longevity and if I get bored long before any DLC is released.

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Quality over quantity for me. Will respond in greater detail later, I need to wipe my ass and get out of the shitter cause the cleaning dude is here.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I do a Cost/ Time played scenario


Once it hits about 2$ an hour, I feel I have gotten my money's worth.


That's about how I justify it as well Bart. But also for me, endgame content will always be my priority. I'm not a single player gamer, so games that allow groups to be formed to tackle complex tasks is what i get into the most.

i7 7700k, 16GB RAM, GEFORCE 1080, 240GB SSHD, 2TB SSD

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I've wasted money on games I really haven't played but how would I know I don't like them if I hadn't tried?

However on the flip side there are games like destiny with our 1000 hours cod probably over 100 days in total and bf4 and hardline with nearly a 1000 hours in total all great value for money so overall I feel I'm well in front on that score, as value for money and longevity as a mainly mp gamer goes on average I'm pretty much fine.

Compared to other forms of entertainment full cost video games these days are more than value for money, my TV package alone is the price of a full price title monthly.

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Sticking with my Equation, for me it would be:



Battlefield 3

Black Ops1

BattleField 4


Black Ops 2

EVE Online (Only low on the list as I paid monthly)

World of Warcraft (Only low on the list as I paid monthly)

DAoC (Only low on the list as I paid monthly)


That is off the top of my head, and ignoring games I played before I turned 20. ( I honestly have no idea how much time I spent on Diablo 1 & 2, Starcraft, Sim City, Xcom 1&2, Tie Fighter,  Master of Orion, etc...)

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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If it's a high quality in a single player game I'm fine with a shorter game,that tells a great story,that you have some sort of relationship with the characters.

For multi-player games it's about end game content. Case in point Destiny had really good end game content. It kept us playing for over a year. If Destiny stopped after you had beaten the game how pissed would everyone been. People still bitched about the amount of content Destiny had.

I've got doubts about The Division because one,I think we all feel a little shit on by Destiny year 2. Plus they haven't said anything about end game content. From my understanding the characters in the game have very little communication. Like your character doesn't say anything. Only someone speaking to you telling you what to do or where to go. Sounds a lot Destiny like to me. I'm not saying it won't be great I'm saying I wish they gave more info on it.

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 Plus they haven't said anything about end game content. From my understanding the characters in the game have very little communication. Like your character doesn't say anything. Only someone speaking to you telling you what to do or where to go. Sounds a lot Destiny like to me. I'm not saying it won't be great I'm saying I wish they gave more info on it.


This is sort of typical of MMO's, I would caution you to get used to it.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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For me I don't feel there is actually a time frame, it's just more about how much I enjoy it more than anything. Case in point is something like Battlefront compared to BO III. I got both at the exact same time, Battlefront I really enjoy the hell out of playing, BO III I honestly hate with a passion and am considering selling it on ebay.


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Like others have said it is sort of a mixture. I aim to get games which will give large amounts of playing time but there are also shorter games that provide great experiences and are well worth the investment.

However, a lot of the singleplayer/story-driven games will be much lower in price around a year after release. So in most cases I just wait it out until I get a good deal on them. For example, I got the telltale games pack which included 5 of their games for about $50, and they were sold for about $25+ each so that was a great deal.

For multiplayer games it is harder to wait because you'll fall behind everyone as well as the game becoming stale to people at that time.

So in terms of longevity it depends on the aims of the game. If it is a MP focussed game then I'll try and only buy games that provide a lot of hours. If it is a story focussed game I consider longevity to be the sense of accomplishment and unique experience I gain from playing it.

Also for a lot of games longevity is added if you aim for trophies. Some of my favourite games have had tens of hours added onto my total playing time as I go for the trophies.

Kia Ora. 

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Most games i play won't last longer than a year, although there are a few that i still go back to (blops2, rocket league, left 4 dead). I can see myself playing Rocket League for years and that was a free game. There's so many games that seem to be coming out that any game will have a best before date for me, purely because of time. Far Cry for instance, once i've finished the main story i normally call it quits because i'd rather spend my limited gaming time playing a new story or new game but I never really hammer a story based game as i do hate spending £50 on something that only lasts a week.


With a game like Blops3, i could play that all day and not be bored but I wouldn't be able to play nothing but blops3 as i would get bored but definitely do see myself playing blops3 even after the next one comes out. The fast passed action is what keeps me coming back for more, if cod was to go more battlefield then i'm not sure i'd play it much.


The only game i'd say i didn't get my moneys worth was Destiny and that's because it required you to game the same amount as everyone else otherwise you were screwed when partying up. Oh and Battlefront but what a piece of shite that was, tres gutted about that.


Basically a good story will keep me till the stories finished but fast paced craziness will keep me coming back for months and the two mixed together means that i could play for months.


I've been dragged away from writing this about 82749173 times, so i'm just posting it.



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