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Physical therapy


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About 6 months ago I was playing soccer and really fucked up my ankle. Had to go to the hospital for xrays, and fortunately nothing was broken but they said it was a really bad sprain. Foot was black and blue for weeks, and I couldn't walk without crutches for about a month. Paid an arm and a leg for that visit, and they wanted me to come back a week later for a follow up.

Obviously I didn't go back. I figured that I'd heal in time if I just stayed off it and took it easy. It's been over 6 months now and although I can walk fine and run (I have to favor my right foot over my left), I'm thinking this shit is never going to heal.

I really want to play again but this is appearing to be a "career" ending injury. Perhaps I have just gotten too old for this shit. Has anyone had good experience with physical therapy? I don't want to spend $50 a week for the next 8 weeks unless I know it'll work. I guess I fear it to be like going to the chiropractor where they take my copay and I end up in the same spot regardless.

Maybe I should go a few times, see what exercises and stretches they want me doing, and then run with it in my own. Any suggestions?

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While not being able to play FOOTBALL is obviously very frustrating (I've hit my 40s now and it gets harder to play every year) more important is  your ankle long term. 


$50 dollars a week is expensive, but I'd at least get a check up and then see if you can do your own physio after that.


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What sort of issues is it still giving you? I wouldn't think you'd need PT for a sprain, actually I don't really see a need for it even with a break. Back when I was 26 I broke my ankle pretty bad, I never did any PT and I don't have any problems with mine other than the fact that it visually looks about 10-15% bigger than the other ankle.


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It has to be a tendon issue of some sort.  If you drew a line from the inside ankle bone on my left foot to my big toe - on that line that whole area around the ankle bone hurts like a mofo whenever I kick, or twist my foot to the left.   I've never done PT and thought the same as you Steve, so not sure if it's worth paying them to tell me that I'm too old and this is what happens when you're out of shape and try to play a sport the way you used to.

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Yeah if it's a tendon or nerve issue then I dunno if PT would even help. Might be worth making a one on one appointment with a Doc and seeing what he says before starting into anything. I don't think it's gonna be an age thing yet. If I remember you're a bit younger than me and even with the numerous broken bones I have had I still don't suffer much with soreness/pain yet (I'll be 44 this winter). I'd say to drop the coin on an office visit with your local General Practitioner first and see what his thinks before going into an 8 week PT course.


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Can you get a second opinion?


I tore my gamekeepers ligament in my right hand. (it controls your thumbs movement)

One doctor was all about surgery and shit, and how I would never have proper use of my hand again if I didn't go under the knife.


Went to another doctor, he had me do a cast for 90 days, and then phys therapy with silly putty for a few weeks. 


I went to the first two Phys therapy sessions, and asked a ton of questions and shit, then went home and just kept doing those exercises daily, and never went back.


After a few weeks, everything started returning to normal.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Here's my caveat, Everything that I will be mentioning involves the Canadian Heath care system so I can't say with 100% confidence that any of this would be the same for you.


I've had PT a number of times for different injuries. They include back, neck, wrist and ankle. I did PT because my Physician prescribed it. PT is not covered in Canada by the health care system but most employee insurance program cover it. Our running rate is about $60 for 1/2 an hour per injury spot. $80 for more than 1 Injury spot


I found that PT is much like a Chiro. They most likely will use electrical current on the muscles to loosen things up, then massage you and then give you a number of exercises to do at home to get better. You'll probably feel fantastic after your sessions but it's almost like a crack or heroin addiction because after you stop you probably will be in pain again. Then need to go to PT to feel better. 


The positive aspect is getting the exercises that help with the problem area. And getting a number of them, then do those on your own. You should be able to get that done in about 3 sessions.


My 19 year old son, my 53 year old wife and my 17 year old daughter all did PT for injuries as well and pretty had the same results. All injuries have been sports related also. 


One thing that did work marvelously for me and my wife however is Laser Therapy


Here is a link   http://www.canadianchiropractor.ca/techniques/laser-therapy-a-guide-for-chiropractors-1001


It is usually done my Chiropractors around here. 


They claim they make is that it actually repairs the cells and tissue. I've had it on my neck and wrist. My wife has had it on her back. I haven't had pain or problems in those areas for 2 years since I did the treatment. The doctors wanted to surgically repair my wrist after seeing the MRIs but Lasers able to fix the damaged tendons and give me mobility back. I can even do weight and Karate again. 


The cost is about the same as PT, I needed about 10 treatments, which was covered by my private insurance. All you need to do is lie there and the machine does the rest


It might be worth looking at.  I had nothing vested in that type of treatment. All I can tell you is that it worked for 2 50 year olds and apparently the methods are used by pro athletes for recovery.  

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I would recommend you go to the physical therapy as much as needed. I had a ac separation in my shoulder and chronic inflammation in my right knee. They figured out what was causing the knee and gave me a ton of exercises for my shoulder.

The pt only had me come in a couple of times to design a program to get better. I followed the program and I'm 100% again. It took a while but it worked.

Follow the rice method if you don't want to go back. Rest, ice, compress and elevate. You need a ton of strengthening exercises to get blood to the area so your body can heal. Stretch. Stretching is very important to the healing. Don't overdue it. When you take weight off the leg for a while, your muscles will tighten up and will atrophy. If you don't stretch you'll leave more room for injury again.

I say to go to the physiotherapy because they can properly assess whether you are ready to begin strengthening the muscles. Sometimes you need to let the muscle heal before strengthening. It's hard to tell, without professional consultation, if the area is ready for strength training and stretching exercises.

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Lmao that is so on point.

Here I am minding my own business, get the ball, meg the same dude twice, put the ball in the back of the net, and then get democratted by Neo who took the form of a 40 year old hack to teach me I should have passed.

I shouldn't have been so selfish!

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Lmao that is so on point.

Here I am minding my own business, get the ball, meg the same dude twice, put the ball in the back of the net, and then get democratted by Neo who took the form of a 40 year old hack to teach me I should have passed.


oh my god i can't wait to use Republican as a verb in daily conversation.  that's actually brilliant, well-played.

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