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Black Ops 3 eSports Live Reveal


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Once you scrape the verbal froth off.....he has a point

Honestly Dave, i couldn't make out the point he was getting at. Seemed like he was more intent on swearing and randomly ranting for effect than actually making a point of any note.

What i did gather is that he doesn't like e-sports and he really doesn't like the fact that anyone younger than him is also better than him, especially to the level of e-sports!!

The simple fact is, if you don't like proper competitive COD then play public playlists and have a blast. If you do enjoy competitive then they are catering for you too. Going off on one to gain attention (which sadly works) when there's really not an argument just makes me think about how shallow this guy actually is. He says at the start that whatever you want to do in life is fine and then goes on to question how much people can bench press. So in between all the shits, fucks and faggots you managed to contradict yourself. Slow clap for you.

For me competitive is a great thing if done right. BO2 being a prime example. This had a great league play mode that didn't interfere one bit with standard public play.

With that said, i'm sticking to my guns on this and won't be getting it at release. Not that i don't think it looks good, it's just i barely played the last 2 versions of COD so i want to be sure. So i'll wait to get the good or bad news from you guys that do the day 1 purchase

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It is his style and I posted it more as a joke video than actual factual,there are members of the community that blame the devs pandering to the esports community for the decline in cod (oh and I hate they use the word sport) if it truly is kept separate and I hope it is then that's fine.

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That dude is a mong of the highest order. Sifting through all the bullshit he's trying to peddle to gain views, because that's all it is, trying to be funny to gain subscribers, he says that competitive gaming is more suited to games like LoL and CS:GO.


Well guess what you dumb fuck? BOTH are on PC and BOTH have dedicated servers. He then goes on to say that CoD is still running on such an old engine. News flash dumbass: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Let's conveniently forget that one of the games he mentions, CS:GO, run on an engine which has its roots in.... wait for it.... TWO THOUSAND AND FOUR. Yes, eleven years ago.


He then goes on to insult all the esports guys which I think is just being a dick. I for one think Esports is a load of toss but these guys seem to enjoy it so let them. I will always take the piss out of them but hey, that's part of the territory and they know it. This guy however takes things to a whole new level just because he doesn't enjoy it? Fuck. Off. Again, conveniently forgetting that his first words in his video are that he doesn't care that people enjoy other shit, let them do what they want. And then proceeds to take them to pieces for the rest of the video. Hypocrisy much?



He then goes on to whine about the effect esports has on Call of Duty. I mean... what? I KNOW that CoD has this shit in it, I expect nothing less from CoD, they might as well write it on the box for fuck sakes. If it's that much of an issue, how about... you know.... play something else?



Sorry but this guy is a fucking plank, idiots like this ruin shit not make it better.



I'm alpha, scrub.


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Glad i wasn't the only one who got annoyed with that fecking idiot then. The sad thing is that he will get thousands of views on Youtube for that clusterfuck of an opinion and actually make money out of it.

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Dave all his videos are like thst most if not all are not meant to be too serious,personally I prefer more outlandish you tubers and I'm not sure how this ruins shit tbh if anything it's the more established you tubers that make things worse I think plumber actually nailed it.

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