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All I know is the I'm tired of this shit down here. This whole confederate flag thing is stupid. The thing should of never been on the damn state house to begin with. Now the issue has turned into something else. They are wanting to remove confederate monuments,change names of buildings and universities. It's stupid.Let's get rid of everything thing that offends someone.

And no I'm not racist,I don't like anyone. Doesn't matter what color you are,I'm a asshole

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Heh. Go to South Africa then. Everything built up dring the apartheid era has to be torn down, destroyed or renamed. Regardless of what people think of that era, it is a part of that country's history. I agree with loads of the monuments being taken down and whatnot but the country also had heroes who had very positive influence on the country and as such had roads and whatnot named after them. These have all been renamed because those people were white.

I couldn't give a shit what colour someone's skin is but discrediting their achievements in life because other morons happened to have the same skin colour os blatant racism but you can't do anything about it because you'll get labelled a racist too. It does my head in.

That said, I've given up on South Africa. What used to be the powerhouse of Africa is now the laughing stock and all the hard work put in by previous generations us being systematically undone by a government who were voted in for no other reason than the colour of their skin, these guys shouldn't be allowed near a pen and paper, let alone a government institution.

I used to be so proud of my country but it's just a shit hole now. Hundreds of years of progress undone in less than a decade. Does my head in.


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I just saw this on FB and it made me laugh...


"So tired of this battle between a skittles factory and the south all over my Facebook Newsfeed, so here goes:
I'll just offend everybody at once."





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I don't usually go off on these tangents because I think it's like pissing in the wind, but it's getting to be absolutely ridiculous anymore. Leave the damn Confederate flag alone. It is NOT a symbol of racism. Those people that are latched onto that idea are doing nothing but showing ignorance as well as lack of knowledge of history. The person that killed those nine innocent people was a mentally disturbed racist individual, so how about blaming the actual person responsible for the act rather than some misguided blame towards a symbol that a minority of racist people try to use it for. Blaming the Confederate flag for that whack jobs actions is the same as blaming video games or music for other criminals actions. But that's what liberals are so good at these days, knee jerk reactions that make them feel like an activist so they can feel good about themselves rather than addressing the real problem which is the poor state of care for mentally disturbed people in this country, the fact that the justice system is too lenient on criminals (how many times have we seen cops do their job and catch someone that is guilty only to see them slapped on the wrist and turned back onto the street)..  as well as the true promoters that fuel the racism machine which is the media. The media loves to push racism because  they feel it makes good news.


Don't believe me about the media loving to push the race card, we've had three separate mass shootings here in Detroit in the past week where people were killed and up to 11 others shot at each instance, third one just happened tonight so no news yet on that one but here's the first two from the past few days...






Just with those two incidents alone there were 2 killed and 20 others shot, plus there were little kids involved in the first incident. Yet I bet you did not hear of those happening most likely. Why? because those instances did not involve white shooters so the media can not pump up the race card in those cases.


I don't hate people based on the color of their skin. What I do not have tolerance for though is for people that have no common sense. When a heinous crime is committed it's not the gun's fault, or the flag that the person is waving, or the  make of the car they drove to the place they committed the crime. As a country we can do as much as we can to try to avoid these instances but what it boils down to in the end is this. There's 7 BILLION people in the world, common sense tells you with that many people they aren't all gonna be sane and normal.


My .02 on all this crap I'm seeing all over the news and such. Take it for what you will.


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I seem to remember one of the better episodes of South Park focused on the dispute over whether or not the town flag was racist.


The swastika was also not a racist flag but it was subverted by racists. The same goes for the George Cross, which is the English flag, rather than the Union Jack (which represents Britain). The George Cross was associated with racists for a long time mostly because of neo-nazi groups in the 70s and 80s.


What does this all mean for the Dukes of Hazard?


Personally I'd stick all flags in a museum.


The best point made in this thread is talking about how we as a society deal with mental illness. Completely agree.


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i wouldn't blame a flag for anything.  most people wouldn't.  


you could probably take a stab at blaming culture though, because in this case a flag can be emblematic of culture.  the same culture that celebrates an economy based on slavery (aka institutional racism, aka "history").  the same culture that gives a gun to a kid like Dylann Roof for no other reason than that's just what happens.  the same culture that often exhibits pride for willful ignorance and isolationism.  stuff like that.  so yeah, when this kid posed with his flag, it was because he was repping his culture, not because he's a flag enthusiast.  don't blame the flag.


as far as the backlash against it, and all the calls for censoring history by revising existing monuments and the like, i really think that noise was created or at least magnified by the fact that they decided to keep flying it while the state flag was lowered to half-mast immediately after the shooting.  nobody could understand that, and despite the explanation that was provided i think it kicked off a lot of dialogue about what the flag "means" today.


finally, i'm not sure i know enough to consider this shooter mentally ill.  disturbed, sure, but i don't think it's as clearly clinical as it was in, say, Adam Lanza's case.  as far as i know, Hatred isn't a medical condition.  not one with an over-the-counter prescription, anyway.



EDIT:  OP was pretty funny btw, nice find BB.


// another EDIT:  my intent here wasn't to disparage culture, so i hope it's not read that way.  i just think that anyone who grows up in an echo chamber of beliefs will come out the other end somewhat deficient by definition.  and i suspect this deficiency directly contributed to Dylann Roof's actions.

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EDIT: I don't think I made any sense here, so just gonna remove it. Sorry folks, carry on and all that

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Yea, I don't get that. It doens't make any sense to me.


I asked my dad about it as that is his sort of "crowd", and even he said that he didn't understand it

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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