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Is that it?


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Yep it's got very mundane on destiny nowadays, everybody off doing different things now but will get the TTK for the short term plan . A few people have mentioned star wars battlefront I'm up for that and perhaps it will be the game that brings the group back together as some good times have been had over the last nine months or so .

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Yep it's got very mundane on destiny nowadays, everybody off doing different things now but will get the TTK for the short term plan . A few people have mentioned star wars battlefront I'm up for that and perhaps it will be the game that brings the group back together as some good times have been had over the last nine months or so .

I think TTK will honestly. If the raid is good. People will play it. Problem with HoW is it's boring. No real reason to do 35. The only exotic weapons are in bounties. The legendary weapons are ok. Still like the old weapons better.
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When you have a group like ours, then raids become a neccesity. A 3 person arena is only going to pacify so much. Whereas we still enjoy VoG to this day. There's just something about doing a thing on a videogame that has such a grand scale. More raids and less of the other stuff and i'd be a happy bunny, but never going to happen

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The thing is that when TTK drops in September is it going to keep us occupied for longer than the HOW two ,three weeks did ? Even with a raid added . Would it be beneficial, to have match making for the raid so as it could be attempted if a FG fireteam could not get together . With all the pros and cons of that argument ,perhaps the option of either .

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I think raid matchmaking has it's pros and cons. I just remember my 1st VoG run and how clueless i felt even though i had people guiding me. Now try thinking about doing it with 5 other clueless people with either no mics or are only French speaking!! It looks on one hand like it segregates the player base, when it actually is forcing them to communicate for a very good reason.

I want to see more and more raids in the game. They really make it have thst big game feel. However i get the feeling that Bungievision will continue to charge £20 per expansion where all i really want is the raid

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PoE and PvP endgames are a good concept but needed to be thought through some more to give it some longevity e.g. more story, or more unlocks through it.

A combination of the ideas from these into more missions would keep me going. The HoW last mission played v.well. just wish there was a few more of those.

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Hi, my name is Crispy.  It's been a week and 2 days since I last played Destiny...............


*round of applause*


I'm worried I may relapse though,  Planetside 2 is making me angry.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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