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Clash of Clans - WAR THREAD

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Seems like a good plan!

And it would have been had my giants not got torn to shreds! xD

Classic case of what looks good on paper doesn't necessarily work in the 'real' world.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I linked my google account to my game account, and it loaded up my old village.


also it booted me from the clan lol

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I linked my google account to my game account, and it loaded up my old village.

also it booted me from the clan lol

Good riddance! :D

Alright, I'll go change the clan settings so you can find us again. (We keep it closed because otherwise we get spammed with random requests to join.)

#FG Warriors

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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last 10 minutes, I was hit with 3 attacks, all failed.


you guys should like my new town.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Hear ye, hear ye all those who wish to wage war upon our enemies step forth!! War most likely to be declared Sunday evening, the 26th day of July in the year two thousand and fifteen.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Current war roster:




Chris the Great + Bondie Boy if room





Drainman + Emerald if needed




count: 14 including 2 alts

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Keeping the theme going on from my PPR, we just need a few simple guidelines, which we should all agree (for speed I think Owl should call it) and then we can just crack on and win some wars!

So, are we saying first attack go for same, one or two lower to start with? Last 4-6 hours free-for-all?

Forum Signature Test.png

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I've put a note up in the in-game chat that suggests:


First attack is your opposite number

If you know you can't beat him then WAIT

when the timer hits 6 hours to finish it's a free for all


This gives the lower level guys a chance in the first 18 hours which should cover all the time zones


I think we should try this then fine tune when everyone is used to it


Any thoughts peeps?


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I've put a note up in the in-game chat that suggests:


First attack is your opposite number

If you know you can't beat him then WAIT

when the timer hits 6 hours to finish it's a free for all


This gives the lower level guys a chance in the first 18 hours which should cover all the time zones


I think we should try this then fine tune when everyone is used to it


Any thoughts peeps?

Sounds good to me.   




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I've put a note up in the in-game chat that suggests:


First attack is your opposite number

If you know you can't beat him then WAIT

when the timer hits 6 hours to finish it's a free for all


This gives the lower level guys a chance in the first 18 hours which should cover all the time zones


I think we should try this then fine tune when everyone is used to it


Any thoughts peeps?

I think it's a damn good idea. The only adjustment I might suggest is that rather than making everyone wait until the last 6 hours to use their second attack we could do like:


Last 6 hours is a free for all. Before then, you have two options 1) attack your opposite or 2) attack someone within 2 up or down of you that has already been attacked by his opposite.


Same basic premise with a little less waiting around.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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War Attack Rules

First 18 hours you can attack your opposite and/or attempt to upgrade an opponent that a ) has already been attacked and b ) is within 2 of your rank.

Last 6 hours is a free-for-all, get whatever stars you can.

Just to emphasise: In the first 18 hours, everyone ALWAYS gets first crack at their opposite if they so desire.


The provision that you can attempt to upgrade someone who a ) has already been attacked and b ) is within two levels of you is simply there so that you don't have to wait until the last 6 hours to use your second attack or even your first attack if you don't want to attack your opposite. The restriction of within two levels should prevent higher players from dropping way down before the last 6 hours.


I'm number 8 and I attack my opposite.

Tommy is number 7 and he attacks his opposite. There's no reason to wait until the last 6 hours for Tommy to try and upgrade my 2 star attack. Or for me to try and upgrade Tommy's. However it would be inappropriate for me to use my second attack to upgrade number 12, since someone lower should have a go first.

Example 2

Chris the Great wants nothing to do with their number 1. Plumber has a go against his opposite at number 2 and gets one star. There's no reason for Chris to wait until the last 6 hours to try and upgrade Plumber's attack. However it would be a bit early for Chris to be dropping down to upgrade number 4 or 5.

Makes sense? Hopefully that explains my thought better.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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The clan I help run just recently reached level 6 and we use a very similar strategy to what you put Jason. I think that works best.

I would suggest you implement a trading option; especially for the top people. Often they are upgrading a king or queen so someone lower may have a better chance of getting their number. So we just state in our chat if we are queenless for example and someone near our numbers will take it out for us.

But with the plan you've got you should be winning wars consistently in no time; when we started doing that our wins rocketed up a lot.

Just my 2 cents to help out [emoji16]

EDIT: Also I find level 4/5 dragons and level 6 balloons now work best for war defence CC's. Used to be wizards and witches but with the poison spells the tanky dragon is superior. Can also replace with Valkyries if someone has them to a higher level.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kia Ora. 

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No worries! I wish there was an ally clan feature; would be fun being able to communicate with the forum fellas on CoC.

Also I am curious what do you all use for war attacks? I only really see our clan and some clans that we verse but I am interested to see if you have different styles of attacking?

I currently use a GoWipe with:

3x Pekka

16x Wizard

2x Golem

8x Wall breaker

5x Archer

1x Golem in CC

With either:

2 rage, 1 heal, 1 jump

3 rage, 1 jump

3 rage 1 heal

(With a poison spell on all of them)

I find this the best for attacking solid TH9s as you can guarantee a 2 star pretty much and get solid 3 star attacks on lower TH9s.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kia Ora. 

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Corey, thanks for the input man! I'm th8 and generally do mass dragons plus rage. Has worked out very well up until the last war. Still not sure why I crapped out so bad. :/

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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