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What games are you waiting for?

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I wanted to see what are your most anticipated games for the future? For me, I'm dying for Fallout 4 to be announced already. I'll be tuned in to E3 because I have a feeling this is the year.

I'm also waiting for Bloodborne to drop in price before u pick it up.

Mass Effect 3 being ported to ps4! Finally get to use a bloody controller rather than a mouse and keyboard.

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There are a lot of games that interest or even excite me, but the only one that can't come soon enough for my liking is the next Mass Effect game. I love the campaign, but what really has me chomping at the bit is the multiplayer. I have to admit though, that in my heart if hearts, I think they're going to fuck it up.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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A Final Fantasy game that goes back to basics or in a similar vain the next Kingdom Hearts.

I'd also be really interested in the next Gran Turismo (again as long as it goes back to its roots like GT1)

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Whatever game Bethesda is working on.  It will probably be the next Fallout game, which is cool, I dig the Fallout series.  But, I really want a new Elder Scrolls game.  I'm hoping to hear something about a new Fallout game before long.  That would definitely keep me busy until the next Elder Scrolls.  




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Yes! How can I forget Mass Effect 4. I share your sentiment about the multiplayer. It will be interesting to see where they take it because from what I understand this will take place before Shepherd.

As for Bethesda, rumors are saying either Fallout or Elder scrolls.

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Final Fantasy XV

Dissidia (if they decide to release it for us)

Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition


Think that's all for now! xD

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The Division

Rainbow Six Siege

Every new update for Warframe

The next elder scrolls title, whatever and whenever it will be...

I almost forgot about The Division.  It's been so long since those initial videos, I forgot all about it.  




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Holy shit, I completely forgot about it too. And what about that game with the sick trailer of the girl kneeling in the street and getting shot at in slow motion. What game was that?

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Holy shit, I completely forgot about it too. And what about that game with the sick trailer of the girl kneeling in the street and getting shot at in slow motion. What game was that?

Cyberpunk 2077


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