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the consequences of using "share play"

Ryan Pedro

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Read some comments, Oooo this game is rated blah shouldn't be allowed to play blah blah... However would anyone here really let someone else even friends take control even friends like Euan lol

Hell my ps4 account is password protected from my family lol

There's a Tritan army video about this seems the Kermit person did it before


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Read some comments, Oooo this game is rated blah shouldn't be allowed to play blah blah... However would anyone here really let someone else even friends take control even friends like Euan lol

Hell my ps4 account is password protected from my family lol

There's a Tritan army video about this seems the Kermit person did it before



mine too... and the ps4 itself... and my vita...:)




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Trying to monitor kids online is a royal pain in the ass.  I felt bad for the kid when he started crying, guess I'm getting soft in my old age.  Sounds like he's got a load of new friends, and reading some of the comments on the youtube section, he's probably the most mature out of them.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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I think bungie can restore your character if that happens. If that was me though, I would pay someone $500 to find the address, buy an airplane ticket, wait for you to step out, and attack.

It may be a bit excessive but that means you just threw 500 hours away in a few seconds.

Bungie should give 24 hours before fully deleting your character. Or at least provide a password request when changing characters. But knowing people, no one would protect their characters for the benefit of switching quick.

Well at least the kid has one thing to look forward to. A life of working on and planning a slow and painful demise of this new enemy.

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I feel for the kid but I hope he learned two lessons out of this,cheating won't get you anywhere. Two people a complete douche bags. I wish Sony would suspend that dicks account or console ban his ass

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I feel for the kid but I hope he learned two lessons out of this,cheating won't get you anywhere. Two people a complete douche bags. I wish Sony would suspend that dicks account or console ban his ass

I was just reading the weekly update and Deej posted this video. He said they are working so this doesn't happen.

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Read some comments, Oooo this game is rated blah shouldn't be allowed to play blah blah... However would anyone here really let someone else even friends take control even friends like Euan lol

Hell my ps4 account is password protected from my family lol

There's a Tritan army video about this seems the Kermit person did it before


Are you suggesting I'm not trustworthy? Here give me your account details and I'll prove to you that I can be.


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"Are you still getting heartburn flare ups? Time for a new routine! Try Nexium 24 hour! The latest tourist for frequent heartburn! Get complete protection. Nexium, Level Protection!



No sympathy at all. Not even a little bit. This is the same kid who would use an aimbot, no argument.



Yes it was silly and yes I should feel sympathy but the cold hard fact is that this kid was more than happy to cheat. 



Idiot. Next time, don't trust the internet. I can only hope that he's learned, next time it'll be his credit card details.


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"Are you still getting heartburn flare ups? Time for a new routine! Try Nexium 24 hour! The latest tourist for frequent heartburn! Get complete protection. Nexium, Level Protection!



No sympathy at all. Not even a little bit. This is the same kid who would use an aimbot, no argument.



Yes it was silly and yes I should feel sympathy but the cold hard fact is that this kid was more than happy to cheat. 



Idiot. Next time, don't trust the internet. I can only hope that he's learned, next time it'll be his credit card details.

Beneath the stoney exterior beats a heart of pure ice!! ;)


Haven't had time to watch the video but I think I get the gist of it so, whilst I have sympathy with the kid........there's more than a grain of truth in Didd's post


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Apparently this guy has a YouTube channel and is know for trolling people. That's what people were saying in the comments of the video.



Probably. I think the kid deserved it for trying to cheat but I also think that this guy needs his teeth kicked in. Probably some doritos scoffing fat fuck with no life outside of his channel.


He's managed to piss off the internet though, so good luck to him.


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Probably. I think the kid deserved it for trying to cheat but I also think that this guy needs his teeth kicked in. Probably some doritos scoffing fat fuck with no life outside of his channel.

He's managed to piss off the internet though, so good luck to him.

The way I look at it is it's a life lesson for the kid. Better it be something like this on a video game than trusting a stranger in real life. Kids are stupid. If he was mine I would bust his ass for being stupid and wanting to cheat.
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That article says:


"On Friday, footage emerged showing how one player, who goes by the online handle "Cuckooknight HD" had used the PlayStation 4's SharePlay feature to connect with a stranger named "KirmitTHEfrog", hoping that he would help assist on Destiny."


What it should say is:


"On Friday, footage emerged showing how one player, who goes by the online handle "Cuckooknight HD" had used the PlayStation 4's SharePlay feature to connect with a stranger named "KirmitTHEfrog", hoping that he would help cheat his way to the top on Destiny."


I maintain my original point that although it sucks for the kid, he asked for it.


As for the dude that did it, I hope he gets dragged over the coals like the bitch he is.


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Just had to stop a kid trying to convince my son to accept shareplay.  Well worth knowing that kids are doing it just for a laugh now.  Probably just saved myself a load of grief.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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