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Yep thanks all,2nd time run now and a little bit wiser. Managed to accomplish the jumping puzzle to my amazement too . Also now aware of having to shoot the oracles ,sorry Gary for letting the left side down won't happen again. Looking forward to the next run hopefully with stretch in charge again.

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Gatekeeper and Atheon were a joke with our super team... Crota on the other hand... What a fucking disaster... Bugged, glitchy pile of shit... Nev handled the sword perfectly... We spent 2 hours with glitches and bugs... I am done with that pile of shit




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I will be on. I don't plan on watching the Super Bowl, so I should be on most of the afternoon and evening

Bart saw you on but couldn't get a team together to tackle this tonight, maybe Monday.

Seems to me Aetheon is the hardest part as everyone needs to be comfortable in various roles. So we should use these Aetheon saves if we can, let me know if anyone wants to run it Monday evening, from say 7.30 uk time

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Any chance of getting in on the action vog is my next step plumbrodders is a good mate and says you guys are all friendly and eager to help

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What level you on? And sure I have no problem helping you with your first raid!!!




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Lvl 25 hunter

Hey there and welcome!! We're all a friendly bunch here and have no problems in helping you out on some raiding. However, we will need to get you up a level or 2 before we start. Otherwise you'll just be dying lots and not getting much out of the experience.

Add me (stretch616) and we'll run some strikes so you can get Vanguard marks to buy the armour from the tower vendor. A nice easy way to level up.

Do you have the expansion pack?

Any other questions, just let us know :)

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Good to see a new name here. Like Stretch said, most members here are more than willing to help you out. Maybe make a post in the Introduction section and be sure to add some members to your friends list. You'll have plenty of people to help you out before you know it.




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I have the expansion and will add you tonight

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Welcome to the clan. Add DarkArch3typ3. We can definitely help you out. If not with the raid than getting you energies and shards from nightfall.

This clan is growing pretty fast. Pretty soon we'll need our own flag.

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That's the hard point to get past. You need to be doing bounties at this point to try to get vanguard rank to 2. Do strikes to get blue engrams to rank up xur. Every rank after 2 you get a package, same with vanguard. Most packages you get from the vanguard you will get commodation, which is used to purchase body armor or helmet or guns.

Thus is your best bet. Do the weekly, even at level 26 you'll get 6 strange coins. Build up your strange coins and spend them on xur for exotic armor.

Once at 26 we can run you through roc strikes. Ryan and I ran my buddy through a few and he got like 2 legendary engrams in about an hour.

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New guys WELCOME! Feel free to send me a friend request. The more people we have the better. Also go to the introduction thread and we'll introduce yourself. Here's the link


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Now at lvl 28 is anyone up for a few roc strikes this week could do with a few more strange coins

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New guys WELCOME! Feel free to send me a friend request. The more people we have the better. Also go to the introduction thread and we'll introduce yourself. Here's the link



This.  Post up in the Intro section and start adding us to your friends list.  We run Roc strikes all the time.  We'd be more than happy to help you out.  


xBO7HB4RRELSx  - psn




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