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Help with Exotic Armour


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I've never really thought much about the armour I use and didn't really twig til a conversation with Gary yesterday that different exotic helmets should go on different sub-classes. I was quire happy just taking the base stats and not worrying too much about the perks, but now my eyes are open I'm thinking I'm going to need to build up my exotic helmet collection.


So I'm looking for a bit of help and advice on what to do from this point. I'm going to want to have a decent helmet for each subclass and what I have got so far is:


Hunter gunslinger: Nothing

Hunter bladedancer: Mask of the 3rd Man (basic model)


Titan striker: Nothing

Titan defender: Helm of Saint-14 (upgraded)


Warlock sunsinger: Light beyond nemesis (basic model) - I say sunsinger but really its a bit more general than specific

Warlock voidwalker: nothing


So Xur is hanging around for a few more hours, I've got enough strange coins to buy one helmet, possible two if I pushed my warlock through the weekly heroic (mid-level) and get lucky on engram exchanges. I've got exotic shards and glimmer and there's a few options, so just looking for input and advice on what to do.


What Xur has would fill the gaps on both the gunslinger and voidwalker classes, (Achlyophage Symboite and Obsidian Mind) but would you guys consider them the best in class - I'm leaning towards Obsidian Mind a bit as Voidwalker is the one sub-class I really haven't worked on much so would be nice to have this to hand, but would I be mad to miss out on Symboite, maybe I need to try for both?


Also I could upgrade light Beyond Nemisis, but it seems  a bit meh, so maybe not worth the exotic shard?


Any help gratefully accepted!

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Obsidian mind is the dogs danglies as far as Voidwalker PvE warlock goes.

It also has a great aynergy with bad juju as seen from the video Gary posted.

Most of the exotics have a specific time when they come in useful. Even sunbreakers!!

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Most of the exotics have a specific time when they come in useful. Even sunbreakers!!

I'm likely to shard some sun breakers shortly. My plan is that by having helmets as exotics it's easier to change to the correct exotic if I change class, don't have to remember as much stuff that way

Very tempted by Obsidian, especially as I have bad juju bounty to finish off

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Edit, didn't mention Glasshouse - difficult to justify given defender already covered, but maybe its the dogs bollocks? Certainly looks good

Glasshouse can be handy across both PvP and PvE in certain instances, whereby your fireteam needs additional firepower or exra defense barriers ro get through the next section.

However, I love my titan helm of saint -14. The blindless is the best i have come across for PvE when you doing stuff like raiding - really gets you and the team oit of many difficult situations. Definitely not a PvP helmet though.

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Thanks for the advice guys. So this is what happened:

Upgraded Light Beyond Nemisis, figured why not as I had a shard and loads of glimmer

Bought Obsidian Mind, leaving me just me needing 9 coins to find to get Symbiotic. Thanks to Gary and Diddums (well Gary mainly, sorry Dids) got my Warlock through the weekly mid tier for 6 coins. Then no luck at all rest of the night

After a deep 3 hours sleep got back on and ran some Roc strikes to get engrams , got 9 , no coins, but Cryptarch ranked up so got one coin out of package engrams

With time running out on Xur the RNG gods finally smiled on me. Warlock pulls off a gold tier warsat defence on Moon, gets one blue engram. This turns into a coin, and my daily event package gives me the one I need. Result, got Symbiotic with 40 minutes left, phew. Thanks for the help Gary and Dave

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Run of good luck continued with legendary auto rifle 'For the people' out of a blue engram from the Iron Banner. Looks ok apart from a smallish clip, but a couple of minutes before I'd got new gloves from IB vendor having hit level 4 - went for the ones with speed reload for Auto Rifles, lol

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