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The Beer Thread


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I quite enjoyed the last beer thread we had and it introduced me to alot of new beers that I hadn't tried before. So time to resurrect this and put anything down that we've tried and like (or not)


A personal favourite of mine is Vedett Extra Blonde. A nice crisp lovely tasting beer, plus they do a cool feature of personalising the label if you buy a crate http://www.vedett.com/form


Anyone else got any new ones to add to the list?

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Blue WKD, I wouldn't expect anything else from you Euan!



A beer world opened locally and I haven't been yet. :ph34r:

I stick to La Fin Du Monde mostly, and Fruit Punch 4 Lokos! Fuck you up lovely! :lol:


Mostly I'm an Ale man. I'd like to try Mead also. Never had...


A beer world sounds alot like somewhere I would be spending alot of time!! Never had mead also. I might have to look at getting some in.

I'm working my way through ales at the moment as well. Tending to lean towards the pale ale side of things

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This time of year I mostly drink Sam Adams Octoberfest. Its only available for a few months and its one if my favorites.

I've also been enjoying various Belgium beers. The best being Saint Bernardos

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Big thanks to Jason on recommending so damn good beers tonight. I also found the beer Mecca! Total Wine and beer may be the most impressive store for everything alcohol related.

Love how you can create your own six pack.

Tonight I got:

Founders Centennial IPA

Clown Shoes Hoppy Feet:Black India Pale Ale

Thirsty Dog:Siberian Night stout

Dogfish Head 90 minute Imperial IPA

Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale

St.Bernardus Prior 8- this is my favorite beer ever it's just to damn expensive to drink all the time. You EU guys may be able to get it cheaper. It's a Belgian beer

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I recently discovered this rather ancient, very well known brand of beer which seems to be fairly unspoken. It quenches all my thirst, makes me feel good, and only costs as much as you want to spend. 


It's called "more beer".



Have you heard of it?


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So with all the Christmas ales and winter lagers fast approaching I'd figure I'd revive this thread.

A lot of my winter stock is already coming in so I'd figure I'd suggest some more beers for you all.

First up-


This might be saving the best for first but I'd figure I'd start with the this one. It's typically a limited release, so if you don't find it now, you may be out of luck.

It's a ale made with cherries (sweet and sour) and honey. Beware it's a strong beer at 11% abv. Trust me the combination of flavors leaves your taste buds tingling. Lol



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I've given up on larger and on to more sophisticated beers now my local Wetherspoons sells it - never thought I'd write the words 'sophisticated' and 'Wetherspoons' in the same sentence. 



Carsberg has been my unfortunate tipple of choice of late and I can safely say; it's probably the best watered down piss I've ever drunk.

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