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This place is on life support


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No thoughts on the shoutbox idea?

Yep, I think I agree on a trial basis because that's the first thing you see when you hit the site as a newcomer and if it's tumbleweed it's not a good advert



Dave - please don't get disheartened, especially as we're asking you to take things out. You did a hell of job starting this up and ironing out the glitches along the way. The site appears to me, as a non programmer, to work well 99% of the time and nothing in life is perfect! :) we can live in this place quite easily so go get into Destiny and start playing more online (phew! nearly an OOC post opportunity there!)


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Dave another thing you may have already done - keep a check on the post count now the 'like' button has gone and see how much it goes up. May be a pleasant surprise! :) I've done 3 this morning where I would probably just hit the thing!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I've been VERY distant these past few months. That's thanks to work, ex, ex, ex's family, new girl :D, ex and work. It probably doesn't help that when I do game, I only play GTA (level 182 biatches!)


I have no interest in CoD or Destiny so I also can't reply to any of those threads without trying to make a joke. See the rahool thread. I also don't want to be THAT guy so I won't be doing that a lot.


Dave, I'm doing work every week up in Derry and I'm slowly (but not too slowly) learning the art of PHP and shiz. HTML and CSS I already know but somewhere down the line I'd like to help out with the site if I can and if You wish.

I'll try be more active here somehow anyway.


What happened to the articles idea?


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Dave - please don't get disheartened, especially as we're asking you to take things out. You did a hell of job starting this up and ironing out the glitches along the way. The site appears to me, as a non programmer, to work well 99% of the time and nothing in life is perfect! :) we can live in this place quite easily so go get into Destiny and start playing more online (phew! nearly an OOC post opportunity there!)


Liked by Baabcat

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Sorry about that ^


Without doubt the rubbish that was Ghosts and issues arising from PS3/PS4 transition must have made a big difference on the forum, after all CoD brought us together, and playing CoD together bonded us.


I'm hoping Advanced Warfare will be good, people will enjoy it and the forum will get new lease of life, in the same way Warframe and Destiny have to an extent done, although with smaller audiences. Playing Destiny with a full forum party at the weekend was great and I'm jealous of that American Raiding party from last night


But the fact is we have dropped members, hopefully temporarily with AW bringing them back, and not had many new recruits - only real new major contributor for years is James (I think)  - I wonder how he found us, and clearly saw something he liked. (Thanks for all the T&A posts as well James, good work!)


The PS3/PS4 thing didn't help, but equally the Xbox crew all realised the error of their ways and have brought some numbers back to the on-line parties


Here's hoping for a good CoD

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When I looked back at mw2forum before it closed down, a huge amount of the posts were in the CoD section, since those posts aren't there any more, it's no wonder it's less active. 


As a side note, how many PC guys hang about these days? We should organize some events with free to play games and possibly recruit in others whilst doing so.



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Great suggestions Steve, I'm glad I started this thread.

Dave, I know CSS, HTML and core JavaScript (as in, not jQuery, AJAX, etc.) However I've always liked programming and learning languages. If you want help, I'm willing to put the time in to learn and do what's necessary to make this place kick maximum ass. This is an open-ended offer, take me up on it now, never, or whenever you see fit.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I absolutely agree with you. Like them or not we are missing members like McNasty and Spectra. Hell even Auptyk. No one really starts threads.


Sure.  And as mw2forum showed us simply starting threads isn't enough.  If there are toxic individuals than other posters will migrate away.  I quit going to most gun forums because of the anti-cop and anti-muslim BS that gets bandied about.  I could start some incredibly racist thread and it'll get traffic. I can start some incredibly anti-gay thread, and it'll get traffic.  Is that who we want to be, though?  A place that spreads disinformation that only serves to drive wedges in society simply to drive traffic?  If so, fuck it, go for it.  Its a proven success model, from internet forums to cable news networks.  If you want to be something a bit better, than you have to accept that you'll pay for that.  You won't be as accessible.  You won't be as noteworthy.  You will be the equivalent of a serious biography vs a tabloid writeup.  Its up to the powers that be which way they want it to be.

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Sure.  And as mw2forum showed us simply starting threads isn't enough.  If there are toxic individuals than other posters will migrate away.  I quit going to most gun forums because of the anti-cop and anti-muslim BS that gets bandied about.  I could start some incredibly racist thread and it'll get traffic. I can start some incredibly anti-gay thread, and it'll get traffic.  Is that who we want to be, though?  A place that spreads disinformation that only serves to drive wedges in society simply to drive traffic?  If so, fuck it, go for it.  Its a proven success model, from internet forums to cable news networks.  If you want to be something a bit better, than you have to accept that you'll pay for that.  You won't be as accessible.  You won't be as noteworthy.  You will be the equivalent of a serious biography vs a tabloid writeup.  Its up to the powers that be which way they want it to be.

Serious bio is my opinion. I've always thought that this site, and it's contributors was a cut above the rest


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I believe you misinterpreted what I said. That's my fault,by saying LIKE I was meaning very active. I could careless about coming here to read about politics and so on. I generally stayed out of those conversations. I never have nor never will come here to talk politics. If I wanted drama I would just use Facebook.

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Guys, all these ideas are great and I can already see it bringing some of together again.


Dave, you've done a fantastic job with this site. All the money, time and effort you've put into this is just a feather in your cap. I, for one and not the only one, appreciate it. This is really the only forum I visit. It's where I have made all my gaming friends. Hopefully, with newer games coming out for the PS4 and the XBOX ONE and even the PC, let's hope that drives more people here. I know when Advanced Warfare comes out and I meet anyone on there that is remotely a cool person, I will most certainly refer them to this site.  


I also miss the like button but I really think this will add posts and more activity to the site.


By the way, I hate the shoutbox. Sorry!!! :unsure:

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I believe you misinterpreted what I said. That's my fault,by saying LIKE I was meaning very active. I could careless about coming here to read about politics and so on. I generally stayed out of those conversations. I never have nor never will come here to talk politics. If I wanted drama I would just use Facebook.


This is a good point


I have had a lot of time to think lately, and I am wondering if we muddied the waters with having that section down there. It has the potential to create a divisive atmosphere. 


Our name is "Forever Gaming" as thats what we do. Politics suck, and the news sucks in general. Maybe moving it to be a sub of General Discussion would be better, and not put such emphasis on it.


IDK, just tossing shit out there

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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RIP Shoutbox. 


I'll prune some forums tomorrow as well as Steve made a good point earlier about having too many. 


Then I need to get it running nice and smooth performance wise, and get cracking on the blog.


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I agree with a lot of things in this thread. I've been feeling bummed also missing laughing and killing fools. Bees' rage and Froggies singing :lol: I've been wondering how Ryan 'RLPK' is doing, I hope well. In my case building a PC and the release of next gen consoles destroyed gaming with you all. Also to put it simply: I fucking hate Ghosts Multilayer. Actually the other day I saw James 'J4MES OX4D' had pre-purchased CoD: AW and it pissed me off :D It reminded me of how exciting it was in the MW/BO days to get the game and the agony waiting to leave work only to rush home so I could join up with clansmen/and women and get to whompin'. It isn't the same and as far as reasons why you all touched on the big ones. :ph34r: I'd like to touch on the big ones :benny hill emoticon:


I'm weird I guess but I like the shoutbox. If its gone will we have 1 or 1000 happy birthday, good morning etc... threads? It's nice to pop on and see people participating in respecting one another :lol: Maybe thats whats scaring new users away? Kind of like Doc said. They want to troll PC master race, PS4>XBONE in an endless loop and we aren't.


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