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Overrated Games

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I thought I'd create a thread for any games you deem overrated past and present. I can think of a few off the top of my head that have achieved a ludicrous level of plaudits which I think were undeserved.


The one game that really sticks out for me is Grand Theft Auto IV. I absolutely love GTA and to this day; SA is still one of the greatest games ever produced but IV really pained me. I desperately tried to get into it and enjoy it like past games and despite the huge graphical jump at the time on the 360; the more I played; the more I disliked it. The story was reasonable and a bit different from past games but the characters were more irritating than humorous. The side games with your cousin where extremely weak and annoying especially when he plagues your phone with calls. The missions themselves were really forgettable apart from the Three Leaf Clover bank job which was a brief highlight that landed you £250k in which you had little to buy with. The character mechanics were very cumbersome particularly in combat and the driving physics were far too heavy and just zapped of all fun. Liberty City did look stunning at the time but it's just a shame the vibrant city was bland and empty. You could get into a few buildings like shops but most were just scenery fillers. There were no gang territories or any extra gameplay layers to hold long term appeal and bringing back the girlfriend aspect just killed parts of the game as they desperately tried to add features aside from the main story. It didn't feel like a true GTA title which was redeemed years later with GTA V but even back then; I expected more as most positives from the series were not taken forward. 


The Ballad of Gay Tony added some colour and humour to a dreary and bland backdrop and was very enjoyable for a separate DLC narrative but the core GTA IV game was exceptionally poor IMO. 


I wouldn't say it's one of the worst games I've played but certainly one of the most disappointing. Even as an early gen game; it was exceptionally bland and didn't exceed the expectations or depth that San Andreas delivered. 

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I've never understood when people go on and on about how amazing the first Black Ops was. I thought it was the most boring shooter I've ever played. The guns were bland, the maps were forgettable, and the pro perk challenges were retarded.

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I've never understood when people go on and on about how amazing the first Black Ops was. I thought it was the most boring shooter I've ever played. The guns were bland, the maps were forgettable, and the pro perk challenges were retarded.

No way! Best COD ever! I just wish it would go back like that...

Hmmm, Halo has to be there... I just never understood the hype there...

I gotta agree with assassins creed aswell, Iv not played any recent ones either but the first couple were just a bore...


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No way! Best COD ever! I just wish it would go back like that...

Hmmm, Halo has to be there... I just never understood the hype there...

I gotta agree with assassins creed aswell, Iv not played any recent ones either but the first couple were just a bore...

I liked the first three Halos because if the multiplayer. Once CoD came out I liked the fast paced gameplay more.

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Two other games I have to add are Gone Home and The Stanley Parable.


Gone Home is a narrative-driven indie game set in a house in which you explore to unravel a story. It received massive plaudits from the media and the devs; The Fullbright Company were given the utmost praise. This 'game' is a complete bag of cockshit. You can finish it in less than an hour, the story is weak and completely rushed, most exploration is pointless and it costs 15 fucking quid. £15 for less than 1 hour bland gameplay and the likes of IGN give it 9.5/10!? I've never felt so ripped off in my life. I've read so many media publications on the devs and the game in the past year and I think there is a certain level of corruption. So many random articles pop up on the same day from several sites all outlining the same seemingly scripted positives. Lots of rumours suggesting the devs also pay media sites for promotional space and it wouldn't surprise me if they are paying for the review scores too. There's something not quite right about the whole situation but this game is utter garbage of the highest order and even if it was F2P; it wouldn't be worth your HDD space.


The Stanley Parable is a mod from Half Life 2 source. It got huge praise from the media but it's barely a game. You play a guy called Stanley who works in an office and you can either follow the story how it's told by the narrator or simply go your own way to confuse him. It has its humor moments and there is a few endings but you can finish it each time in a few minutes and for £9.99, it's a disgraceful price. It should be free. The media and a bunch of Half Life fans think it's the greatest thing ever to hit mankind but it's exceptionally poor even for a mod. Having a price is just a kick in the teeth along with the generous and unfounded praise. 


Both these games can be watched in full on YouTube anyway! 

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Assassin's Creed I and II (The overarching story is good, but the gameplay and character stories I just find incredibly tedious.)

Shadow of the Colossus (tedious)

Batman Arkham Asylum (decent, but did not come close to living up to the hype for me)

Borderlands 2 (more of the same as Borderlands 1 but the shtick has lost its appeal.)

Every CoD since MW2

Every BF since Bad Company 2


Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 is the worst game ever, but I don't think it was ever rated highly, so doesn't quite fit the bill for this thread.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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Assassin's Creed I and II (The overarching story is good, but the gameplay and character stories I just find incredibly tedious.)

Shadow of the Colossus (tedious)

Batman Arkham Asylum (decent, but did not come close to living up to the hype for me)

Borderlands 2 (more of the same as Borderlands 1 but the shtick has lost its appeal.)

Every CoD since MW2

Every BF since Bad Company 2

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 is the worst game ever, but I don't think it was ever rated highly, so doesn't quite fit the bill for this thread.

Both Borderlands games I didn't get the hype over. They game me a headache. Think it was the color schemes or something

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I don't play many varied games but have to agree with GTA iv , I loved San Andreas but one of my all time faves was vice city first game I really stuck at and finished of that type, I even did the PSP version. I even went back to gta3? The mafia type one, but 4 I just gave up with hated it.

I have to say I was dissapointrf in 5 too maybe because it was on last gen but I finished the single player in a week hoping online would see me but it soon got boring.

Ghosts no need to say anything about that other than thank you for turning me to bf4!

After playing the beta I think destiny might end up on my list, hopefully I'm wrong.

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I definitely think Assassins Creed is up there too. I had ACII, Revelations and AC3 and they were all really weak in mechanics and gameplay terms. I am interested in Unity as it looks more vast and spectacular but the hype surrounding the whored series so far has been seconded only to Call of Duty.


There seems to be multiple AC games coming out at a time now. We've had about 4 last year already across multiple systems. It's a bit tiresome.

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So whilst waiting for Destiny I decided to go finish off Assassins Creed 2, which I started during the great PSN outage but dropped when BO became available again. So I got back into it


Thing is, I've nearly got 100% trophy completion on AC2, got 1 more to get, to unlock my first ever platinum trophy. I was looking forward to that, even going  to proudly rename my PRR - 'Baabcat - Master Assassin'. Now it turns out you all think its a crap game. I feel such a tit

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