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I fuckin' love this dude. 


He's like that teenage boy who got stuck at being 17 for the rest of his life and he's loving every moment of it. Every music video he's in you can tell he's loving it, and in the scenes with the chicks inevitably draped all over him, he looks like he's just lost his virginity.


Say what you want about the man, he does something he enjoys with people he clearly enjoys being around, and makes a shit ton of money for doing it. 


I salute you dude, for living the life many can only dream of :D


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I personally cannot stand the guy and he represents everything bad about the modern pop industry. He cannot sing, he cannot talk properly and his lyrics are cringeworthy. He fits in a treat then :lol:


People buy his shit, he has fun doing it so that's the main thing - I just wish I didn't see it or listen to it on a daily basis as I can't escape one day without hearing his name. 

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Yep, I hear everything you're saying, but when the only people you're pissing off are the pop industry and those people who get irritated by shit that doesn't affect them.... well, that's easily overlooked with a few mil in the bank ;)


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