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Site status and progression

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And another donation, this time from an owl. Thank you kind sir, muchos appreciados!



On to more pressing matters, things are much more dire than I had expected. I typed in our URL here and that site basically laughed at me and said "you're an internet noob LOL".


Over 300 errors in the code, TONS of faults, etc etc. TL;DR: I have my work cut out, but I'm in talks with a chap from Pakistan who will be able to help. He is going to price it up to rectify these issues and that's something I'm more than happy to pay for to preserve a bit of sanity, as most of the errors flagged by that site are mumbo jumbo to me. 


I'm hoping that this will make the site snappier as well, although I'm sure our new friend in Pakistan will be able to help out if I show him enough green. 


Also, we need to address the social networking thing, and loads of other bits and pieces. Suffice to say I've bitten off considerably more than what I had anticipated but it's a great project to sink my teeth it to and if it makes the site nicer and drives more traffic, it's a more pleasant experience for all of us. 


I'm also paying people $5 a pop to do things like generate backlinks, SEO optimisation, etc etc. I paid someone earlier to generate over 1000 backlinks and register us with over 1500 databases. 


Things are hopefully going to get busy over the next few days / weeks, but stick with me and let's watch this place grow :D


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I investigated those errors more.


Its all style options. They can all be ignored for the most part. You ran off to the gym before I could finish telling you that.


(NUTSHELL: We do not need to be 100% W3C compliant, we do not need to worry about HTML5 as we are not an HTML5 site. The few pages where we use <center> is not a big deal, as it has zero impact on the main area (The pages guilty of this are the membership, calendar, and donation pages).)


I am all for the SEO optimization as I know dick all about that and was guessing/ stealing from other sites.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Guest Inception.

Mods / admins, please note that when I eventually hit the switch, traffic will boost a bit so please keep that in mind. Be extra vigilant for spam in particular.


Yes Dad.

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Phil's just chucked another $20 in the pot, thanks dude. I'm just waiting for the first phase to get started (optimizing the code) then I'm going to enter phase two (optimizing the plugins and hooks) and then I'm going balls against the wall with SEO and backlinks.


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Right, progress is being made. 


The noticeable changes are that I've moved the forum to www.forevergaming.co.uk/forum (go to your usual URL, it redirects automatically). Please note that if you posted anything in the last hour, it's gone. Sorry about that, I tried to keep disruption to a minimum.


I've also installed a Wordpress installation at www.forevergaming.co.uk/blog





I will probably make the blog the homepage once it's all set up and running nicely, at least until I've got a good portal working. There will of course be links there to the forum, and I' still squirreling away in the background doing more things here. The ultimate goal is to write posts for the blog, with news, events, competitions, I'm also hoping to set up clan groups for various games which are popular at the time, and of course merchandise, but that's the last thing on my list. 


In the grand scheme of things, I want this place to be a one stop shop for anyone who is interested in gaming, so they will come here and get their info from us.



Of course I'm always open to suggestions and if anyone wants a job as a writer, clan co-ordinator, or whatever (will get to the exact roles later) but if you want to participate then drop me a line and let's do this!


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Nothing quite as frustrating as having stuff not work. I've been messing about with a Wordpress plugin for a few hours now and it's refusing to play ball. It's basically a plugin which merges the IP.Board accounts with Wordpress accounts so people have one login and username across both platforms. There's a paid option of $60 but I'm not paying that until I've exhausted every single option I've got.


This is driving me nuts, it's 3:33 am here. And people wonder why I don#t do this shit for a living!


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