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Planetside 2


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Imagine BF4, but not fucked, in the future, with better and more varied weapons, more and better classes, better graphics, vehicles, and permanent warfare. Not "matches", just 24/7 war. The more cap points your team holds, the faster you gain resources which can be spent on ground and air vehicles, and infantry stock like grenades, or a MAX suit.




There are 4 continents, and they're HUGE. Like ridiculously huge. Battle is all about control of these, and fights are easily over 200-300 people big. It gets messy, it gets hardcore, it gets completely off the chart batshit insane, and it's fucking awesome. There is a proper day/night cycle so you also fight at night, and this really makes my graphics card work it's arse off. It's beyond beautiful, it's epic. Light shows everywhere, lasers all over the place, it's just immense.





Epic shooter that's not fucked: check.

Awesome graphics: check.

A Dev that does actually give a shit: check.

Constant updates: check.

Well balanced: sort of check (the sort of bit is probably me being shit).

Amazing upgrade and unlock system: check.

Customization on a whole different level: check.

Vehicles, both air and land, also customizable: check.





Fuck me I'm loving this game atm. The graphics will have to step down a bit on PS4 as there's no way the console could do this, but if the gameplay stays the same, then Warframe will be forgotten overnight - mark my words.














If you have a PC and you're not playing this, then you need to sort your life out. Fo shizzle. I play on Miller EU as New Conglomerate. Join me.


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Planetside 2 is fucking epic! Used to play this all the time when it was first out and then I got suckered into to shitty premium games that cost ££££!


This will be a good game for the PS4 when it comes out. Much better massive multiplayer game than most of the shit on the market and it costs sweet FA. The scale and content is frigging amazing! 

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Well, since the tenants have fucked off I might actually be able to put some vids together again, so keep an eye out.



Also, James there was a HUGE update recently which added TONS of features. If you haven't played the game in a while, hop on and give it a go. It's even better now.



It's amazing what devs can achieve when they focus on quality and let the game bring the cash in, rather than let the hype bring the cash in and sell rubbish. I'm looking at you almost every single AAA FPS title on the market.


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Well, since the tenants have fucked off I might actually be able to put some vids together again, so keep an eye out.



Also, James there was a HUGE update recently which added TONS of features. If you haven't played the game in a while, hop on and give it a go. It's even better now.



It's amazing what devs can achieve when they focus on quality and let the game bring the cash in, rather than let the hype bring the cash in and sell rubbish. I'm looking at you almost every single AAA FPS title on the market.

Cheers for the info Dave! I'll have to have another gander at this soon and check out the new features. I saw Phil was playing it earlier so hope to have a game with you both sometime :)


Definitely make some videos too - maybe some about the basics and how the game works so people who are getting this on the PS4 can crack on with your wisdom B)

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I'll create a sub forum for this later and start up a guide a la Warframe.









I'll probably start up a platoon once we have a few players on board.



I will say this to all the new folks: 



You will die. You will die ALOT. It takes practice and upgrades to get better at the game, but once you're racking up huge kills and massive streaks, it makes it all worthwhile.


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I shall definitely be getting this when it's released on the ps4!


It kind of has a halo look to it, i'm teh greatorist at the halo, watch me jump!



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This is what the console guys have to look forward to.


In case anyone's thinking "why the fuck is he flying all awkward?" - it's because the bottom of that ship is basically a massive plate and he's using, very cleverly, as a shield.




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Sony vs EA? I'd love to see that. EA might be cheeky, but I don#t think they're stupid. Sony knows exactly what's going on and how much people hate EA. If Sony were to countersue and win, they'd be heroes in many a gamer's eyes.


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Played through the tutorial.  Entered a game.  Got spawned killed, twice.  Ran around like a chicken with my head cut off.  Seems cool.  Need to learn a lot more.  Crazy.  I think I will enjoy blowing up vehicles. 




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Didn't i play this a while back at yours Diddums? If so, then yeah it's a hella cool game.

Really excited to see it land for PS4 as i'm too cheap to buy a decent gaming rig (also don't have the room but that's another story!)

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I just played some more.  Got to Rank 3.  I was kicking ass compared to yesterday, lol.  I like the Light Assault so far, just running and gunning.  Felt like a boss when I killed 3 guys in a row, haha.  This shit is crazy! 


Edit:  I've been getting an error when I load up and log in. 


Unable to download SocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable'>http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable'>http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable'>http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable'>http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soeSocketError:Unreachable - No data (11004) - http://manifest.patch.station.sony.com/patch/sha/manifest/planetside2/planetside2-live/live/planetside2-live.sha.soe


Not sure why, or what to do.  I've closed the client, closed Steam, and restarted, but nothing.  Some sites say to uninstall and reinstall, but that sucks. 




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No idea what's caused that Tommy. Did you launch it through Steam? You HAVE to launch it through Steam, it doesn't like not being friends with Steam.



Did you know the light assault has a jetpack? Just hold down space. I personally prefer the heavy assault, it uses its energy to charge a shield which will allow you to obliterate any infantry that isn't another heavy assault if you're on the ball.


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No idea what's caused that Tommy. Did you launch it through Steam? You HAVE to launch it through Steam, it doesn't like not being friends with Steam.



Did you know the light assault has a jetpack? Just hold down space. I personally prefer the heavy assault, it uses its energy to charge a shield which will allow you to obliterate any infantry that isn't another heavy assault if you're on the ball.


Yeah, I was launching it through steam.  I don't know what causes that problem either, but I read the ipconfig dnsflush thing on a forum, tried it, and it worked.  *shoulder shrug*




No, I didn't know that it had a jet pack.  That's awesome.  There have been times I could have used it, lol.  Thanks. 


I've tried the Heavy Assault as well, it's probably my second most used class.  I like it as well.  I'll give it a try a little more tonight. 




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