techno 3,521 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 Fuck progressives kids in the workhouse! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JsinOwl 644 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 It builds upon itself, today's shitty kids are tomorrow's shitty parents raising even shittier kids. As the standard of living rises, the standard of character goes down. Work less for more attitude breeds laziness and apathy. Jason and Plumbers Crack 2 If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jason 1,245 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 I don't know about you all, but I remember being scared shitless of my dad. Don't fuck up. If you do you pay the price. Guess what... I didn't fuck up. That's how it needs to be. Now I hear 4 year olds talking to there parents in ways I would have never dreamed. Parents, your kids are not your siblings, stop raising them as such. TigerBurge 1 BEARDED, FOR HER PLEASURE Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chookes 965 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 This has nothing to do with kids. Zero. They are nothing more than a by-product. Their behavior (with exception of the looneys) is simply a reflection of how they were raised. Agree with the majority of what you said, not 100% on the above though. I think it's sometimes far too easy to blame parents for their children's mistakes. If it was as simple as you said then good parents raise good kids all the time, bad parents raise bad kids all the time. It might ring true to a majority of parents but there will be plenty of kids these days who are affected positvely and negatively from other kids, teachers, internet, television and their behaviour isn't a true reflection on their parents in all cases. Don't get me wrong though, absoloutely they are the biggest factors in their children's behaviours. I was lucky. I was brought up in a good home, where my parents taught us to respect elders and to treat others how you like to be treated. We were taught right for wrong and how important it is to work hard. Is it now to easy to get what you want and are you given far too much these days? Are kids far too spoilt these days? I know a parent whose little girl demanded an iPhone, she's 8. She was given it, that's the problem. TigerBurge 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 This has nothing to do with kids. Zero. They are nothing more than a by-product. Their behavior (with exception of the looneys) is simply a reflection of how they were raised. There are just a fuck load more shitty parents today than there was 20/40/60 years ago. People let TV raise and discipline their kids. People stopped going to church. The moral fabric of society has diminished because we've conditioned the stupid and poor to feel entitled to shit. So it's a society of gimme gimme gimme and the vicious cycles get worse and worse over time. What are we at now like a 50 percent divorce ratio? Wtf is that? We've forgotten what a family is. Dudes making money. Bitches cleaning and raising the kids. And church on Sunday. If you complain you get the shit beat out of you with a belt. Fucking progressives. Mcnasty out. I'm going to agree with a lot of what you said but not entirely. A lot of it is also approach. My brother and I have a completely different approach for instance. He still disciplines his kids with a time out. One of his girls is totally offended by being timed out and it works. The other has a good laugh (in his face) and is rather problematic. If it were me, she have a rather sore behind shortly after the good laugh. They are 9 and 7 (she's the trouble maker). I've seen a lot of people not wanted to be "too harsh" when punishing kids. I agree in principle, but people also have to show kids they aren't going to be pushovers. I still call my dad, dad. I still call my father in-law sir and it's just a based on being raised a certain way. I was much bigger that my dad by the age of 13 and I would have never considered giving the man lip or any teacher for that matter. I do think that absentee parents are a problem. Sometimes that an economic necessity but it still comes down to parents not having raised their kids properly. Plumbers Crack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jordie1892 685 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 My dad's never had to physically discipline me because the few times I have messed up he'd give me a look of disappointment. I'd genuinely rather get a clip round the ear than get given that look. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? Dattebayo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just Cal 461 Posted September 6, 2013 Share Posted September 6, 2013 I question my own parenting skills with that comment hahahaha Dattebayo 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifter 851 Posted September 9, 2013 Author Share Posted September 9, 2013 Been busy the past week but I'm back with my next bitchfest This one is not even directed to the youth today, it's just simply ALL the A'holes out there on the road today. When the hell did people forget how the hell to drive???! I swear I use to see someone do something dumb on the road maybe every few days or so. Yet now a days I can't go 4 blocks from home without seeing people driving like idiots left and right. We actually had a guy turn left on a red light right in front of us on the way home the other day, no reason eaither, asshole just decided he did not want to wait and he ran the red light after sitting at it for at least 20 seconds. People just have ZERO patience anymore and think that its all a ME ME ME thing when they are on the road. Learn to drive people, getting home 3 minutes earlier will not make a single bit of difference in your life. I swear people and they way they drive today piss me off so bad I can't hardly avoid road rage anymore. I could not even handle for one second being a cop, Docwagon with your job I have no idea how you resist the urge to bitchslap someone you pull over and tell them "That's for being an asshole, now here's your ticket". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deterioration 443 Posted September 9, 2013 Share Posted September 9, 2013 ^ WORD! On the way back from lunch I saw a dude totally blow through a red light like it wasn't there. Then had an old break happy fuck face fart slam on his breaks, accelerate, slam on his breaks, accelerate and then slam on his breaks. All to stop at a red light. His window was down so I got close and asked him who taught him to drive and called him a fucking retard. He pretended not to notice. My favorite now is people who will blow past me on a two lane road to either get a light, be bunched up with slower traffic or to make a turn shortly after they speed past!? 2 times on Saturday it happened to me. People love to try and race when I'm in my WRX. I don't, I know I'm faster, so I always have idiots speeding past in their slower cars. My favorite thing to yell out of the sun roof when I catch up to them at a light is "IT'S A RACE TO THE RED LIGHT!!!" in a British accent. I'm going to miss summer and people with their windows down O also people who turn into the lane they aren't in, or just go down the middle of two lanes before deciding where they are going. I'm asking for a GoPro camera for Christmas I'll get some supporting videos Commander_Undies 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uberwarrior 373 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 So this is the grumpy old men section?? Seriously, got to say that I completely agree with most of what has already been said. I was a bit wayward in my youth (yes I can still remember it before anyone says anything), but one thing I was told by my parents was. "You get yourself into trouble, you deal with it"!! This ultimately led to me being able to draw the line before I crossed it. Being a father of 4 (one of each ) has meant dealing with a variety of child personalities. They have all had their moments when my patience has been tried to the limit, and I have sometimes been accused of being quick to come down on them. However, is that not better than not coming down on them at all? Ultimately, my 2 daughters have grown into responsible, caring, respectful, hard working adults which I am massively proud of. Was it all down to me? Of course not, but I would like to think that some of the values I have in life, have and will be taken on board and passed on to their kids when they have a family. My boys are younger and in many ways my parenting style is more relaxed with them, possibly because of experience and the fact that they don't live with me. But, the one thing I will not do, is spoil them with material items. Time and love by the bucket load, but I do not want them turning into spoilt brats as a result of a marriage breakdown, by getting everything they want. They will taught the values of hard work and respect for others the same as their sisters. Hopefully that formula will rub off on them also. As for the driving thing Steve. Well, I'm in China right now and over here they cannot drive for shit. No road etiquette whatsoever, no adherence to the rules of the road. How the hell there are not more traffic accidents is beyond me, but the one thing I have yet to witness is road rage. They're all as bad as each other so nobody actually gets wound up about being cut up, lane hopping, driving down the road the wrong way etc......! I'm usually pretty relieved to have made it my destination every time I get in car here, and I'm not driving. The amount of times my colleague and I have just sat in the car when we're here, simply saying, if that driver did that back home he'd be dead by now, because someone would've got out of their car and beaten living shit out of him, is untrue. Plumbers Crack 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifter 851 Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 So this is the grumpy old men section?? You're in the right place brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just Cal 461 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 So this is the grumpy old men section?? Seriously, got to say that I completely agree with most of what has already been said. I was a bit wayward in my youth (yes I can still remember it before anyone says anything) ...................You're old. Chookes 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifter 851 Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 ...................You're old. Damn punk kid Cal, don't make me call the cops. I wont tell you to Get off my lawn, let me do it another way... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 ...................You're old. You're high Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifter 851 Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 You're high You know how them damn kids are, always drunk or on drugs. Punks. Probably high on the pot too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just Cal 461 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 I'm 100% sober hahaha Mark knows I'm just joshing xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uberwarrior 373 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 I'm 100% sober hahaha Mark knows I'm just joshing xD Or do I??? No worries really Cal, it's been too long my friend!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Just Cal 461 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 Or do I??? No worries really Cal, it's been too long my friend!! Too long man, next to Rich, Your voice is the most relaxing thing I've ever heard hahahaha Nearly always almost stopped me raging..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 It would have been funnier if you said "high on the ganja" - using an old term, since you so old. Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Drifter 851 Posted September 10, 2013 Author Share Posted September 10, 2013 It would have been funnier if you said "high on the ganja" - using an old term, since you so old. Whaaat? that directed toward me?...thats it, you ..."remain from the vicinity of my property"... too. damn purple wall punks. BO7H B4RRELS, Plumbers Crack, spectre and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
spectre 633 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 lol Keep calm and question nothing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cyberninja2601 1,106 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 With regards to driving. I just think that a lot of people get the nice capable powerful cars and then get frustrated by traffic and congestion and go stupid. I know that I was much more of an asshole on the road when I drove my M3 than I am now (I drive a Nissan Murano now). I also got older I suppose. Also, as long as people all drive the same and anticipate each other it tends to work out. @mark take a cab in New York city and see how many rules are broken. It's almost as much fun as going to the amusement park. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BO7H B4RRELS 2,456 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 I've worked with juveniles for the past 7 years in group homes, detention centers, intake facilities, and as a therapist. There's without a doubt a difference in the level of respect this younger generation generally shows toward their elders (and their peers) than previous generations. The pendulum has swung too far in the wrong direction. Kids used to get it pretty hard. Maybe, some could argue, too hard if you go back in history far enough. Now we are all about protecting our children, which is great, but that can even be taken too far. It's hard for parents to raise their children how they were raised because it's not the same world, not even close. This generation has been tossed into a global society (largely because of the internet) which has to have some major implications, but I don't know what just yet. Everything they've been raised around is instant gratification. Instant messages, programmable tv, microwave dinners, porn, etc., they're constantly in a stop-watch world where things are moving so fast. I'm sure they're more stressed in some ways because of the knowledge they have of the world that many of us probably never did. I grew up playing army/guns in the back yard. Playing kickball. Riding dirt bikes. Doing kid shit. These kids grow up watching people get beheaded online. We can't comprehend what it's like to be them, and they can't understand where we came from either. We're growing rapidly right now. We are living in a special technological era. Times are changing fast and I don't think kids are ready for it. They're back-lashing because they're scared and confused. .02 TigerBurge, spectre, Corey the Kiwi and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander_Undies 618 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 ^ WORD! On the way back from lunch I saw a dude totally blow through a red light like it wasn't there. Then had an old break happy fuck face fart slam on his breaks, accelerate, slam on his breaks, accelerate and then slam on his breaks. All to stop at a red light. His window was down so I got close and asked him who taught him to drive and called him a fucking retard. He pretended not to notice. My favorite now is people who will blow past me on a two lane road to either get a light, be bunched up with slower traffic or to make a turn shortly after they speed past!? 2 times on Saturday it happened to me. People love to try and race when I'm in my WRX. I don't, I know I'm faster, so I always have idiots speeding past in their slower cars. My favorite thing to yell out of the sun roof when I catch up to them at a light is "IT'S A RACE TO THE RED LIGHT!!!" in a British accent. I'm going to miss summer and people with their windows down O also people who turn into the lane they aren't in, or just go down the middle of two lanes before deciding where they are going. I'm asking for a GoPro camera for Christmas I'll get some supporting videos I love hearing you rage about drivers, get a gopro, i'll laugh my ass off. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deterioration 443 Posted September 10, 2013 Share Posted September 10, 2013 I love hearing you rage about drivers, get a gopro, i'll laugh my ass off. I could do a documentary. Same light today (It’s a 1 lane that has a left lane break off for people to turn at the intersection) coming back from lunch where the dude slammed his breaks 3 times yesterday I was behind an another slow ass mother fucker. It’s a 45 MPH road. Now I’m behind this turd and he’s going 35-42-28-40 so I give him room. Of course there is a car up my ass. The same car that almost side swiped me merging into my lane coming off the ramp at like 50 onto a 35 MPH road. But either way… We come up on the light, there are 2 cars in the turning lane and grandpa is going straight. The second he comes upon the rear of the second car he slams on his breaks. From 40 to 15 and creeps through the intersection. Good fucking thing I left 2 car lengths or the dude behind be would have slammed into my car and pushed me into him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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