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Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread


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Lol you don't have to say you're sorry to me. You guys are missing out. Twitter out of any social network has the most fastest and quickest news. It's all about who you follow. CNN, Video Games, Developers, Favorite bands, all the updates in one place. I read tweets before bed. Makes me happy when some says 'oh my god did you know blahblahblah' yeah... I knew that a week ago. Haha


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Lol you don't have to say you're sorry to me. You guys are missing out. Twitter out of any social network has the most fastest and quickest news. It's all about who you follow. CNN, Video Games, Developers, Favorite bands, all the updates in one place. I read tweets before bed. Makes me happy when some says 'oh my god did you know blahblahblah' yeah... I knew that a week ago. Haha


Yea, but do you really need the news that fast?

Or has it become another addiction like so many other things.


I guess I am like Doc in that, if I need to know something, then email or call me.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I wasn't talking about friends, I'm just talking about news. Why do people read news on the Internet or paper? To see what's going on. I just happen to read mine on Twitter, where it's instant. I don't have my nose in it all day, only when I lay down for bed.


Nah man, I knew you were talking about news and not friends.


So yea, my question still stands. Does knowing whats happening in Syria, 10 minutes ago, impact your daily life at all? (Just an example)


IDK, there was a time, when I was writing full time, that knowing that stuff did have an impact on what I was doing and how I made money. Then I stopped writing, and I started really looking at my addiction to news, and I started to question myself and my motives.


I'm not saying you should, or that there is anything wrong with what you are doing, just chatting here.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Noo, that doesn't matter to me.


What matters to me is the things i'm interested in. For example, we're on this gaming forum and if I read about Call of Duty or Destiny, all those tweets do matter to me, so I read them - not just for me, but for you guys too. It's all about who you follow, as I'm sure you know. I will read World News and go "Hm, that sucks" and not click the link, but if I read my local news it has a much greater impact on me and I'll most likely read it. I try to follow who I think will interest me with news and if they get boring then I simply unfollow. Ultimately, I read for you guys and to pass my time. It's not my life or anything like that.


As for my personal Twitter, it was me following funny jokes - reading them at night to get a laugh, along with the news, and a few gaming sites. I tried the whole tweeting thing for just me, but I can't get into it. I don't see the point. I don't know how some people have 15,000 tweets. I think those people need to be evaluated. lol


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Noo, that doesn't matter to me.


What matters to me is the things i'm interested in. For example, we're on this gaming forum and if I read about Call of Duty or Destiny, all those tweets do matter to me, so I read them - not just for me, but for you guys too. It's all about who you follow, as I'm sure you know. I will read World News and go "Hm, that sucks" and not click the link, but if I read my local news it has a much greater impact on me and I'll most likely read it. I try to follow who I think will interest me with news and if they get boring then I simply unfollow. Ultimately, I read for you guys and to pass my time. It's not my life or anything like that.


As for my personal Twitter, it was me following funny jokes - reading them at night to get a laugh, along with the news, and a few gaming sites. I tried the whole tweeting thing for just me, but I can't get into it. I don't see the point. I don't know how some people have 15,000 tweets. I think those people need to be evaluated. lol

I understand what you're saying now. Cool

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I actually started a couple months ago doing what you suggested Mike, not getting feeds from certain people in my status feeds line. The problem with that though is if I stopped getting updates from all the people that post stupid shit then I'd just have a blank page lol. Seriously, people no matter how good a person will at some point and time post some stupid thing just for attention, and when you have 50-100 "friends" then even if that person only posts some attention seeking crap once or twice per week then spread out over 50-100 people then your still just bombarded by it all day with it.


If people would just use it as a means to stay in touch or to share things worth sharing then it would be good. What gets me though is the constant BS that is always posted such as someone posting a picture of a beer and saying "mmmmmm beeeeer" or a picture of a cup of coffee in the morning and saying "I need coffee"....WTF? do these people think others need to know that you need coffe or that you are eating a meal, uhg. It just got to the point where I felt like I was doing nothing but wasting my time sorting through all the garbage on there so I decided to kick it out of my daily online checks.


You are right though that age does have a bit to do with it. Those of us that are middle age like certain things. To me and probably others my age there's something to be said for sitting down on the front porch with a coffee and reading the newspaper, or sitting down at the end of the day to watch the 11 O'clock news to see what is going on with the world. Younger peope are use to the instant gratification of twitter feeds and social media to get their news and other info. Not that  one way is better than the other, just a difference in the way we each go about it I guess.


So anyway I have dropkicked FB to the curb for now, maybe even for good I think. Also cutting way back on visiting internet forums. I still am coming here and to my fishing forums I run, but even these I won't be on daily anymore. Just deciding to spend some time enjoying real life more rather than online life ^_^


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What exactly is attention seeking, in your opinion? A status like "I don't feel good?", "RIP Grandpop?", "I'm so hungry?" Or more like this "That bitch better watch out, she has another thing coming", "I don't tired of fake people" yadayada I'm just trying to understand better. The later part is the part that I block from my newsfeed.


I'm friends with some clan mates on Facebook and when someone posts a picture of the HUGE smoked roasted dinner that they're making. I think that's worth sharing! I love food. haha


Are you just 'friends' with a bunch of people you don't even talk to anymore?


Some of my best friends, I enjoy reading anything they posts simply because we both lead two different lives and we're busy. If they seem sad in a status, it makes me try and reach out to them. If they're happy, I want to acknowledge that. They are my friends after all right?


If I have a Facebook full of friends, just like this forum,  I feel like I should be able to post when I'm sad/happy in a status. That way my friends, who are free at the time, can help me out or be happy with me. I don't see how Facebook is any different then this forum. If someone is sad/happy they shout about it in the shoutbox. They post about it in a status, they put it in the PPR. Same thing with Facebook, if I'm sad/happy I'm gonna say it some way on Facebook so my friends can help me through something, or like I said before, be happy with me. I don't believe that's 'attention seeking'. I don't know. That's just the way I see it. Here's an example, my mom's surgery is on Oct. 29th, I was so excited I posted it everywhere. Attention seeking? To people that hate me probably. But to my friends they should be just as happy as I am!


I have all my friends sorted through lists too, family, close friends, gaming friends, clan, and acquaintances. If I want only my family to see something, that's who it's posted to. So basically if you're an acquaintance of mine you're never gonna see my status'. I just think people don't use social networks as effectively as they can. My friends shouldn't think that i'm attention seeking with my posts or they really aren't my friends to begin with.


As far as those stupid pictures you're talking about with 'mmmmmmm beer' or 'have a nice day', I think those are pointless, but if it's my brother (just an example) or someone else like that, THAT'S MY BROTHER! I'm gonna not think he's being attention seeking by just saying that. Sure, there are more productive things that people can be doing, but that's how some people are this day in age.


It sounds like these are people on your Facebook, you could just care less about, and that's why it's ticking you off so much. So overall, I'm glad you got away from all the garbage. But in my opinion, if your Facebook is filled with people who you actively talk to, it's a nice support group and a great place to talk about the sporting event at the end of the night with multiple people. Something that you just can't do with a telephone.


I'm sorry if this was disorganized or anything like that, i'm in a living room with 4 people talking loudly as i'm trying to think.


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The majority of people I was friends with on FB were kind'a of friends but yet not close friends. Such as people I actually see maybe once a year to fish with, or people I talk to on the phone but have not actually meet in person. Prime examples of the attention seeking I was talking about are the pics of food/drinks, to me that's just goofy as hell to post that because everyone eats and drinks so it's not like it is something special. Now if it was a close friend and they were throwing a party and posted a pic of a huge spread of food on a table then I can see that, but to post a pic of a sandwich your about to eat? wtf :blink: lol.


Another one was a friend of mine that I have fished with and spent time with on numerous occasions. We've fished together probably 6-8 times over the years and he lives in Canada so we were friends on FB to stay in touch. But once or so per week he'll post some stupid stuff like the other day he posted a picture of his feet with his running shoes on and said "Getting ready for a run".....Ummmm okay, and??? He feels that is important enough that I want to sit and read that he's getting ready to go for a jog? There's just so much stuff like that on FB now a days where people seem to think friends need to know every little thing that goes on in their lives and it's just such a waste of time.


It's the same thing with the happy/sad things that you mentioned IMO. Don't take that the wrong way, but to me if someone has some big issues then sure I'd like to know about it and maybe try to help cheer them up, but if someone is just posting that they are having a happy day or a sad day....that just seems goofy to me because we all have happy/sad days so just seems odd that people think that's something they have to share is all.


I dunno to each their own I guess. We're all different and some people enjoy knowing every little thing about other people I guess. Me, I'm not uncaring, I do want to know how my friends are, but I just don't feel like I need to know every little thing a friend is doing at any givin time is all.


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Sandwiches are boring. But when it's triple stacked, I wanna see that shiz! hahaha


As for your friend running, I see how you see that's pointless. And I would see it the same way, but I guess it's important to him. And even if he gets no comments/likes on that photo, perhaps it's a post just for him. Maybe when he goes back and looks at his Facebook he can remember it. Maybe not the best example, but perhaps.


Well, I personally wouldn't come out and say i'm having a sad/happy day. It would be a why/what/when/where kinda status. I remember one time I was waiting in line at Walmart in the 15 items or less line and this woman had like 113 items. I was so pissed off that I pulled my phone out and complained about it on Facebook. I wouldn't just say "i'm pissed". hahaha you know?


But I totally respect your opinion. And like you said to each his own.


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