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Drifters "Get off my lawn" thread


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I agree.


I was in line at the grocery store the other day, and I heard a girl talking about miley cyrus and how she couldn't wait for her new album. I turned around and she was only 12 years old.


People in show business should have a moral responsibility to portray themselves professionally and not promote sexuality like she has.. ARGHH! 

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I think I got a taste of both worlds growing up, good and bad parenting.


Age 1-13 I was raised by dad and mom in a small town, played with toy army men with my younger brother, was taught good morals, manners ect, I was a danm good kid! (A big part of it was getting slapped with a big ass belt if I was a little shit - I support parents being able to "hurt" their kids to discipline them)


Then they got divorced, had to go live with my mom, she worked 7 days a week.. TV/video games/internet and friends from school were my "parenting" from then on. Thank god I was taught good values early, if I had not been taught in my early childhood I'm sure I would be one of those pricks with no respect, spoiled rotten and worse :P


Sure I went through stages....got into bad stuff, BUT thankfully I became aware (thanks to good parenting) and straitened my shit out. My friends who had crap parents, continued down a bad path and I'm fairly sure their future is going to suck.


Basically, I think all the shitty shit kids out there are the result of bad parenting. Of course sometimes the parent cannot help it, but still that is the reason IMO.

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Anothet thing that grinds my ass. In the 70's when I was a kid we had the scary ass movie..."carrie" ...then about 10 yrs ago they redid it and called it "Carrie 2 the rage"...okay, I watched it, it was okay. Now today I see a trailer for "Carrie".....really? they are doing it again in only 10 yrs. Oh I'm sorry, that one was "carrie 2"...what the F ever. What can't holly wood come up with NEW ideas? why do they have to redo shit every 10 years?


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The reason for all the remakes is because nearly everything has been tried already. Imagine the 60's and 70's music revolution. There was tons of low hanging fruit. Hey I'm the first guy to put delay on to make it psychedelic, etc. etc.  Now, there are so many genres of music that all the low hanging fruit is gone. Someone who is extremely talented has to come along in order to further advance things.


Movies are like that too.  It's tough to innovate in a sea where everything under the sun has already been tried.

Keep calm and question nothing.

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I also think that a lot of the remakes are because movie studios know that people are somewhat nostalgic and will go see a remake in order to compare to the original. They also benefit from a "new" audience.


Just look at the "superhero" movies. They they really have to reboot batman, superman and spiderman? 


I'm pretty sure that studios also want the low risk approach given some of these movies are so costly to make. They figure if it work once it will work again.  Same applies to video games most of us play. Look at the most popular ones. Cod, BF, GTA, Skyrim ...  

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Been a bit since I updated this, but here is my latest.


I'm sick of people that just "need": attention. And social media just feeds these attention whores IMO. So here is a copy&paste from what I just posted on my facebook account 2 mins ago., because I'm tired of social media, people that feel the need to tell me WTF they just ate or drank, or that "they need coffee" in the morning, and all that bullshit. I could care less that you are eating a pancake, or drinking a coffee, or the picture of your damn dinner you are about to eat. Just tired of all the attention seekers and plastic people is all so I just signed off of facebook for good.


Just me and my opinion........





Getting a bit tired of facebook as well as so many people that just crave so much attention by posting every move here. So I think I am gonna take a hiatus from facebook for a while, maybe even for good. Just tired of all the attention seeking BS is all. There's a whole life out there beyond social media crap

I'll keep up on my business side of FB(Midwest Custom Fly Rods) but on this personal side ...I think I'm tired of this. To all friends and family, you have my email. To those that don't, I wish you well and take care. I may update here and there, but probably not too often. Take care all.


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Facebook has truly made me think worse of people.

It's like the hot chick you finally scored a date with, she's fun, and hot, not so bright, but hot, the sex is awesome, and hot, she's dumb as a stump, but her ta-tas bounce when she walks—hot. So  you move in together, thinking it's going to be even more hot, and...... derp two months later you can't stand the cunt, but can't get rid of her.


Facebook is like moving in with someone you thought liked, but didn't really know and now you can't un-know the irritating things you've learned about them. Ignorance is preferable.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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I honestly blame Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace, etc.. for the dumbing down of this country.

Not to mention Reality TV

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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My wife ended real friendships with people because of facebook. She couldn't believe how stupid some of these people were so I can understand. Seems like a lot of people want to be mini celebrities no matter what the cost to their dignity. 


Also if something frustrates the hell out of you, why do it. 

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I only ever see you older guys complain about Facebook. For me it's HOW you use Facebook. If you're some chick that's posting status updates about her whole day then yeah, gtfo. But if you're using it for groups, news, and talking, not stalking, I don't see the harm in that. That's what it's for. Attention seeking family/friends that you can't delete on Facebook is easy to control, simply make it so they don't show up in your news feed. Simple. I don't put up with people like that. I know a lot of my older family members use Facebook and have some of the same issues you have, but they don't know that they can fix it!

Facebook is what you make it.


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My wife created a facebook account a few weeks ago to stay connected with the locak Homeschool org's.

So in that regard it helps plan field trips and play dates for my kid.


IDK, I still prefer email

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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Facebook is what you make it.


Its not the attention whoring so much as the stupid that turns me off to people on Facebook.  Casual racism, extreme political views, mindless passing on of chain "like this or Jesus will kill your puppy" or urban legend BS posts, etc.


I've had people who are fine with me and my wife in person talk about how evil Muslims are, etc.  They would never say that shit in my real life presence, not sure why its ok online.  It tells you what people really think, though, when they don't have the social stigma of being an asshole in person to hold them back.

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What started as a joke is surprisngly accurate for most all of twitter and FAcebook. Its a shame that folks dont' realize that they are no longer Anonymous, and that that shit is archived and searchable



Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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While we're on the topic, by fucking union wants me to get a Twitter account.  Can't you just e-mail me with updates about contract issues and the like?



You can always go and look at their twitter without having to subscribe can't you? 

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I get both sides. I enjoy using facebook as a way to remind me of birthdays and see the local PDs' posts on arrests and sex offender locations. Also there is a city softball page I frequent during the season and other news I find interesting... All the positives aside I am friended with a bunch of fucking morons who play their life out on the thing. I enjoy it because it lets a me know how that person behaves. I wouldn't otherwise know how crazy they are if the book hadn't been there.


Maybe I skipped over the "What to share on facebook:" prompt. It must include suggestions to all the things I've seen like.

Baby momma drama, death threats, suicide notices, going to the gym, share daily life history (O you went to the doctor yesterday for your hurt back now you're at boot camp doing burpees should I expect a "my back hurts" post later tonight?), Pick fights with posters on other peoples pages, etc...


I'm with Cap. I make it enjoyable, it is pathetic at times though.


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I have a Facebook page, tbh I think for the most part it sucks, as people have stated I really don't need to know about every minute of your day and generally I use the updates to post random shit or piss takes that just pop into my melon.

The only real use is its easy to just organise things with multiple people and if it wasn't for Facebook I wouldn't have got reunited with a couple of old school friends even tho we have lived in a five mile radius of each other for 20 years.

The other main reason for Facebook is I use it to store photos quickly from my phone, there's nowt important just random shots from my travels.

So generally speaking I'm on the fence, I wouldn't lose any sleep over it if it suddenly disappeared, but I know some addicts would be devastated.

Now twitter I don't mind for a whole different reason :)

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I have a FaceAche account with just my three sons as contacts so I can keep in touch with them when they go travelling etc. I must admit it has been very useful while my youngest has been deployed in Afghan but I'm with Techno - if it disappeared, meah!


Same goes for Twatter (sorry Mike!) opened an account for a laugh a couple of years ago and finally remembered to close it this week!


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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