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The Forest


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I'm not sure if everyone's caught wind of this game yet, but my brother's been talking about it nonstop. It's a survival-horror game still in it's alpha (public alpha was just released a few days ago). Here's from their website:

The Forest is an open world survival horror game currently in development for PC. Build, explore, survive in this terrifying first person survival horror simulator.

The world
Enter a living, breathing forest with changing weather patterns, plants that grow and die. Tides that roll in and out with the day/night cycle. Below ground explore a vast network of caves and underground lakes.

Complete player freedom
Chop down trees to build a camp, or start a fire to keep warm. Scavenge food to keep yourself from starving. Find and plant seeds to grow food. Build a small shelter or a large ocean side fortress. decorate your home with found items. Lay traps and defenses to keep a safe perimeter.

Explore and build during the day. Defend your base at night. Craft weapons and tools.Bunker down during the evening or bring the fight directly to the enemy.

Fight or Hide
Use stealth to evade enemies, or engage them directly with crude weapons built from sticks and stones.

A new type of open world, survival horror experience

Defend yourself against a clan of genetic mutant enemies that have beliefs, families and morals and that appear almost human.


It's on steam right now for $14.99. My brother certainly likes the game, and apparently multiplayer and saved games are their top priority.

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Philbottle from here has it according to my Steam. The mechanics look pretty good as does the concept despite not being very original these days. I may pick this up when the public beta is in full flow as apparently you can't save your game on the current build. Once you quit; you have to start again.


There is another one called The Stomping Land which is a survival game with Dinosaurs that I'm interested in but is a little more expensive. 


I'm pretty cautious with early access titles but I definitely may take a punt on The Forest in a fortnight. 

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I remember hearing about this quite a while ago, but then nothing new.  Glad to see it's still moving along.  It sounds like it would be a pretty fun game.  I'm in the same boat as James, once it's a little further along in development, I'd like to check it out.  




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I've taken a punt on this game as it's on steam for a tenner. It's still buggy and doesn't save your game yet so I'm in no hurry.


Not had a chance to play (addicted to Wolfenstein: The new order) 'cos I'm busy obliterating Nazis from the face of the earth.


No pasaran ;)


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New patch released today, quality, might have a go over the weekend. Only problem is that now 'bird on hand does not appear as often'. WTF?  :lol: 

Hey Everyone, Here’s our first small update to ‘The Forest’. While we were working on the saving issues we also had a chance to fix a few other things. Here is the changelog for the “hotfix”: 

  • Saving at small shelter now works 
  • Fixed issue where camera would spin during plane crash if a controller was plugged in 
  • Fixed enemies sometimes disappearing after a few days 
  • Improved tree collision 
  • Fixed log cabin floating 
  • Fixed some leaves not connected to trunk 
  • Improved stuttering/performance 
  • Removed lights from blue cave creatures 
  • Fixed trees vanishing when exiting caves 
  • Fixed bug where cave sounds could be heard above ground 
  • Spelling mistake on shelter ‘warmth’ in book 
  • Improved collision in some cave areas 
  • Fixed missing cliff detail texture 
  • Ocean shouldn’t loose render texture on start 
  • Water visuals improved 
  • Fixed enemy head duplicating when picked up 
  • Fixed glitch where you could make infinite flare guns 
  • Fixed enemy head icon not centered, and showing an arm instead of a head 
  • Heads/arms and legs now go to inventory instead of being directly equipped 
  • Bird on hand does not appear as often


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I've bought this today and hopefully I'll be able to have a crack on it tomorrow after work in between the E3 COD demonstration and Coronation Street. 


I'm really looking forward to playing this. it may be bug-ridden but that's expected and lacking content but the concept is very interesting and there is still quite a bit on offer nevertheless. Can't believe 4 people made this on a budget of peanuts and it still looks better than some major games today. Call of Duty Ghosts for one


I definitely look forward to supporting this project. 

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