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Do you regret buying next gen so far?


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I didn't know where to place this but as almost everyone has a PS4 on here including myself; I thought i'd pop it here.


Today after much anticipation and a 6 month delay; I finally added Watch Dogs to my minuscule PS4 games collection which consists of just FIFA 14 and MGS: Ground Zeroes. I did have Killzone Shadowfall but that was abysmal. I've had my PS4 since January which replaced my Xbox 360 of 7 years. I also frequently play on the PC and added COD Ghosts and Battlefield 4 on there in between the generation transition and when I was unsure as to whether I was getting a next gen console. I spent £350 on the PS4 and although I consider this an investment; I am immensely disappointed at the lack of games so far. I knew the line up of games wouldn't be outlandish in quantity and quality but I kinda wish I held on until later in the year to make the purchase. It appears Ghosts and BF4 have been very disappointing also and these two games accumulate large player traffic daily as the more popular games on the system.  I don't know whether it is because I have them on PC; the PS4 just seems a bit bare so far or if others are feeling this next gen is somewhat lacking so far?


I am excited for Destiny along with Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and Battlefield Hardline but so many games have been pinned back such as The Order 1886 and Witcher 3 along with The Divison. I always intended to get a PS4 but I think I've jumped the gun and perhaps should have waited. Watch Dogs is a good game but it just didn't make me feel like my PS4 purchase was justified.  


So, any regrets about the PS4 so far or is it all plain-sailing?

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I do not regret it, as I had the money at the time to spend on my PS4


I typically do not have the money just on a whim like this, so it was nice to just get it, and be able to grab stuff as it is available. Soon enough I will be behind the curve ball of games finished/ games purchased


That being said, I have Infamous, Killzone, and the Trials Fusion demo, and thats it.

(Watch Dogs should arrive this afternoon)


I still play my Xbox, and PS3 all the time, which is fine as I have a huge stack of games to beat for both systems still.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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That being said, I have Infamous, Killzone, and the Trials Fusion demo, and thats it.

Is Infamous worth the money would you say? I have been tempted to pick it up for ages but for that kinda money; I could pick up 2-3 quality Steam games. I just don't want to blow too much money on tat, Shadowfall I got preowned cheap and I still felt ripped off :lol:

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No regrets so far. Knew that games would be few and happy enough with BF4 so far. Ghosts sucked on both PS3 and PS4.

Got Watchdogs today, only have NBA2K14 besides those other two. (Boring game)

I sold my PS3 with all the games and haven`t missed it yet.




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Is Infamous worth the money would you say? I have been tempted to pick it up for ages but for that kinda money; I could pick up 2-3 quality Steam games. I just don't want to blow too much money on tat, Shadowfall I got preowned cheap and I still felt ripped off :lol:


Infamous Second son is not nearly as good as the other two in the series.


It feels forced, and honestly, I think the dev's and Sony wanted to show what the console was capable of when they made it. They didn't spend time on a credible story, nor did they focus on what made Infamous great.


Gone is the Comic book-esque sotryline, now its all emo-goth, graffiti angst. This game would have felt perfectly at home in the mid-90's when Grunge was still king. All we have now is an Emo Grunge kid in skinny jeans.


I don't want to spoil anything, but at least Killzone has spots that are hard, and there is a slight overtone of a story/ message to the campaign.


That being said, my son loves Infamous Second Son, so I play it :unsure:

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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No regrets I don't play a lot of different games anyway so a lack of games hasn't been a problem, ghosts just sucks so I'm glad I got into bf4 which I have thoroughly enjoyed if I'm correct ps3 doesn't have the large player counts so I wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much.

I put my ps3 on today after half hour decided it will never get used again so its going to my daughter.

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After a lot of shoulder angel/devil battles I'm happy I didn't impulse buy a next gen console. I know it always takes a while for game catalogs to grow after a new console drop but currently each offers only a few exclusives and every other game comes out for last gen and PC. I can't justify paying full price for exclusives or games with slightly better graphics and frame rates when I can pick the non exclusives up over time for way less on PC. This plus them wanting me to shell out an additional $10 to get the next gen version of a game I already paid $64+change for and forcing subscription fees on me to play online. All that doesn't appeal to me.


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I almost bought Ghosts for PS4 the other day. I just wanted a game to jack around in, and while I know its bad, is it at least consistent in its badness?


I ended up playing KoA:Reckoning instead LOL, but still I was curious. Maybe I will rent it

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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I almost bought Ghosts for PS4 the other day. I just wanted a game to jack around in, and while I know its bad, is it at least consistent in its badness?


I ended up playing KoA:Reckoning instead LOL, but still I was curious. Maybe I will rent it

Yeah it's pretty bad most of the time. 90% of the maps are crap, 90% of the guns aren't worth using, 90% of the perks are pointless, 90% of the players are wankers 90% of the time, 90% of the modes are under-populated.


Knack is better B)

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Yeah it's pretty bad most of the time. 90% of the maps are crap, 90% of the guns aren't worth using, 90% of the perks are pointless, 90% of the players are wankers 90% of the time, 90% of the modes are under-populated.

Knack is better B)

Lol put ghosts in today 295 players in kc game mode...took it straight out.

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As disappointed as I have been with the titles available on ps4 up until now I have no regrets...

It will only get better IMO, also on the plus side I have recently found warframe which is just excellent, and I'm just about to fire up watch dogs for the first time, so I hope this is the beginning of the great games to come to ps4 and next gen in general...


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No.  I could afford it at the time, I wanted it and it's a very good piece of kit. Ghosts is a bit meh on it but Battlefield looks amazing. The fact that I'm not playing very much these days has nothing to do with the console, more to do with work and having grown up shit to do round the house, like mowing grass. Strangely, Ghosts has made me excited for other games coming on the PS4. It looks so much better than the PS3 equivalent so it makes me quite excited for the new COD or Destiny which were built for next-gen.

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I will get it, but I'm in no rush *stares at pile of unplayed PS3 games and thinks about all the others on the to get list*


My PS3 still has a shit ton of milk in her utters.



I'll probably get a PS4 in September for the sole purpose of playing Destiny. I won't get other titles until I'm done with the PS3.

If you decide to put your dick in crazy, be ready to change your phone number and relocate.

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No regrets as got it as a birthday present so didn't shell out a single penny ;). That said more titles would be good. I loved KZ3 on the PS3, but Shadowplay didn't really prick my interest unfortunately, having said that all the feedback on here tells me that wasn't a bad move.

I play the hell out of BF4 and still enjoy it so relatively content right now. The PS4 is definitely a major step up from the PS3 though.

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