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Eurogamer 2014


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You didn't see him after a few drinks on the Saturday night! I've never seen Rich so angry!!


My phone is getting charged and i'm taking a charger with me!  :lol:


Getting directions off a man who lives in another country  :lol:



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:lol: I don't know what you've read that makes you want to try it!


I think you can make it yourself, petrol + pepper......pretty sure those are the ingredients 



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:lol: I don't know what you've read that makes you want to try it!

I think you can make it yourself, petrol + pepper......pretty sure those are the ingredients

Just sounds like awesome drunk fuel, even has caffeine in it.


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This line especially : In Scotland, Buckfast is recognised as the favoured drink of neds:[7][8] young males who are associated with hooliganism, casual sports clothing and stupidity.[9] Its ties to anti-social behaviour, especially with drinkers under 18 years old, have been attributed to its very high caffeine content: each 750ml bottle contains the equivalent of eight cans of cola.

It's pretty fucking funny that there is a whole wiki dedicated to people causing trouble while fucked up from drinking this wine.


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I don't see the problem with Buckfast. I used to get it during my knacker drinking days (when you're too young to drink so you done it in a dirty field somewhere)


Cheap, tastes well, works well.


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col·lege  (kŏl′ĭj)

a. An institution of higher learning that grants the bachelor's degree in liberal arts or science or both.
b. An undergraduate division or school of a university offering courses and granting degrees in a particular field.
c. A school, sometimes but not always a university, offering special instruction in professional or technical subjects.
d. The students, faculty, and administration of such a school or institution.
e. The building or buildings occupied by such a school or institution.
f. Chiefly British A self-governing society of scholars for study or instruction, incorporated within a university.
g. An institution in France for secondary education that is not supported by the state.
a. A body of persons having a common purpose or shared duties: a college of surgeons.
b. An electoral college.
col·lage  (kō-läzh′, kə-)
a. An artistic composition of materials and objects pasted over a surface, often with unifying lines and color.
b. A work, such as a literary piece, composed of both borrowed and original material.
2. The art of creating such compositions.
3. An assemblage of diverse elements


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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