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PS4 becoming the primary system for CoD?


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From Charlie Intel

“Famousmortimer”, the same guy who revealed(leaked) that Call of Duty Ghosts will be a lower resolution on Xbox One than PS4, dropped another bomb shell on the community today. According to industry insider Pete, Call of Duty might be switching to the PlayStation 4 as lead platform in the future

It’s still unclear what this new rumor means. Either Call of Duty will be developed on PS4 then ported to other platforms, or marketing will now be pushed by Sony, not Microsoft… OR maybe it means DLC exclusivity will change sides?

“I’m not ready to jump on the XB1 is doomed train yet. Titanfall, or really any game, can turn the fortunes, but as of now – yes, good start but valid concerns. The PS4 is above and beyond all projections and publishers are re-calibrating to this. I heard that Activision is going to make a public announcement about COD changing to the PS4 as lead platform. I have no idea if this means DLC (I assume MS locked that down for multiple years) but COD was a XBOX 360 game that happened to be on the ps3 last gen. That will be a hugely symbolic move… and don’t discount what that means to the masses.”

It’s no secret that Xbox One sales are really behind PlayStation 4. Given the fact Microsoft has really been pushing EA’s Titanfall (Call of Duty’s competitor) and that Activision has created a new bond with Sony through Destiny, this rumor might be possible. We’ll keep you posted if we hear more…

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If switching to the PS4 meant that the connections would be better, then I'd be excited and possibly play the next one, but as it stands now... my issue with CoD doesn't have anything to do with Xbox/PS.  I'm glad they're moving away from M$ and going to PS though (assuming this is true).




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Coming in at another angle; perhaps Activision were fucked off that Microsoft sided with EA and arch rivals Jason West and Vince Zampella to exclusively promote, fund and develop Titanfall which is seen as a major competitor?

This is sort of what I was thinking. Then again Activision are a bunch of money hungry whores and whoever showed the most $$$ they will back.
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Can't fault them for that in this instance.

Oh I don't fault them. Its a business. EA is just as bad or worse. Both put out broken games that take months to fix or don't fix at all
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This is cool and all, but does it make the game good enough to purchase?


I doubt it, but maybe in the future, newer ones will be better

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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We've got Destiny coming in Sept and Battlefront in development which I'm hoping will be as epic as everyone is hoping for, so I think the PS4 is relatively safe when it comes to future fps titles.


As for CoD I really couldn't care less anymore. The best thing this franchise has done in recent times is to bring this community together and up the anti for other XXX fps games other than that it's caused most of us to want to pull our hair out! 


Of course it will still have it's appeal going forwards, but they seem to be losing the plot with regards to innovation and game changing ideas. How many of you still actually play CoD consistently as you used to? I haven't even had the urge to buy Ghosts and even my 10 year old says it crap (well not in those words) which speaks volumes.

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