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COD Ghosts Devastation DLC


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Right, just finished watching the trailer again and I think this DLC looks piss fucking poor. Bringing in Extinction elements into the core multiplayer is just a plain dumb move and the fact they have brought back Dome for the second time in this game (depending if you view Strikezone as Dome :lol: ) is daft. Collision looks fairly decent but the other three look pretty mediocre.


Onslaught was reasonable and BayView is an excellent map but this pack isn't enticing me to purchase at all.  

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I appreciate you posting this vid. I just don't get how can you can be down on it from a quick clip like that? I mean you barely see any of the maps and you're already calling it piss poor. I do agree with you about the Dome map but even so, it's a smaller map that everyone, including yourself, has been asking for. Again, we barely saw any of the map to really pass any judgment on it.


As for the Extinction aspect getting pulled over to multiplayer, I don't mind it. Why not? How much different is it really going to be from other killstreaks? You still die from it, so again, who cares.


I'm really not trying to start a fight here, it just seems that you're so down on the game that maybe it's clouding your thoughts. That's all I'm saying.

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I'm really not trying to start a fight here, it just seems that you're so down on the game that maybe it's clouding your thoughts. That's all I'm saying.

Hold on; didn't I buy Onslaught the other night and said it was reasonable ;)


I said it looks piss poor and that isn't a reflection on how the maps will play out. Aesthetically the maps didn't wow me and the fact they are bringing back Dome when they could have designed a small to medium map from a fresh template instead of looking to a past layout and one that is of a similar structure that is already in the game as in Strikezone. 


In terms of Extinction elements in the MP: I feel that is a conflict of interest and both should remain separate and in tune of what each mode offers. One minute the game is demonstrating a more serious quality in relation to the spirit of its design and then the next it moves in the sci-fi/fantasty direction. I don't think the two go hand in hand.


I don't play Extinction and seeing that one map is a remastered version of Dome which is echoed in Strikezone; that doesn't leave me much in the way of appealing new content. 

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Looks pretty good to me. I was pretty meh about DLC for Ghosts as the game hasn't grabbed me like normal, but this does tempt me.

I like the way they're expanding the scope of extinction and trying something new(ish) with it.

I'm not really sure where i sit on the old map remakes. It almost feels like a lack of inspiration from IW. Remakes are fine for me if they're free. Whereas charging me for shit i've played already is a bit shady.

I'm actually glad xbox get it first so i can watch a few vids first and then make up my mind from there.

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In terms of Extinction elements in the MP: I feel that is a conflict of interest and both should remain separate and in tune of what each mode offers. One minute the game is demonstrating a more serious quality in relation to the spirit of its design and then the next it moves in the sci-fi/fantasty direction. I don't think the two go hand in hand.

Micheal Myers.



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I liked what I saw. I think the gun's gonna be OP. Hahaha There are so many times I wanna use overkill but I don't wanna waste the 3(?) points for the perk.

I don't mind Dome crossing with Extinction either. Imagine a map like Fog. If Treyarch added a kill streak with zombies in it it would be 'revolutionary' because everyone just loves zombies. Just because you (general) don't like IW's scary ass alien things doesn't mean it's not a good idea! :P


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From what I saw at this stage it looks pretty good I like the behemoth idea will just have to wait and see how they play, as long as it doesn't disappoint like that gimmick map fog I should be happy, the more choice from most of the original maps the better, I kind of like the idea of the crossover on the dome redskin as well.

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Launch trailer 


Probably the worst trailer I have ever seen in the series. Doesn't really give much away in showcasing the maps. Hope the maps are good though. Collision looks the best of the bunch for me so far but Unearthed aka Dome stinks of Prison Break.  

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This DLC is out tomorrow for PS3, PS4, PC and basically every system not called Xbox.


Played Ghosts the other day was bored shitless instantly but still may give this DLC a go.


Did anyone pick it up already and what was it like?

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I picked up someones Ripper the other day (that chap must have had a season pass, the poor sod) and that gun is ludicrously and ridiculously OP! It's pretty fun to use though but I fear tomorrow, everyone will be on the ripper bandwagon and it will be pure chaos.  

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I used it for a while but when I do have the urge to stick ghosts in I've left it and gone back to the honey badger, swapping between the 2 guns it is when I don't want to does my head in.

As for the dlc I will download only because I have the season pass.

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I've played matches on Ruins, Unearthed and Collision and I must admint; I am not impressed in the slightest.


These maps look good and have some nice colour and lighting but fuck me they play very bad indeed. Ruins is full of campers with IED's. The terrain is horrible and makes it hard to see players. I was expecting more from Collision but it just feels really weak. Plenty more opportunities for IED's on corners here. Unearthed or Dome if you like is more open but nothing that stands out. Kinda feels like a portion of Prison Break has been pasted in. Just Behemoth left and I'm not expecting to be wowed very much with this one but you never know. Either way; a waste of money and I can't see myself getting back into this game now. Will play a bit more later but on the whole; very disappointing. 

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Just played on Behemoth and fuck me the spawns are criminal on that map for TDM and KC. It's a weird map - just one long narrow symmetrical rectangle with a few elevated points. You spawn either behind, in front or sandwiched in between enemies. It's a truly terrible experience. 


If you haven't bought this already; DON'T! 


Collision is definitively the best of a bad bunch - probably the worst maps in the franchise I've experienced. 

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