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IMAGE: A legend is sung, of when England was young, and knights were brave and bold. The good king had died, and no one could decide who was rightful heir to the throne. It seemed that the land would be torn by war, or saved by a miracle alone. And that miracle appeared in London town: The Sword in the Stone.

I've seen it before :lol: He's obviously heard that from someone else if its real at all. And whats an 11yo girl doing posting booty poppin' videos in her underwear on facebook for? It's fucked up at any angle you try to figure it out.


His post should have started with the words "If I grow up..." and I hope the Sex Education classes at his school are better than the English Language ones...berry? *face palm*

I have issues with spelling and punctuation but I did spend a lot of time in the hall during second grade. :D Also there was more of an emphasis on writing and speaking English correctly in the past. We've got the No Child Left Behind Act that protects people from learning English, and if kids come from an English as a second language family or if their family talks in Ebonics teachers can't berate them like in the past. If a teacher threatened kids with a dunce cap, or suggested they stop speaking like they have severe head trauma, news choppers would be circling the school like vultures as whole communities of incorrect English speaking people flooded the streets like ants in protest. So if you have gripes with people not speaking or typing English correctly place the blame on political correctness where it belongs and not the victims of it. :lol:

(I'm not being a jerk BTW <- figured I'd throw that out there)






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That's awesome. And yes it does very much so! Kids these days don't know what it's like to sit in front of a 13" TV and have to flip the "A/B switch" to play a video game. Man that brings back memories :D

It reminded me of my friends and I too! Great memories. :) O man having to unscrew A/B switches and uhf/vhf transformers to hook up different systems; I still have a tools of the trade bag at my moms with all my old switches, lengths of cable, etc... Then when VCR's caught up and had RCA connections so I could have my Atari 2600, NES AND Genesis hooked up at the same time I was king of the world! :lol:


My friends parents would ask who taught me how to install entertainment system things when my friends got new consoles because I'd be running wires and have their TV sideways hooking it up. Adults aren't keen on 10 year olds messing with their electronics :D You're so right kid's don't even know with their 1080p one cable connection BS. We had to learn and suffer for pleasure! :lol:







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