Greboth 2,723 Posted March 9 Some of this will be a recap of the last session too but I'm just typing up my notes to make sure I cover everything 🙂 For the recap we were given a parchment from Guard Captain Foundry in Slema. The parchment was reports of ghoul, skirge and zombie attacks in St Julians, Pachavil and Mosta all the way to the coast. Guard Captain Foundry suggested we should speak to Father Richards, in Mosta, as he has knowledge of the Skirge that could help us. Barm escaped and has the 3 artifacts; Dryda gland, dragon heart and giant spine. We also knew we needed to speak to Ceryni fo the thieves guild who may have information on how to counter Barm's time stop. We started the session in The Swan where we asked Jeremy if he knew where we could find Ceryni, he did not but knew a man who did - Doug. Jeremy sent Miranda out to find Doug - a particularly rough and odorous local scumbag who deals in information. Miranda returned with Doug and it was clear he was going was going to scam us or rip us off in some way as he knew we need information. Draverum snuck off to charm Doug letting us get the information we needed easily - Ceryni is in St Julians and he most likely will be found in The Occult, a thieves guild tavern that is not welcome to non guild members. There are other Thieves guild taverns in St. Julians and they can be identified by a small skull and cross bones on the sign. Doug also informed us that Ceryni is relatively high up in the guild and reports to 4 masters. Also worth of note is that the Thieves guild have their own language 'Thieves Cant' which is only known by members. To help cover up the spell cast on Doug and the information given to us, Azum ordered the strongest drink Jeremy serves, a Lady Boy, and gave it to Doug so he will be too drunk to be able to recall our conversation. We now had a choice - go to St. Julians to find Ceryni to get information on Barm or Father Richards in Mosta for information on the ghouls, skirge and zombies. We decided Barm is the bigger threat so we should speak to Ceryni first. Nothing of note happened on the journey to Ceryni but we arrived seeing a small bustling city 3x-4x the size of Sleema with stone buildings, a busy markets with a church and large keep in the middle. We got stopped by 2 guards on the gate who questioned our purpose in St Julains. We explained we were sent by Guard Captain Foundry and on showing the parchment, they told us we should speak to Marshall Deniver in the keep. We decided if we are going to see Marshall Deniver and Ceryni, we should probably see if we can find Ceryni first but not knowing St Julians, we chatted to a local market stall holder Azool (who sold some delicious if expensive cherries) who told us about 2 taverns, the Baron hog and The Ship with the later being a Thieves guild tavern. We headed there and found it filled with what appeared to be local business and trades men but Brock noticed that 3 men were speaking a language none of knew - Thieves Cant. We sent some food and drink over the their table to ingratiate ourselves and on being served, they came over to our table asking why. The thieves explained they operate the city and we should be careful but they could get a message to Ceryni that we wanted to meet but would be later. We therefore took the time to go see Marshall Deniver in the keep who we met in his modest and, for his station, small office. He informed us that there had been 7 reports of ghouls, skirge and zombie attacks with the most recent being 2 nights ago. He said we should start at the Scolded Child tavern as that's the last known sighting of some of the missing people. Marshall Deniver then gave us a parchment that would allow us to investigate and be given passage in to the towns Pachavil and Mosta and we should return to him in 2 weeks with what we've found. He also advised that we should speak to one of the Victors at the church before we leave St. Julians. On leaving the keep, we decided we should go back to The Ship as that's where we'd spoken to the Thieves guild. But on leaving, a group of children ran in to us and we quick realised they stole our gold as they did - the Thieves guild! Brock cast a spell, freezing one of the children in place who we questioned him finding out he worked for the thief we had spoken to in the morning in The Ship. We took this as a sign Ceryni was ready to meet and got the child to take us to The Occult where led us to the back door which led in to a tavern - a secret tavern behind the public facing one at the front of the building. We sit down with Ceryni who asks what we want, we say we're there for information on stopping Barm. Ceryni says it will cost a favour but Azum offers the coin he got from Jarlaxl from Bragen D'Erth - Ceryni is impressed and accepts the coin in exchange for information. What we need is a counter charm that will stop us being frozen by Barm time stop spell. He further explained that it's a Bard spell and we would need a bard to cast it or have the bard's teach one of us. There is a catch to the counter charm though - it takes 10 minutes to cast but the counter charm only then lasts 60 seconds! Ceryni then spoke directly with Brock pointing out the that all magic has an opposite, Barm has the Dryda gland that is darkness but Brock can cast radiant spell - the light and counter the dark. With that new knowledge, we ended the session to consider our next steps and how to use our new found knowledge. GazzaGarratt and James 1 1