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  1. Random BS Go!

    Destiny - Started by ,

  2. Lightblade gm

    Destiny - Started by ,

    never again
  3. Thundercrash fun

    Destiny - Started by ,

  4. First time doing gatekeeper challenge on master

    Destiny - Started by ,

    terrible experience would not recommend 
  5. He got in my way

    Destiny - Started by ,

  6. My flawless 3 man raid of CoS

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Using the server downtime to share this achievement with you guys here in FG 😁
    Enjoy! This is among some of my fondest memories/achievements in Destiny.
  7. Light vs 3x light

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Old video of me playing elimination with friends.
    All 3 had their supers going 😄

    Notice it is round 10 - we had a draw round.
  8. Epic GM Fail

    Destiny - Started by ,

    What do you get when you put Nick @Bluebear , Kempy @Kemp210  and Lee @GazzaGarratt into a GM on a late Tuesday night?
    Perfection Personified 🤣🤣
  9. Let's Play 'The Prophecy of Doom Oracle Show'

    Destiny - Started by ,

    When @Leeesh13  tried to shoot the oracles with a super sniper. He was so accurate. Precisely in time for a perfect Prophecy of Doom moment 😄
  10. Some casual GM throwing by Forty

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Best way to confuse Forty. You can hear him slightly in the background. This was my favourite throw of all time so far. 
  11. Nova bomb tutorial

    Destiny - Started by ,

    As apart of the “help the community” campaign Justin is kindly putting together some “how to” and “how not to” videos. Here is his first clip of “how not to” Use a “tracking” nova bomb. 
    Please enjoy and I’d like to thank @FallenDark200 for his tutoring.
  12. Never Trust Clive

    Destiny - Started by ,

  13. D2 | Ghost in the Night

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Sick come back win action 😉
  14. Blind FG Raid Day 1 - Crypt Security Encounter

    Destiny - Started by ,

    What a blast doing this blind was! 5+ hours working out this section, i'm just devastated that the PS5 hasn't stored the settings to record voices like the PS4 did 😞 However, here's the run we had which shows how we had Charlie @Venom  and @Baabcat as the Operator, Nick @Bluebear  and Me @GazzaGarratt as the Scanners either side and finally Scott @RedXIII  on as much ad duty as possible.
    We had numbered the control panels 1-5 as per Nick's great suggestion and simple drawing he did whilst we were in there. Shanks hit hard and I got explode twice in quick succession down to where the shanks were.
    We started the round really well but as ads overhwhelmed us we fell behind on the fuses, only to clutch the last one at the end with next to no heavy ammo and a random pulse grenade securing the completion. I dropped the Scout Rifle at the end, a super gun to drop - looks good and shoots great.
    Next time with voices! GGFG!
  15. Destiny 2 Solo Flawless Prophecy Run - Cube to Ending

    Destiny - Started by ,

    The video starts from the cube room since I didn't stream the video so here it is there is several parts I was waiting so feel free to skip to the action!
  16. Destiny - Forever Gaming Party Night

    Destiny - Started by ,

    The days where we found a silly round ball and a jukebox most entertaining.
  17. Destiny - Dedication to Crispy

    Destiny - Started by ,

    A short dedication to Crispy the Titan.
  18. Gary Going Off

    Destiny - Started by ,

    A short dedication to Crispy the Titan.
  19. Destiny 2 | Invader on the Field  

    Destiny - Started by ,

    A selection of clips from Gambit sessions with FG.
  20. Epic 'A-Team' Fails. Stupid Lag....

    Destiny - Started by ,

    @Diddums was on fire. 3 hours to do Gauntlet was not pretty but we had such a laugh.
  21. Destiny 2 | Fun Bits

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Here are some funny bits since launch that I put together.
  22. Bob's got friends in the Abyss

    Destiny - Started by ,

    We all wiped, left Bob to do it. He made lots of friends along the way.
  23. Pat's Maiden Raid....Last Go!!

    Destiny - Started by ,

    We were getting fed up near the end, so this was our LAST go at Crota Hard on @cyberninja2601 (Pat) maiden Destiny raid run.
  24. Impaled Upon Thy Own Sword

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Oh Lee...
  25. Long Range Cursing

    Destiny - Started by ,

    Just dug this vid off my PS4. God I miss having a gun like this in Destiny 2.

    Didn't put it under Montages because let's face it, it isn't 😛
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