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Found 11 results

  1. Another game that's been revealed from the 2023 Playstation Showcase. We should probably call this Starship Troopers really shouldn't we? 😎 First one was an underrated third party game from what I recall and this looks like they wanting to build hard on that success. Coming to PS5 and PC. Thoughts everyone?
  2. I just picked this one up Thursday, and I've been enjoying it so far. It's giving me a Metroid vibe for sure. The level up system is somewhat similar to Dark Souls and when you die, you lose your currency at the spot of death. I'll dig more into this one over the weekend.
  3. Anyone tried this here? Looks like Small Soldiers on steroids and includes a 4 player co-op. Seems to have launched on Steam and now Switch and Xbox too. Steam have it at £15.49 and Switch I think at £19.99 so not too pricey either. There's also a free demo on Steam too! Seems to be one of those build and defend the wave type games but there seems to be quite a few gamemodes out now, including PvP. The idea of all the different types of toys you go up against look hilarious. The Cargo Plane actually drops the Green Amy Men with parachutes. Here's the original trailer from a while ago. Can't find many recent reviews out there but it looks like an underrated and unheard game for sure. This guy below rates it at 8.5 and I think it has some weight. What you all reckon? Anyone tempted to try the demo?
  4. It's time to f**k shit up!!! Now that many of you have decided to purchase either the EA Pass or Battlefield V itself, Still looking to get a regular game night in where we get sweet relief from hearing the ting off an enemies head from a gorgeous sniping headshot! Something that can only be matched by making sweet love to a beautiful woman or scoring a last minute goal on clubs but let's face it, But tonight, Battlefield is where its at!! 😁😁😁 So.... Instead of sitting at home and pulling on your todger, come on and enjoy ruining someone's night! 😈😁 Hope to see you all on later! Peace out ✌️😈
  5. Hi guys! Just seen that Battlefront 2 is available from next week as a free download on epic store if anyone is interested. 🤟😊 Also if you have PS it's available on EA Play for free too along with many other games for £3.99 a month, Definitely worth checking out. 🤟
  6. DrOk so here we go, I'm gonna try spill the beans the blazing saddle style beans on this complex yet amazingly fun game. To start off with I'll take you through the idea of the game. It's a PVE/PVP game with perma death so it's high risk reward really gets the juices going which makes this a heart thumping ride. Regardless of what people may say this is not a battle royale game it's 100% a survival shooter, you have no obligation to engage any enemies you can simply kill AI and extract if you grinding experience on a particular weapon which if needed I can elaborate on. Time for the nitty gritty. AI and how to deal. All AI have an dormant, alert and agro phase. Agro can happen with gunshots upto 30m, jogging 10m and sprinting up to 20m iirc. Grunts doctors and normal armoured can be hit anything from firearms to melee. Headshots are king even with a knife. Armoured are more resilient to firearms but toss a lantern and your good. . . Especially with the new barbwire armoured, melee that badboy you'll walk away looking like imothep after bandaging. Hounds are a little but tricky but you'll find melee is best if you do agro but best to avoid. Meatheads any explosive will do the job but alert the entire world to your position. These guys are bullet sponges so if you wanna keep ammo for engagements don't bother. Immolators burst into a solar flare if you inflict rending or piercing damage so best to bring some knuckle or a rifle butt to the party. If you wanna bamboozle people though shoot it from range with a silenced weapon to create a distraction for a flank. He will burn out and die if you do this too so win win. Water devils or general noodles as I call them have a range of about 20m so you can sneak through if you have no other choice. If you do kill one another respawns pretty quickly in the same space so move quickly. Bosses So onto the bounties, the fun and exciting part. Spider boss is weak to fire, melee and firearms. The sweet spot for crits is the head which sounds obvious but it's actually a Han face located between the fangs slightly underneath. Have fun with this boss as it does poison damage and a pounce attack best to hit and move. . . . . And don't stop moving. Assassin boss is an teleporting pain in the tits, weak to same as spider but the sweet spot is the hole in his chest as half his head is already missing. This dude spawns a doppelganger that when you hit it blurrs your screen with bugs. Best tactic is two hits with melee and when you hear a metal type clang noise. If he spawns on the wall keep moving he shoots spikes which do alot of damage and cause rending. The butcher is a flame chucking meat hook swinging loon but easily dispatched. Sweet spot for this guy is the shoulder covered in leeches not the pig face. He causes burn so don't bother with lanterns just melee and firearms. His agro phase does a huge AOE fire attack so if you hear squealing run like a logo. All bosses can be hit with a sticky bomb if you wanna go loud and it will knock them down to 25% hp but everyone and their gran will show up to the BBQ. I think I've covered enough for now but I will continue to update people on traits to use and effective use of darksight/bounty boost. Stay safe, hunt well.
  7. Go have a look at this shit 1.4 is gonna give us some sweetness. New traps 😱😱 Hunt: Showdown - Roadmap WWW.HUNTSHOWDOWN.COM Hunt: Showdown is a competitive first-person PvP bounty hunting game with...

    FPS Maps

    So, I was browsing Reddit and found an interesting thread talking about FPS games and their multiplayer maps. The thread can be found here. "As "realistic" shooters continue to trend, I find that they all share one aspect that stifles its intentions. In this particular example I was playing Insurgency, which is a quasi-realistic shooter running on the source engine. I have a very hard time competing on some of the maps because since it's a one life per round sort of thing (at least in some game modes) involving capturing points, the players that know the map they are playing in and know all the convenient corners and vantage points have an edge. I realized that has simply been the story of every FPS ever, map awareness is a huge factor especially when the game is very unforgiving in terms of damage and realism. What would be great if there was a realism-focused FPS that put two teams against each other on a randomly or procedurally generated map, so that every match involves the unknown of where the enemies might be hiding. Aside from the new challenge of every room being an unknown, it would then prompt the use and/or implementation of gear is otherwise used in the same fashion every round. Now you wont have 10 frag grenades being thrown into the main conflict room. You wont have flashbangs being tossed around the same corner every match. You'll have to listen, communicate, and decide what room should be breached with a bang and what areas should be traversed in silence. I think perhaps one of the biggest issues would be making it work. It's hard to imagine how you could make procedurally generated CQB style maps that would be interesting and detailed. What do you think, should an FPS try and give us a fresh experience every match, to keep us on our toes?" I'm not sure how I feel about the topic. I see can points for both sides. I would love to eliminate the commonly used camping spots, spawn grenade toss places, etc., but on the other hand, there's a skill in learning the maps/spawns/etc. Do you guys think that this could be the future in FPS maps? Or do you think people would always choose the tried method of standard maps that can be memorized? Thoughts?
  9. The Thunderlord The Thunderlord is so dangerous a weapon that it poses an equal threat to the Guardian behind it as it does to the enemies that appear downrange. This heavy exotic is a foolish aberration, tinkered with in ways few can fully understand. The result of this meddlesome hubris is a beast you can barely control. Given the erratic nature of this augmented armament, it is decidedly rare. According to Art Lead Tom Doyle, the Thunderlord is a desperate measure on the part of a society that grew weary of being outgunned. “The ammunition is some kind of monster that they wouldn't normally use," Doyle warns. "The use of electro-static rounds over this amplitude has been prohibited due to their volatility.” Vital missions beg of some room to bend the rules. So far, Bungie devs have wielded this belt-fed menace on quests in Los Angeles and Cologne, Germany. On both occasions, it performed with explosive success. “Justin Hayward really brought the weapon to life with the lighting effects in the eleventh hour before E3,” recalls Doyle. “It is a great example of how vital effects are for exotic weapons in first person.” It’s also a great example of how to delight a crowd. A Guardian gains the right to add the Thunderlord to their inventory by proving that they’re worthy of its firepower. Once earned, it will have to be put to prudent use before its full potential can be realized. After all, you don’t just deploy explosive ammunition on the first date. Like many of the implements in your armory, this is a gun worthy of a long-term relationship. Disclaimer: Destiny is a work in progress!
  10. I came across this article on Twitter that I've retweeted. But I know some of you won't look at the tweet box, so I figured I'll post it here. Here are the voices of Trevor, Franklin, and Michael. Grand Theft Auto 5 is the first game in the series to allow players to take on the role of three main characters - Trevor, Franklin and Michael. As millions of gamers across the globe are preparing for their next in-game heist, the faces behind the three main characters of GTA V have been uncovered. Moving from left to right in the image above, Steven Ogg plays Trevor, Shawn Fonteno plays Franklin and Ned Luke is Michael. Here’s how they look in the game itself: Interestingly there is a clear resemblance between the in-game characters and the real life voice actors. In fact, many of the characters within GTA V look very similar to their real-life counterparts. You can see the entire voice cast and comparisons in this video: The real life voice actors behind many of today’s blockbuster games often remain unseen by the gaming community, yet they become an important element of how a player connects with the in-game character. http://nextvg.com/2013/09/21/gta-vs-trevor-franklin-michael-real-life/
  11. Diddums


    I played a bit of this on the PS3 a while back, never really got into it because all the twats I play with were all on COD. Now on PC, I've been playing a bit with Levi and Squiggs, and it's fantastic fun. There are still pepole that play like little bitches with their SMAWs and camping, but at least it's good fun enough to tie me over to BF4. Having said that, last time I spent some proper hours playing an FPS on PC was UT2004, that's about 6 years ago. It's going to take some getting used to the mouse and keyboard again, playing anything other than an FPS I can do reasonable well, but my reaction time sare still a bit on the low side and I always over or undershoot when aiming. Practice makes perfect I suppose, and this is excellent training for the next bunch of games. Great fun.
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