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  1. So, Football... Discuss...
  2. 33 named, 7 to be trimmed for the 26-man squad for The Euros 2024. Select the 7 to be left out and maybe say some reasoning below.
  3. Some early gameplay shown off a few days ago as they try to gather more feedback for this new football game. They've had to recreate the game on a brand new engine so it has put the game back somewhat but its good they are prepared to share some gameplay this early and take feedback/constructive criticism to try and improve the game for launch. It does still feel a while off although there is a game there already with basic foundations. Gameplay is fast, probably a little too fast but i'd take it. Goalkeepers have taken a step back in my opinion since the last update we were able to see. Seems like a guaranteed goal as soon as you get in the box. Commentating i'm sure isn't nailed down....well, I hope it isn't as its a very underrated thing to miss out on and will let the game down if the don't do it right. Difficult to say when they get there but for a small budget against the likes of FIFA its a decent start I'd say. Better than eFootball for sure but then thats not hard to beat that is it? 😅 Thoughts everyone?
  4. Never thought i'd see the day of being able to play CM3 on a PC these days....but I now can and its glorious! 😎 This was one part of my childhood that I really do miss and the earlier Football Manager games really hit the spot, after the MS-DOS days but before later managing games added far too much detail and dials to tinker with. CM3 was the 98/99 season with 15 leagues you could actually load up at the start and move to other countries if you felt like a job overseas mid-game. Also was the days of the Foreign player restriction rule which meant you could only have 3 players classed as foreign to that league in the team at any one time. I know a few people love these types of games and its probably within reach for some if you have the following elements: A CD version of Championship Manager 3 A CD disc reader (ofc!) A patch (v3.04e) to be downloaded from here Windows 10 I found some great advice from another website that told me to download the patch otherwise you get a compatibility error when it tries to run. Once the patch is downloaded, unzip the file and run the Setup.exe file in there. It will do what it needs to do and remove some quick files which leaves you to finally just right click the shortcut on CM3 and enter the Properties. Once in there, select the Compatibility below for this game and click Apply. Then run the game to sit back and listen to that crowd noise at the start and cheer along with them! A few pics below of the game and installing! Can't beat some nostalgia...and Marcelo Salas on the Home Screen 😄
  5. Okay. Well, breaking the annual mould of releases is what we all wanted i'm sure, but I didn't expect it to go this far. I'm not sure how to feel at the moment considering PES has given me so many great moments when I was a kid. Free 2 Play, and its starting to gradually roll out content over the course of the year. Frustratingly, they need to review the game modes as they really could take the mantle off FIFA if they put a version Pro Clubs in there. I also feel like it removes any pressure off of FIFA making their product the best it can be. The game might feel completely different when we try it out but I can't deny that trailer looked a little shite if i'm honest. Roadmap is below: I suppose we can all at least try it out when it becomes available so we can fully say if it is the right path to go down or not.
  6. Monday Night Football event for all your FGFC needs.
  7. Monday Night Football event for all your FGFC needs.
  8. Monday Night Football event for all your FGFC needs.
  9. European Super League: Uefa and Premier League condemn 12 major clubs signing up to breakaway plans - BBC Sport WWW.BBC.CO.UK Uefa and the Premier League have strongly condemned 12 major European clubs, including the 'big six' from England, signing up to a breakaway European Super League. If I was the FA - I would de-licence them from Association Football and kick them out of the league - Expunge domestic results this season - Block any players from being able to compete internationally who play for these teams UEFA should also move to make any third party competitions unrecongised meaning they are on the same level as a Sunday kickabout in the park and less valuable than the Audi Cup or some shitty pre-season tournament the Middle East. De-licence all teams meaning they cannot represent the sport legally.
  10. Right, I've had a quick play around and seen what I could work up with Owayo football kits as they can really customise kits further than the standard kits you can find at the most common places online. I've come up with a few designs and it would be cool to get all your thoughts on which ones you like...and maybe more ideas if you do think there is other things we can add! Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 We can also change the colours but i'm mainly seeing the only real change to be the collar colour from white to black imo. Black and red are our main colours with a dash of white so it would be cool to keep those as primary colours for the 'Home' kit. Yes, you're now thinking we could do Home and Away?! Of course, its up to us what we do if we all want it. If we get enough interest - and that doesn't have to be just the FIFA FG lot as this is a cool enough jersey for anyone to have, we can buy in a bulk load to significantly reduce the cost. It can go from £65 to around £30-35 per shirt if we def know what we want. Also, we may be able to add names and numbers with that too. Examples are below: Let us know what you think on your options and also thoughts below would be ace! I love Option 1 but also like 2 and 3 too. GGFGFC!
  11. Monday Night Football is back once again, so lets see if we can return to be double Div 1 champions over the next few weeks. RSVP as soon as you can so we knows who's coming. 👍
  12. Monday Night Football is back once again, so lets see if we can return to be double Div 1 champions over the next few weeks. RSVP as soon as you can so we knows who's coming. 👍
  13. The reigning champions!! Lets go and see if we can get the double with The King of the Hill Cup and then maybe another season in Div 1! GGFGFC!
  14. Here it is. The 33 whittled down to 26. A lotof talent involved this time round and I have a genuine excitement that we can do well - hopefully as well last time out. Henderson picked for experience and support for the team I think over form and Bellingham in for experience for future competitions, although he has a great chance if we need stability in an out and out midfielder cos there isn't many of them in that squad. I think Watkins was probably my only disappointment based on his recent form, but its not that much of a shock tbh. Ready for the over-hyped glory as always? Of course we are! #FootballsComingHome Thoughts?
  15. The reigning champions!! Lets go and see if we can get the double with The King of the Hill Cup and then maybe another season in Div 1! GGFGFC!
  16. Some Bank Holiday fun with FGFC! GGFGFC!
  17. Let's break the yo-yo-ing and move on up the leagues again! GGFGFC!
  18. Let's break the yo-yo-ing and move on up the leagues again! GGFGFC!
  19. We're in Division 2! Lets cement and push for the promised land! GGFGFC!
  20. Great work to get back to Division 3, lets keep Movin' On Up! 💃 GGFGFC!
  21. A little work to do to get back up from Division 4 so lets see if we can get a few seasons in and back up to Division 2! GGFGFC!
  22. Can we make it to Division 1? We're so close!! Get your names down everyone! GGFGFC!
  23. Can we make it to Division 1? We're so close!! Get your names down everyone! GGFGFC!
  24. Can we make it to Division 1? We're so close!! Get your names down everyone! GGFGFC!
  25. Event Title: Monday Night Football - FIFA 21 Pro Clubs - F.G.F.C. Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 03/29/2021 08:00 PM Can we make it to Division 1? We're so close!! Get your names down everyone! GGFGFC! Monday Night Football - FIFA 21 Pro Clubs - F.G.F.C. N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
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