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  1. View this quiz The FG Xmas Video Game Quiz 2018 The great Forever Gaming Christmas Quiz for 2018! Enjoy all! :D Submitter GazzaGarratt Type Graded Mode Time 5 minutes Total Questions 10 Category General Submitted 12/25/2018
  2. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.10 - Nintendo The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 10 minutes Total Questions 12 Category General Submitted 07/06/2022  
  3. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.9 - Pot Luck The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 10 minutes Total Questions 14 Category General Submitted 05/04/2022  
  4. Lets get a thread going to share all our game night exploits on a regular basis. Let everyone know how last night went; good, horrible or hilarious. Let see some stories unfold on how the carnage unfolded! We've had a pretty decent start to the new MW3 this time round. Definitely focusing on Win/Loss Ratio more than anything else. After about 3 sessions, I've personally not lost more than 10 games so far because of the beautiful thing that is FG. We currently have about 5 FGers sitting above 2.0 W/L which is ace - I'm thinking we can get at least 20 (yep TWENTY) FGers above that figure if we keep on grouping up together. Lets see how high we can go! I mostly used the Holger AR last night - I'm now on the Gilded (Gold) challenge for it which hopefully I can get done later this week. How was last night's escapades for everyone else?
  5. View this quiz FG Gaming Pub Quiz No.8 - Pot Luck The next pub quiz in our series of general pub quizzes with a gaming twist - well, what would you expect! Like it tells you...DON'T LEAVE THE BROWSER! It knows if you do and immediately ends the quiz for you. You have been warned! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type One Right Answer Time 10 minutes Total Questions 1 Category General Submitted 10/13/2021  
  6. FG GTA Races were a great success a few weeks ago when we brought it back. Hopefully no need to hassle you this week to get your name down on the RSVP so we know if you are in and around or you aren't available 👊 Probably some more new Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find like we did a few weeks ago. Don't forget, its the PS4 VERSION.
  7. FG GTA Races were a great success a few weeks ago when we brought it back. Hopefully no need to hassle you this week to get your name down on the RSVP so we know if you are in and around or you aren't available 👊 Probably some more new Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find like we did a few weeks ago. Don't forget, its the PS4 VERSION.
  8. until
    Wreckfest is BACK 👊 Probably the best racing game to utterly destroy your fellow FGer up on, lets get a few hours on this for Friday evening. Game allows for cross-gen play with PS4 and PS5 in case you haven't got this game already. Get your name down below so we know to get your invites out on the night 👊
  9. FG GTA Races are BACK 👊 FG Fridays are a thing because of GTA, so lets tell everyone and get the game updated way ahead of Friday so we can go and play some Nascar, Sumo, Target, Bikes and whatever else we can find! Get your name down so we now to get your invites out on the night 👊
  10. until
    We've talked about getting more FG Friday games up recently so I'd love to try and now get 10-12 of us on for a few hours across both Among Us and Fall Guys! Get Discord ready for chat too as if we get many more people outside of PlayStation online it would be cool to try and do it all together. Either way, lets get a big enough lobby for some fun. 7.30/8pm start - RSVP below 👇
  11. until
    Its been far too long for FG not to play these fun, easy to pick up games all together so lets try and have an hour on each and get 12-20 of us all online - especially since its both Among Us and Fall Guys are crossplay now. We may use Discord for chat if we get many more people outside of PlayStation online as that would be cool to try and do together. Either way, lets get a big enough lobby for some fun. 7.30/8pm start - RSVP below 👇
  12. We had great success with the first all for fun 'FG Germany Cup' with 8 of us, I created the next one a while back to try and get up to 16 of us for the FG France Cup! As per the last one, when names are finalised, I'll do a team randomiser for us all in the French league to see who we all get. We've got 11 signed up so far (tagged below) and looking for 5 more people! Happy for this to still be on FIFA 22 unless we all we all have FIFA 23? Lets give it a week and if we don't fill the last 5 spots fully, I will fill the remaining spots with a BYE for the first round for some people! Roll call so far are: @Macca89 @LordBaguette @James5497 @Findmartin @G_dub52 @Luseth @JamaicanSteve @jordie1892 @Tadnothad @GazzaGarratt @Antpool84 Let's hear who else wants to get involved for the fun and lolz! Everyone tag anyone else you know who should come and have a laugh. P.S. To enter you just need to create a Team on the Tournament page. If you're struggling, please drop your name here and I will help you create it so we can get you in!
  13. The 5th year of the FG Awards!! After a year of reconnecting with the real world for all of us, this year has flown by so quickly, but we couldn't end it without having our star awards to round off the year on a high. It was a privileged year too, as we were able to present many of our FG Awards in person at our biggest ever face to face meet up. I really hope you enjoy reading the below piece. A unique place deserves unique rewards to give us all the best memories to hold on to. So let's get into them! Young FGer of the Year A person that has had an extremely busy year for himself, studying for A-levels and the hope of getting into one of the most prestigious Universities in the land. However, even alongside this really important life task, he made himself available to help FGers complete raids in Destiny 2, and any support needed to get a Dungeon done he would be there. Not only this but he's now branched out to Dark Souls games, sharing his feedback with all of FG, including creating his very own PPR. Winner - @Venom - Charlie FG Noobie of the Year Since joining in May, he has been an ever present all over FG; contributing in different in multiple topics, sharing new information, posting videos, reviewing new games for us to look at, giving us great joy (and banter) on FIFA nights and equally getting involved throughout the week on other FG gaming nights too. I delight to have around and a real FGer with same core values we all hold to help each other where possible. Winner - @Luseth - Matt Guardian Down Award We had some funny moments this year from people that carried on trying regardless of their epic fails. There are two winners this year as there was no separating them through the amount of trial and tribulations they've had on Destiny. So much so, this Grandmaster clip epitomises how and why they couldn't be separated. 7th run in, after not getting very far at all, we reach the first turn in the map before the first checkpoint. I get blasted into space and thinking Nick and Kempy would be the saviours, only they could manage to kill themselves in glorious fashion. Winners - @Bluebear & @Kemp210 - Nick & Kempy Archbishop of Banterbury This guy has had one hell of a ride this year so no wonder we find him most nights randomly in a party with us all and when you least expect it, blasting out the most random expletive you can think of, which usually sends everyone into a laughing frenzy. He's always getting on most week's, especially FG Fridays bringing the jokes of his weekly escapades along with him. For all the hard points in his life over the past 12 months, Bones is a fine example of cracking on and trying to have as much in life as you can. Winner - @slamminbones - Paul FG Skills Award You look good, you feel good. You feel good, you play good. FG's Mr Smooth Operator has been banging out the park across multiple games this year. Whether its ridiculous fancy flicks on FIFA, his slick sniper shots on Warzone, or even Ko'ing 2 gangsters at the same time on GTA. The guy has it all. Not to mention his joke delivery is usually bang on the money. Top props for an absolute top guy. Glad we have him at FG. Winner - @jordie1892 - Jordie FG Play of the Game Keeping the award going from last year's debut at FG, there have been many FG clips that have been simply superb. Kenny's efforts to annihilate everyone in CoD, Leeesh's finishing skills on Elden Ring bosses, yet here we are talking about another top evening of goals from our resident Left Centre Mid for FG, Macca. The clip below is not only one clip but it was an array of some incredibly skillful goals from just one evening with FG. Hopefully the likes of the people above can push more people here to share their clips for everyone else at FG to see. Winner - @Macca89 - Macca FG Top Contributor Tough one to call this year, with J4mes Oxford still delivering tons of info for us, Kenny chipping in with some great variety across FG but someone that just shades it this year is our favourite Canadian, an incredible person that can also double up as batman online when we want him too, and has also started a podcast with Sarah that we're all very proud of to say he is an FGer. Some great reviews and some great info about some games most of us never knew existed. Winner - @Riff Machine - Chad FGer of the Year Who says you can't win awards more than once? A real toughie as many of you have been fantastic for FG this year. This person has kept many a game night going, and when you need that one extra person, you know he'll be there. He keeps me going, and many other factors in FG tick, including multiple server games and offering his incredible support through his extra talents with art, maths and videos. All in his own spare time. Epitomises what FG is all about and I'm sure he will keep on helping people forever more. Thanks for everything this year, Greebs. Winner - @Greboth - Chris Hall of Fame Two amazing people that have been here since the dark ages. They've always been a dynamic duo that's kept plugging away with some of our most senior crew on Destiny and CoD, laughing away and giving things a go even when it may not end up in their favour. And it was great that we were able to meet them at our biggest meet up ever in November to give them their awards. Always available to lend an ear if you ever needed it and give you the straight talking truth even if you didn't know you needed it! Resident FGers for life, thanks for everything Mazz & Gaz. Winners - @mazzer & @wapntake - Mazz & Gaz We're finally done for another year! Phew! Looking back I don't think I'd ever see a year flyby as quick as this one but it certainly has and I hope it has been a great one for you all at FG. We must keep true to ourselves and keep being around for each other. You all play a fundamental role in why FG is the one place - the best place - on the internet where people can feel loved and know they'll always have a friend here to lean on when they least expect it. GGFG
  14. After our long trip away to see the mighty @Plumbers Crack, we had a conversation about every other person on FG is either a Chris or a Dave. This got me thinking...there can only be one winner! So FG, you decide! Make sure you put up a compelling argument below for voting either way too. P.S. Every newbie or oldie should be encouraged to vote! #FGLivesMatter
  15. When James@anticonscience mentioned about getting it on Xbox I thought it would be good to get an understanding who is getting MW2 on what platform - this will help us work out if we start Playstation parties or/and look out for game chat parties. I also think we may need to start sharing our Activision gamertags too - if we have enough players, I can start looking at adding a Profile field for everyone at FG if people want that too? For the first time I think we'll start to see alot more crossplay so lets see if we can make that happen with everyone here!! Vote away folks! https://forevergaming.co.uk/forum/index.php?/polls/2-what-platform-you-buying-mw2-on/
  16. Sunday raid for FG, comment on the event if the time needs to move to help us get 6. RSVP if you can or can't make it 👍
  17. Its shooty shooty bang bang FG Friday this week. More of the gun game, one in the chamber, snipers, shotties, and whatever else that sends everyone hysterical with laughter and rage. Get your names down FG 😎
  18. Sunday raids help many others be around so heres another slot for Kings Fall this week unless there is a huge desire for people to do a different raid. RSVP if you can make this one and also indicate if you want the start time slightly changing.
  19. Wednesday raid - a little later in the evening that may help more NA people if about but I know many UK people can be around later. I thought lets get a different raid in rotation so its not just Kings Fall all the time. Happy for people to suggest a different one if we can get 6 for tomorrow evening.
  20. Raid tonight, lets see if we can get one moving later from around 8pm, if not earlier if the 6 are online before. RSVP if you can make it 👍
  21. Come on then, @Greboth has shown us how to add FG logos into Gt Sport so you can use them in game, now lets take a look at what you've managed to create in game! If you need more FG logos in game please check the other thread here Let's see those skillz FG! 😎
  22. These FG Fridays have been sorely missed!! Summer's gone, so let's get your Wreckfest updated for some crashing, bashing and lolz. RSVP please!
  23. Super Sunday is back for on the menu! Bring your gladrags and your fancy boots gentleman and ladies! GGFGFC
  24. After speaking to a few people here and recently buying GTA for Hamza @SyntaxMonstr, I think it's time to share and give a go to what I'd like to be called FG's Feel Good Fund after @crispymorgan great shout for a name (FGFGF. Snappy right? ). Objective is simple - To help out as many FGers as we can to make them 'Feel Good'. Surprises either go to people in need or someone we want to say thankyou or so we say 'Feel Good'. This is what we are the BEST at. This is why FG continues because its more than just a forum. Everyone member here knows that and we should continue doing this as much as we can. The part where its over to all of us is donations. I can ask at ad-hoc times in need or you can give regularly. Not everyone can give regularly or at all but if you can it would be amazing even if you give a few pounds or dollars. I would love to at some stage extend this to the running of FG however this is different. I will ask for help when the time is right separately as I want you to feel this is 100% Feel Good Money. I want to know your geniune honest thoughts on this. Good, bad or indifferent - I need to know. A couple of rules I will set out to start with. 1) If you want to give regularly, let me know and PM me. It is better to direct into account rather than paypal as we always lose a slight percentage for each donation. 2) no gift is too small. Even if you gave £1 or £2 I'm grateful. If we all did that each month we could give a game away each month. 3) If you donate and you want it towards someone or something specifically, please PM me. I don't want to 100% guarantee that it goes directly or not directly to someone, however your best intentions ALWAYS come first and I will communicate If its against your wishes. 4) If you have a suggestion for A Feel Good surprise please PM me. I will consult with other moderators to gain a consensus but ultimately I'll hold the final say. If you don't like this, speak up. If this picks up, I'll update it to a vote of trusted people. I think that's it. Please don't just dismiss this. We've got a good thing going here and I want to keep it going for as long as we can. This is for ALL of FG. Much Love Lee P.S. Donations ad-hoc you can use the donate button or alternatively PM me if you don't want it read on here. Thanks all. X P.P.S. And btw, I know pretty much everyone's scenarios and troubles of late. We are pretty dysfunctional but for all of the imperfections, we are truly a unique and special family that should be allowed to Feel Good - and welcoming to new FG people always.
  25. Afternoon all! A new story thread for us to keep everyone updated on all of our escapades and laughs along the way. Finally managed to get onto the DayZ PS4 server on Sunday and it was a nice surprise to see so many of us on it at the same time checking it out @ChaosGladiator @jordie1892 @Nutcuttlit @Luseth . I started my spawn in Novyshovo, or whatever its called. The furthest South West on the main land I believe. Sebba started to make his way to me, but within a few houses I felt pretty good finding some half decent loot, a full police outfit that always looks cool and is well insulated, and a couple of sharp things to bop Zombies - a Scythe being the one I ended up using first! For once, I felt confidently that I could meet Sebba at Msta, slightly North of my current destination. Probably should've waited for the truck, but anyhow, as I made my way I got caught up in a few Zombie fights. Luckily only got cut once and managed to find Seb's mahoosive truck which we then took to a solid car to swap materials and help go get Jordie considering the biggest vehicle in the game couldn't fit more than 2 people in it - FML 😅 After collecting Jordie and then Matt, we made our way to check out what the vendor looked like as Nutty was coming from the opposite side of the island at the same time. We got there and it was a like a gold mine! Anything you could need is in there. I think I like @jordie1892 's thoughts that we keep this locked down, and only really use it much later if it gets a successful turn out with FGers and also randomers. It made me really want to get going into the North West Airfield for more loot and kicking some zombies ass! However.... It had been raining - tons - since we left Electra where Jordie was, so we needed to get warm and dry our clothes. I rung my top out but saw Jordie next to the barrel fire and doing it that way. Seemed to make sense. I could just stand there and over time i'll get dry. Or so I thought. I stood close to it for a minute and then walked around for a moment but was still wet, so back to the barrel I went. Next thing I knew though, my screen went black. I thought the server needed a reset and we all got kicked off....until Jordie and Matt are laughing their tits off as i'm, apparently, on the floor, knocked out with my foot now dangled in the barrel. I have literally no idea what is going on. Everyone is laughing at my still body and i'm looking at a continued black screen. They start pouring water over me, jabbing me with meds, but no response. I start seeing a faint light but falling unconscious again. Next thing I know talk about my clothes and handcuffs comes out. This was what I couldn't see... I have to say, I'm just glad my videogame self was packing below, because clearly I was tied up, half naked and somehow losing life whilst lolz continued. No idea how this happened. Must've been getting too hot close to the fire but couldn't work it out. After 5 minutes, the server did restart, but I was then found back at the coast, so it clearly killed my half naked body through my left foot burning. I still had time to race into the nearest town, drink some water from a bottle, get sick, and then cut myself so much from Zombie fighting with said water bottle and died a second time. I'm now back in a coastal town, on top of a freight with zombies around me - again. Good, solid first day of Survival on the server with FG as per usual! 😅
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