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  1. Season 3 out next week. 3 actually NEW maps for MP. Plus loads of other stuff. Looks like a decent season for a change.
  2. On Modern Warfare 2 you can switch between using Scorestreak and Killstreak so which one do you prefer using and why? Post your reason below 👇
  3. It keeps on giving so lets get another MW2019 Multiplayer evening up for anyone that wants to group up with FG. It's definitely helped me not lose as many games now! Keep RSVPing please and everyone can join one of the FG Game Rooms on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.
  4. It keeps on giving so lets get another MW2019 Multiplayer evening up for anyone that wants to group up with FG. It's definitely helped me not lose as many games now! Keep RSVPing please and everyone can join one of the FG Game Rooms on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.
  5. Play of the Game stories or having an absolute epic fail. Let's hear them here! Is it just me or when you get a rythmn going, we take out about 12-15 people and still come around 12th. One game last night we absolutely were destroying squads around with @Stretch616 @slamminbones and @tronic44. One game we were moving from building to building finding 1 or 2 people together and swarmed the place like a swat team. Ultra aggressive, loving every minute. We found a group in a van so we took to them, throwing a few grenades and molotovs. Blew it up and then realised around the wall it was near there were 2 or 3 multiple squads. Got one squad wipe, I then lost my life 😩 but the other 3 picked the rest of them off. We ended up on a big building out in the South West next to a petrol station. Another team wipe with Paul and Stretch sniping on the roof but then we got penned in from a team up in the hills on the edge of the map and another team in a big truck. Trucks grab the most attention but they sure keep the driver safe. Panic ensued as we had to move into a tiny circle with 30 left. Running into the open the team in the hills started to pick us off one by one - Stretch took the offence by sweeping round taking another out - but being in the open meant other teams started to snipe and throw rounds of AR ammo at us. Paul and me tried to stay alive with him bringing a clutch res on me but it was too much open space to cover and find a secure spot to hold up. 7th place finish with 15 kills overall. I love how games can be really good and you're so far away from 1st still.
  6. And another one up to group up with FG! I'll put a few of these up across some nights so keep a look out, RSVP and most likely join FG Game Room 1 on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.
  7. Adding another slot for grouping up on Multiplayer or some Warzone FG squad matches! Get your names down everybody!!
  8. This has gathered some pace of late and been quite enjoyable to get a few of us back on and grouped together. Means we can actually try and win a few games....and also get battered together too 😅 I'll put a few of these up across some nights so keep a look out, RSVP and most likely join FG Game Room 1 on the PlayStation so people can jump in together.
  9. An epic conclusion to a Warzone FG quads game.
  10. So Warzone is free. They also have a smaller map which is called Rebirth Island. They've been able to create Private matches for some time and I think due to this being free, we should try and find a weekend evening where we can get as many FGers, old and new to try and jump in for a few games together. I'm going to try and push this out via the ol' socials too to see if we can get some interest but would love it if I could get your help too. I'm thinking for something near the end of May/start of June so we have time to drum up some interest in it. Rebirth Island can hold 40 players I think and obviously we can do more on the larger map. We can also play the modes where we can put extra respawns on too. Does anyone like the sound of this? Like the old teams such as Alliance, FPSHQ, T2K , Alliance, Destruction Inc, Noobz, etc? Maybe its a good way to help all of the CoD and FGers to get involved in something super big! And i'm sure lots of funny clips of killing each other won't go a miss 😎 Put your names down if you're in below and also if you can help me spread the word and nudge everyone on the planet. 👊
  11. Alright you lot. I have been talking with an old friend in Gazza and we've both decided it'd be good for me to return. I was once a part of the old MW2 forums way back when under the handle of The Reverend. A lot has changed since then. I'm a competitive call or duty player (search and destroy is my bread and butter) but I also scrim hardpoints and whatever the 3rd comp game mode will be this year. I'm an oldhead unfortunately at 32 but I like to think I can keep up with the young guns haha. My life has recently been turned upside down with suffering 4 heart attacks! 1 which nearly took my life. But I'm fighting back in my recovery and gaming is an outlet for me to keep focused and positive. So I'd like to say hello to the old frens and henlo to the potential new ones. Peace and love x
  12. I've spoken to a few people around FG ad we were thinking of having a Multiplayer night as its been so long trying it out. I think the latest game most FGers have currently is MW (the newer version 2019) so lets get it installed and have a few hours trying to get to grips with it all again. RSVP if you can make it. We can use FG Game Room 1 on Playstation but if we have others that want crossplay then i'm open to having to use that in-game chat (or Discord if we can find a way). See you next week!
  13. until
    Shooting FGers in the face, what more can you ask for on a Friday night?! If everyone is still on after a few hours, we can all switch to Fall Guys or Wreckfest to carry on with the lolz. RSVP people....and make sure the game is installed and up to date!! GGFG
  14. Let's get to shooty shooty bang bang time again. 18 players on Shipment? Oh, go on then 😄 A few hours of CoD followed by whatever you want afterwards - Wreckfest, Ark, Destiny, DayZ, FIFA, GT Sport, GTA etc Let's make sure you don't feel like you are alone this year - grab whatever drink you enjoy and jump in the chat! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! ❤️ GGFG
  15. Event Title: FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Private Games! Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 02/05/2021 08:00 PM Let's get to shooty shooty bang bang time again. 18 players on Shipment? Oh, go on then 😄 A few hours of CoD followed by whatever you want afterwards - Wreckfest, Ark, Destiny, DayZ, FIFA, GT Sport, GTA etc Let's make sure you don't feel like you are alone this year - grab whatever drink you enjoy and jump in the chat! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! ❤️ GGFG FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Private Games! N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  16. Not a strenous FG Friday this week, thought i'd stick up the most common CoD game we all own so we can have some fun for a few hours. Then you can go on to whatever you want afterwards - Wreckfest, Ark, Destiny, DayZ, FIFA, etc Don't feel like you are alone this year - grab whatever drink you're in too and jump in the chat! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! ❤️ GGFG
  17. Event Title: FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Private Games! Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 01/08/2021 08:00 PM Not a strenous FG Friday this week, thought i'd stick up the most common CoD game we all own so we can have some fun for a few hours. Then you can go on to whatever you want afterwards - Wreckfest, Ark, Destiny, DayZ, FIFA, etc Don't feel like you are alone this year - grab whatever drink you're in too and jump in the chat! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! ❤️ GGFG FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Private Games! N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  18. Event Title: FG Fridays - MW:Remastered & Wreckfest! Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 12/04/2020 08:00 PM Getting FG Friday games up - its been too long for a CoD night of shooting each other in the face! So lets play for an hour or so and the crack on to the lovely Wreckfest! This is for the remastered version not the new one. If we don't get enough for MW Remastered we'll just start Wreckfest earlier! 😄 Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! FG Fridays - MW:Remastered & Wreckfest! N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  19. Getting FG Friday games up - its been too long for a CoD night of shooting each other in the face! So lets play for an hour or so and the crack on to the lovely Wreckfest! This is for the remastered version not the new one. If we don't get enough for MW Remastered we'll just start Wreckfest earlier! 😄 Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!!
  20. Started on Tuesday 29th September and has the following items and updates: Major Highlights New fast travel points in Warzone via the Verdansk subway system 7 subway stations located across the Warzone map New Battle Pass, with 100 tiers of new unlocks, similar rewards as previous BPs 2 New Operators - Farah and Nikolai 3 skins to unlock for each Operator Unlocked via Battle Pass New maps for Modern Warfare Gunfight map called Station Ground War map called Verdansk Riverside 2 new multiplayer maps called Broadcast and Mialstor Tank Factory 2 new weapons SP-R 208 AS VAL Full Patch Notes from Infinity Ward: PLAYLIST UPDATE: MODERN WARFARE: Ground War Gunfight Blueprint Customs Face Off - Station Killstreak Confirmed Season Six Mish Pit – Season Six maps Broadcast and Mialstor Tank Factory in mosh pit game modes WARZONE: BR Quads BR Trios BR Duos BR Solos Plunder Trios Armored Royale Quads GENERAL FIXES: C4: Slight delay when performing a quick detonation. A beep will now play when quick detonation is triggered. Also reduced throw initial velocity by 30% Fix for a bug where, after reviving a teammate in Survival, there will be a 5 second delay before the user is able to use their weapon again Fix for an issue where players could obtain unlimited Stopping Power rounds Fix for an issue where the defending player had a long respawn timer after the HQ was taken back and all players were dead while in a Headquarters match Fix for an issue where it was possible to put a molotov or grenade into a planted bomb causing it to kill the defusing player WEAPONS: Fix for two issues where the player’s watch and/or Heartbeat Sensor would not be entirely visible when using the XRK Chainsaw attachment on the Finn LMG Fix for a bug where explosive and thermite rounds do not function as intended on the Chronic variant from the Blunt Force II bundle Fixed an issue where the muzzle selection screen for the Finn LMG was hard to view in the Gunsmith menu Fixed an issue where the player’s left hand will not properly grip the weapon when the 23.0” Romanian barrel is equipped on the AK Fixed a few bugs where the prone hipfire viewmodel positioning was not appearing as intended and could disappear in certain circumstances Origin 12: Reduced very close damage in Warzone Shotguns: Increased damage of slugs in Warzone XRK ChainSAW - FiNN LMG: Adding a description in Gunsmith noting the attachment does not allow for weapon mounting Increased brightness on the Tac Laser attachment WARZONE: Fixed a collision issue in the south corner of the Stadium Fix for an issue where a fence with a white tarp over it near the Hospital was allowing players to see through it on one side Fix for an issue where, on occasion, the train would appear as a white placeholder icon on the map Implemented fixes to help properly track Warzone wins Fixed a bug where players were unable to damage enemies with gunfire while on an ascender If a player has their minimap set to not rotate, they will see inaccurate pings on the heartbeat sensor. This has been fixed Fix for a rare issue where the Train’s supply boxes could vanish during longer rounds PC: NVIDIA Reflex is now available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, including Warzone, and will deliver latency improvements in GPU-intensive gaming scenarios on GeForce GTX 900 and higher NVIDIA graphics cards Improved stability and performance
  21. until
    The PS4 Alpha is available to download now and across the entire weekend so let's see who will be about on it to give it some try outs and first impressions!
  22. Event Title: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 09/18/2020 06:00 PM to 09/20/2020 06:00 PM The PS4 Alpha is available to download now and across the entire weekend so let's see who will be about on it to give it some try outs and first impressions! Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  23. Getting FG Friday games up nice and early - plenty of time to get the game updated and have a huge MW:R partay! This is for the remastered version not the new one. Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!!
  24. Event Title: FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Games! Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 09/11/2020 08:00 PM Getting FG Friday games up nice and early - plenty of time to get the game updated and have a huge MW:R partay! This is for the remastered version not the new one. Grab a drink and jump on in! RSVP so we know who's in or out!! FG Fridays - MW:Remastered Games! N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  25. Specific question for the original FGers thats been here for an age. What were all the clan names that people played under? Would love to know who was in which one as I'm looking at getting a big CoD night, like we usually do but it would be awesome to get a few 6v6 hilarious gunfights going against each other for old times sake! I think there was T2k - Tendency 2 Kill, Alliance? and another one. FPSHQ or something like that. Just be good to remember who was in which one and maybe some internal fun connecting with old FGers as well as making some new FGer teams up too.
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