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  1. View this quiz Call of Duty - Quiz No.2 - General The next installment in our Call of Duty quizzes! Submitter GazzaGarratt Type Graded Mode Time 5 minutes Total Questions 12 Category Call of Duty Submitted 09/21/2019
  2. Hello fellow gamers! Are you passionate about gaming and love sharing your thoughts? We want to hear from YOU! As part of my Digital Marketing course at Robert Gordon University, I'm conducting a research project on the impact of Activision's influencer marketing strategies on the gaming preferences of the UK Gen Z population. 🕹️ What's In It For You? By taking just a few minutes to complete our survey, you'll be contributing to cutting-edge research within the gaming industry. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of digital marketing for gamers like yourself! 🔍 How to Participate: Click https://robertgordonuniversity.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/assessing-the-impact-of-activision-influencer-marketing-on to share your opinions and experiences. It's quick, easy, and your input makes a real difference. 🌐 Survey Link: https://robertgordonuniversity.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/assessing-the-impact-of-activision-influencer-marketing-on 🙌 Thank you for being a part of this exciting research journey! Feel free to spread the word and share the survey link with your gaming buddies. Let's make our voices heard in the gaming community! Happy gaming!
  3. Season 3 out next week. 3 actually NEW maps for MP. Plus loads of other stuff. Looks like a decent season for a change.
  4. With the game being out for almost two weeks. What’s your good, bad and ugly Good: The feel of the weapons. It seems like most all are very usable other than the M16 Bad: Perk system. I do not like the perk packages. I would rather it be the old way. Ugly: The spawn system. It’s horrible. They need to get rid of the squad spawn. Can’t tell you how many times I’ve spawned into gun fire or have someone spawn in front of me right as I killed one of their teammates. Honorable mention: The UI. It’s not game breaking but my god it’s bad. Inviting people is a pain.
  5. Not even standing on it gives you OHK. Remove from your Warzone loadouts NOW.
  6. An epic conclusion to a Warzone FG quads game.
  7. So Warzone is free. They also have a smaller map which is called Rebirth Island. They've been able to create Private matches for some time and I think due to this being free, we should try and find a weekend evening where we can get as many FGers, old and new to try and jump in for a few games together. I'm going to try and push this out via the ol' socials too to see if we can get some interest but would love it if I could get your help too. I'm thinking for something near the end of May/start of June so we have time to drum up some interest in it. Rebirth Island can hold 40 players I think and obviously we can do more on the larger map. We can also play the modes where we can put extra respawns on too. Does anyone like the sound of this? Like the old teams such as Alliance, FPSHQ, T2K , Alliance, Destruction Inc, Noobz, etc? Maybe its a good way to help all of the CoD and FGers to get involved in something super big! And i'm sure lots of funny clips of killing each other won't go a miss 😎 Put your names down if you're in below and also if you can help me spread the word and nudge everyone on the planet. 👊
  8. I've spoken to a few people around FG ad we were thinking of having a Multiplayer night as its been so long trying it out. I think the latest game most FGers have currently is MW (the newer version 2019) so lets get it installed and have a few hours trying to get to grips with it all again. RSVP if you can make it. We can use FG Game Room 1 on Playstation but if we have others that want crossplay then i'm open to having to use that in-game chat (or Discord if we can find a way). See you next week!
  9. To be clear before I get into it, this isn't a dig or directed at anyone specifically at all. From since the beginning of time, which is basically FG's existence obviously, we see so many people - so many of us - disgruntled, annoyed, pissed off, etc, about the state of Call of Duty franchise and hammering the next game that is out without really seeing what people really DO want. So here it is - what Call of Duty characteristics do you want them to create? Think of setting, time, perks, guns, gameplay dynamics, ultimates/supers (or not). I'm trying to see if there really is something that would get your spices flowing. And don't cop out with 'just make MW2 remastered' because that shit has been done before and did well in that era. You've seen how remastered goes. A little nostalgia and the positive comments soon turn into utter negative crap which after a while you just don't wanna read cos it depresses you. I'm really interested to know what you guys want and how they could concoct a near perfect Call of Duty. And don't get hung up on the name, some people will hate CoD if it just says 'CoD' in it. Rather than dwell on that, focus on what could be GOOD to see. Maybe we could see some in the next game, or the ones already out today.
  10. Started on Tuesday 29th September and has the following items and updates: Major Highlights New fast travel points in Warzone via the Verdansk subway system 7 subway stations located across the Warzone map New Battle Pass, with 100 tiers of new unlocks, similar rewards as previous BPs 2 New Operators - Farah and Nikolai 3 skins to unlock for each Operator Unlocked via Battle Pass New maps for Modern Warfare Gunfight map called Station Ground War map called Verdansk Riverside 2 new multiplayer maps called Broadcast and Mialstor Tank Factory 2 new weapons SP-R 208 AS VAL Full Patch Notes from Infinity Ward: PLAYLIST UPDATE: MODERN WARFARE: Ground War Gunfight Blueprint Customs Face Off - Station Killstreak Confirmed Season Six Mish Pit – Season Six maps Broadcast and Mialstor Tank Factory in mosh pit game modes WARZONE: BR Quads BR Trios BR Duos BR Solos Plunder Trios Armored Royale Quads GENERAL FIXES: C4: Slight delay when performing a quick detonation. A beep will now play when quick detonation is triggered. Also reduced throw initial velocity by 30% Fix for a bug where, after reviving a teammate in Survival, there will be a 5 second delay before the user is able to use their weapon again Fix for an issue where players could obtain unlimited Stopping Power rounds Fix for an issue where the defending player had a long respawn timer after the HQ was taken back and all players were dead while in a Headquarters match Fix for an issue where it was possible to put a molotov or grenade into a planted bomb causing it to kill the defusing player WEAPONS: Fix for two issues where the player’s watch and/or Heartbeat Sensor would not be entirely visible when using the XRK Chainsaw attachment on the Finn LMG Fix for a bug where explosive and thermite rounds do not function as intended on the Chronic variant from the Blunt Force II bundle Fixed an issue where the muzzle selection screen for the Finn LMG was hard to view in the Gunsmith menu Fixed an issue where the player’s left hand will not properly grip the weapon when the 23.0” Romanian barrel is equipped on the AK Fixed a few bugs where the prone hipfire viewmodel positioning was not appearing as intended and could disappear in certain circumstances Origin 12: Reduced very close damage in Warzone Shotguns: Increased damage of slugs in Warzone XRK ChainSAW - FiNN LMG: Adding a description in Gunsmith noting the attachment does not allow for weapon mounting Increased brightness on the Tac Laser attachment WARZONE: Fixed a collision issue in the south corner of the Stadium Fix for an issue where a fence with a white tarp over it near the Hospital was allowing players to see through it on one side Fix for an issue where, on occasion, the train would appear as a white placeholder icon on the map Implemented fixes to help properly track Warzone wins Fixed a bug where players were unable to damage enemies with gunfire while on an ascender If a player has their minimap set to not rotate, they will see inaccurate pings on the heartbeat sensor. This has been fixed Fix for a rare issue where the Train’s supply boxes could vanish during longer rounds PC: NVIDIA Reflex is now available in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, including Warzone, and will deliver latency improvements in GPU-intensive gaming scenarios on GeForce GTX 900 and higher NVIDIA graphics cards Improved stability and performance
  11. Introduction video My name is Jamie, im a 22 year old Male Quick scoper here to spread the word of my content!!! Let me know if you enjoy, all input helps. Feel free to ask any questions if you have them 💖😁 Youtube Twitch
  12. until
    The PS4 Alpha is available to download now and across the entire weekend so let's see who will be about on it to give it some try outs and first impressions!
  13. Event Title: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 09/18/2020 06:00 PM to 09/20/2020 06:00 PM The PS4 Alpha is available to download now and across the entire weekend so let's see who will be about on it to give it some try outs and first impressions! Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War Alpha N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
    • One Right Answer
    • 5 minutes
    • 12 Questions
    • 20 Players
    The next installment in our Call of Duty quizzes!
  14. Taken from Treyarch website: Operation Apocalypse Z arrives July 9th on PS4, bringing the undead to the forefront of this season of content with events and updates that will occur throughout the Operation. Launch week of Operation Apocalypse Z brings new ways to play and experience Black Ops 4 across Multiplayer, Blackout, and Zombies, including new game modes, new weapons, map updates, and more! Here are some updates coming throughout this new Operation: Multiplayer New Specialist: Reaper New Game Mode: Sticks & Stones New Maps (Black Ops Pass): Der Schatten Remnant Havana (Black Ops Flashback) New Alt Map: Jungle Flooded + More Blackout New Map Updates: The Haunting Fog – An apocalyptic transformation to the main map. Alcatraz: Nightfall – The prison island under the cover of darkness. New Game Modes Quads Fog – A limited-time Quads playlist where cloudy skies hang over an ominous fog. Alcatraz Portals Horde – An Alcatraz game mode with more Zombies enemy types that spawn throughout the map. New Weapons/Equipment New Playable Characters: M. Shadows Russman Danny Trejo Zombies New Experience: “Alpha Omega” New Elixirs: Head Drama Phoenix Up New Perk: Blood Wolf Bite + More Black Market 40 new Contraband stream Tiers Zombies-themed Specialist outfits New Mastercrafts and MKII Weapons Earnable Ultra Weapon Bribe + More Now, here’s the intel on Operation Apocalypse Z… Multiplayer Reaper returns! The experimental war robot from Call of Duty: Black Ops III returns with added abilities focused on heavy assault and disruption. Reaper is a heavily armed robotic Specialist that utilizes explosive firepower to gain the upper hand. Reaper’s Special Issue Weaponry is the Scythe – a high-damage machine gun with explosive rounds and a fast fire rate that also inflicts a suppression status effect to nearby enemies. Reaper’s Special Issue Equipment, the Radar Shroud, is a deployable jamming device that conceals an area on enemy mini-maps. This equipment allows Reaper and his teammates to operate undetected within the Shroud’s radius. Reaper is available at Tier 1 of the Operation, and will be playable in Multiplayer once unlocked. Another Party Game returns to Black Ops 4 with Sticks and Stones! Players are only given a crossbow, Ballistic Knife, and Combat Axe to battle opponents in this score-based Free-For-All game mode. Players earn varying points by getting kills and can bankrupt enemies with a successful Combat Axe kill. Pay attention to the periodically-sweeping UAV that marks the leading player with a gold dot so that you can hunt them down and try to gain the advantage. In addition to Sticks and Stones, other Party Games will return in this Operation. Look out for Gun Game with the Ballistic Knife as its new final weapon, the return of Infected, and more. New Multiplayer weapons in the Black Market this Operation include: Reaver C86: A semi-auto crossbow that kills on impact. Argus: A precision lever-action shotgun returning from Black Ops III. Backhander: A disembodied zombie arm that functions as a one-hit kill melee weapon. Blackout An eerie fog has settled in Blackout, signaling the onset of the Zombie apocalypse. Drop into Blackout to experience battle royale at the end of days. Zombies have left the main map in ruins as windows have been boarded up to secure safety, and the waters run red with blood. Two variants of the Blackout main map will be available: one that updates the traditional playlists (Solos, Duos, Quads) with a light fog and unique Zombies-inspired theming including a familiar voice at the beginning of the match; and the second, a limited time playlist aptly named “Quads Fog”, has similar environmental changes but with a much thicker and more foreboding haze. Both maps hold Zombies secrets to find and unlock. Visit Zombies locations to find some new surprises and special enemies! Zombies have overrun the prison island of Alcatraz where the undead are more prevalent than ever in its latest update, Alcatraz: Nightfall. Shrouded in darkness where opponents or zombies can assault players off their guard, Alcatraz: Nightfall introduces the need for new gameplay tactics on this redeploy map. This new map variant brings a new game mode: Alcatraz Portals Horde, where the darkness has brought out Hellhounds and the Warden patrolling for anyone with plans of escaping. These new enemies make survival more difficult, as you’ll still drop in with nine other squads ready to fight. Even though there are more zombies, fewer zombies will spawn in during the final Collapse, so a squad vs. squad battle will determine the victor. If you want to test your skills against the growing horde, drop into Alcatraz Portals Horde and see if you can find any hidden secrets along the way. Coming later in the Operation, battle for survival in Pandemic. This Operation’s upcoming limited-time mode is planned to feature a large-scale fight to survive enemies and zombies. Like Multiplayer’s Infected, when players are eliminated, they return as zombies looking to add more numbers to their horde. Infected players can respawn all the way up until the final Collapse, where the remaining squads must bunker down and outlast the Pandemic. The last squad of survivors will win. More characters will be available in the Black Market throughout the Operation, including M. Shadows, Russman, and Danny Trejo! Zombies The Aether story continues in “Alpha Omega”. Following the events of “Classified” and “Blood of the Dead”, the Primis and Ultimis crews travel to a secret Broken Arrow facility at Nuketown. This gameplay space, which is 400% larger than “Nuketown Zombies”, features both familiar nostalgia and new elements. In “Alpha Omega”, players will face new enemies, including Jolting Jacks and Nova 6 Bombers that are deadlier evolutions of the Nova 6 Crawlers from “Kino Der Toten”. Plus, you’ll fight against a new special round foe, the Lightning Hounds. As the Aether story heads toward an epic conclusion, “Alpha Omega” works to unravel the mysteries of the beginning and the end. Gear up for this epic new battle with the latest Perk, Blood Wolf Bite. When activated, players are given a friendly wolf companion named Luna that aids in surviving the undead. Once in the map, Luna fights alongside the player, killing zombies and even dealing damage to larger or mini-boss type enemies. If Blood Wolf Bite is placed in the Modifier slot, a Luna kill has the chance of spawning a mini-Power-up, such as a small amount of ammo, points, or power. Classic Elixirs from Black Ops III will also arrive at the start of the Operation. Phoenix Up is for players who want to lend a helping hand, reviving all teammates and allowing them to keep their Perks. Head Drama makes every shot really count. When equipped, any bullet that hits a zombie damages its head. The Argus shotgun and Reaver C86 semi-auto crossbow will be added to the Mystery Box at the start of Operation Apocalypse Z. Discover how both deal damage to the undead and Pack-A-Punch them in game for the Ancient Harbinger (Argus) and Minos’ Zeal (Reaver C86). Also, the new Zombies experience delivers a new Gauntlet later in this Operation. Players will be able to tackle thirty new challenges while battling the undead in the upcoming “Alpha Omega” Gauntlet, “Duck and Cover”. Black Market Operation Apocalypse Z brings new gear and weapons to the Black Market. The Operation Contraband stream will contain 40 predefined Tiers lasting through the first half of the Operation, followed by a new stream to cover the second half. The Contraband stream will also include an earnable Ultra Weapon Bribe. Ultra Weapon Bribes guarantee one new ranged Black Market weapon and two Reserve Cases. If you already own a variant of all Black Market weapons, Ultra Weapon Bribes will award an additional Black Market weapon variant. In addition to new weapons, the Black Market holds new zombies-themed epic character outfits, new MKII weapons, Legendary weapon camos, and more. Here’s an overview of all the goods in Operation Apocalypse Z: 40 Tiers: Preview all the earnable rewards in the first half of the Operation on day one. New Specialist: Reaper is available at Tier 1 and playable in Multiplayer and Blackout once unlocked. New Black Market Weapons: The Argus shotgun, Reaver C86 semi-auto Crossbow, and Backhander melee weapon. New Blackout Characters: Russman, M. Shadows, and Danny Trejo. New MK II Weapons: Available in Reserves, find MKII Weapons for the Mog 12, Saug 9mm, and Vendetta. New Mastercrafts: The “Wundergewehr 115” for the Koshka is available at Tier 20 of the Contraband stream and the “Imaginator” for the Daemon 3XB is in Reserves. If the “Imaginator” is acquired by a player who doesn’t own the Daemon 3XB, it will serve as a functional ranged weapon, effectively adding the Daemon 3XB to the player’s Armory. New Weapon Camos: The green “Derezzed”, post-apocalypse dust “Smoke Blast”, and the out-of-this-world ‘Time Out’ camo. New Specialist Outfits: Zombies-inspired Specialist’s outfits include “The Prepper” for Spectre, “The Cheerleader” for Outrider, and “The Waitress” for Zero amongst others. Also, new Legendary outfits like “Fossil” for Firebreak, “Ritual” for Prophet, and more can be found in the Contraband stream and in Reserves. New Weapon Charms: Available in Reserves, equip the latest Weapon Charms before you head into battle like “Pillow Talk”, “Just Peachy”, and “Byte Me”. New Death Effects: Add something extra when you take down enemies with new Death Effects – “Black Hole” and “Magma”. New Gestures: Bust a move with new gestures “Breakin’ For Beats” and “Nooice”. New Jump Pack: Equip the “Night Terror” jump pack to drop into Blackout in epic Zombies fashion. Blackjacks’ Reserves: Operation Apocalypse Z Reserve items include the Vendetta MKII, Argus, M. Shadows, Specialist outfits such as Battery’s “Kaleidoscope”, and more. Black Ops Pass Three more Multiplayer maps and a new Zombies experience are available to Black Ops Pass owners in Operation Apocalypse Z. The Multiplayer maps will join the regular map rotation in Core and Hardcore playlist along with a dedicated Map Pack Moshpit playlist at the beginning of the Operation. Set in the 1940s at the height of Nazi Germany during the Zombies experience “Der Eisendrache”, Der Schatten begins by spawning players into the map via a time portal. The zombies have already arrived in Eisenstadt, Austria, and you’ll see them in store windows along with other nods to Zombies history, including Samantha’s teddy bear. A fallen “Giant” robot has crashed, dispersing Element 115 throughout the play space, suspending various parts of the environment in mid-air. In “The Shadow” of the Zombies experience, this Multiplayer map offers unique engagements against the backdrop of Treyarch Zombies lore. The map has multiple interior spaces including opportunities to fight inside a crashed robot that adds a new dynamic to the Multiplayer space. Players can use the robot parts to flank, gain cover, and other tricks to get a tactical leg up over the opponent. There’s also an opportunity to get in the literal head of the robot and overlook parts of the map. From that power position players can pick off enemies or press a button that activates the robot’s finger to smash unsuspecting foes. Der Schatten also holds various structures and longer sightlines on the streets, creating a versatile battleground ready for players to enjoy. Hop off your tour bus and visit Remnant, a modern day museum that specializes in collecting and showcasing curiosities, oddities, and nightmares surrounding Zombies-related events. A recently purchased relic has unleashed chaos and death, wiping out everyone in the museum. For those who dare to trek past the Bio Response Initiative vans, you’ll discover various exhibits modeled around epic moments in Zombies history, including a familiar bus and diner that offer a distinct Multiplayer experience. Remnant is a large-scale map with wide spacing for longer engagements as well as close to mid-range firefights among various part of the interiors. The map is primarily indoors, so ground-based Scorestreaks will play well. And with a larger map, moving around the outside (in or out of the water) or using a telepad to teleport quickly to another location is ideal to finding and eliminating enemies. Take in the sights and stop by the gift shop if you have a chance between battles to enjoy this specialty museum in the heart of Louisiana. Havana returns to Black Ops 4, where an escalating conflict has cleared out the streets. This Black Ops flashback is set in Cuba during the Cold War, where revolutionary posters and flak guns fortified by sandbags signal an uprising. The map is filled with multiple houses, bars, alleys, and other spaces that favor close-quarters builds. For those who want to literally take to the streets, long sightlines can be found that overlook parts of the map as well as various environment pieces that can serve as cover during intense engagements. There are multiple ways to get across the map that offer both risks and rewards, so players will have to think strategically and play to their strengths. The Aether story returns to an expanded version of Nuketown players have never seen before. Battle for survival as the Primis and Ultimis characters for the first time in Zombies history in “Alpha Omega”.
  15. What was your first unlock? What are you looking forward to unlocking - a perk or weapon? I'm undecided atm. I usually go for a perk like Dead Silence but then I'd love to have the Swordfish but also hear good things about the Vapr.
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    First of many doses of Call of Duty quizzes. Number 1 will be a general one across the whole Call of Duty Franchise.
  16. So with the beta going live yesterday - what are peoples thoughts on it so far? For me there is the obvious things to instantly like - no wall running, no boost jumps it is a proper boots on the ground CoD but we pretty much knew that going in to it. The good; Graphics - I can't say I noticed any particularly fancy lighting or moment of wow that looks amazing but the graphics are clear, textures look good and currently there is no horrible colours (I'm sure neon pink and green supply drop weapons will change that though) Guns - I only tried a few out last night but they sound and handle differently - especially seeming to have more recoil than previous COD's so each feels unique. The guns feel like they have different ranges too - SMG's feel useless at range, rifles useless at close range etc. though this could just be me being rubbish. Mediocre Maps - For domination and TDM the maps seem to flow OK so far - not perfect but OK. I'm really not sure on the new mode though - when it comes to building the bridge there seems to be so many spots to look out from that it is difficult to clear them all. Bad Insta-death - What would a CoD be without insta-death. It hasn't happened often but already died a few times before I could even react. Head glitching - It isn't really a glitch but I don't understand the constant need to put objects in the world people can hide behind and have only part of their head sticking above. Surely these spots just encourage camping which is seemingly the opposite of what most people want. That is it off the top of my head but I've only played for a couple of hours so I'm sure my view probably change a little.
  17. Call of Duty® returns to its roots with Call of Duty®: WWII—a breathtaking experience that redefines World War II for a new gaming generation. Land in Normandy on D-Day and battle across Europe through iconic locations in history’s most monumental war. Experience classic Call of Duty combat, the bonds of camaraderie, and the unforgiving nature of war. Source
  18. Anyone here download and play this yet? I just read about it and the reviews so far have been pretty good. It's along the same idea as Clash of Clans with a Call of Duty spin to it. I hope we get a group on this as well.
  19. Post your first game of multiplayer here.
  20. Atlas Limited Edition – $79.99: -Atlas Gorge Multiplayer Bonus Map – Atlas Gorge re-envisions the fan favorite Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare map Pipeline. -Atlas Digital Content Pack – Inspired by the Atlas Corporation, the most powerful PMC in the world, this pack features an array of customized in-game content and more: -Two weapons -Atlas Exoskeleton -Atlas Player Card -Five Bonus Supply Drops -Single player Exoskeleton Upgrade Token -Welcome to Atlas: Advanced Soldier Manuel Atlas Pro Edition – $119.99: Includes everything above, and the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Season Pass. http://www.charlieintel.com/2014/07/29/rumor-advanced-warfare-collectors-editions-leaked-atlas-limited-edition-atlas-pro-edition-coming/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook
  21. Check your emails guys, I'm sure a lot of you will get this email with a survey linked to it. Get on it, I know we're a minuscule portion of the COD community but I'm hoping maybe we can make a difference and bring back the glory days...
  22. A new video from AliA has released details that a brand new Gold Knife and a Gold Pistol are coming to Call of Duty: Ghosts on June 3rd, alongside Invasion’s release on Xbox platforms. Gold Knife will be available to those who are 5th prestige and higher in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Gold Pistol will be available to those who are 10th prestige in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Source
  23. A new batch of micro items for Call of Duty: Ghosts is on it’s way! 6 new personalization packs, a new Spectrum pack, and an Astronaut character pack will be available for Xbox Live players starting May 20th. Here are the new items available May 20th on Xbox Live: Koi Pack $1.99 Bring a Zen-like calm to any match with the Koi Personalization Pack. Deliver tranquility and peaceful fishies with a themed camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Extinction Pack – $1.99 Bring your battle against the Cryptids to Multiplayer with the Extinction Personalization Pack. This pack contains an alien themed weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Heavy Metal Pack – $1.99 Thrash any Multiplayer moshpit with the Metal Personalization Pack, complete with hardcore weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Unicorn Pack – $1.99 Strike fear into the hearts of your enemies with the Unicorn Personalization Pack, featuring a weapon camo draped in rainbows and the mythical beast, a single-horned reticle, patch, playercard and background. Fitness Pack – $1.99 Don’t sweat in your next firefight with the new moisture-wicking Fitness Personalization Pack. Complete with a bold, but breathable performance-themed weapon camo, reticle, patch, playercard and background. Spectrum Pack Leaving concealment to the campers, the Spectrum Warrior Pack deploys in an eye-catching uniform and headgear that promises to attract unceasing attention. Bling Pack – $1.99 Your skills are cash money, the Bling Personalization Pack proves it. Stand out from the crowd with a gold and diamond laced camo, iced-out reticle, patch, playercard and background. Character – Astronaut – $1.99 Take one small step for man, one giant leap for Multiplayer. Prove that you have the right stuff with the Astronaut Special Character. An astronaut..... A fucking astronaut.
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