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  1. Post your accounts! Steam: Capn_Underpants Origin: Capn_Underpants Minecraft: N/A LoL: CommanderUndies
  2. I'm running a Minecraft server with a couple of friends. We are on Multicraft Bukkit 1.8.7. We are wanting to set up some waypoints, preferably though plugins; however, I'm open to using mods, just not as experienced installing them for a server. Can anyone help me out? Please. Thanks!!!
  3. I appreciate I haven't spent really any time on the new server. Hopefully I can rectify that in September. What would be really good is if we can discuss other ideas to what we can achieve as a group. When I touch base with this again, i'd like some goals to achieve together rather than set my home up and explore on my own. Ideas don't have to be big, they could be a small 1/2 day thing which a few of us can do.
  4. Does anyone know of any good seeds they've used to create Minecraft worlds? Looking at making a few with Dax so looking to keep him entertained for a while.
  5. If you want to try Minecraft, or want to get it for younger members of the family, check this out. AFAIK It’s not the moddable version but, hey, for 42p what’s not to like? https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/minecraft-windows-10-edition-microsoft-cd-key-pc-42p-gamivo-3066849?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=position_1_textlink&utm_campaign=03-10-2018
  6. Dax keeps on askin for some of these mods he watches on YouTube channels but I haven't a clue where to start. Can anyone offer some basic tips about mods and how to install them?
  7. Event Title: Minecraft get together Event Author: Greboth Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 02/18/2018 08:00 PM to 02/18/2018 11:30 PM We've recently reset the Minecraft world with the new world only having been up for around a week so it is a good time to join in. It would be good to get a few people on together and maybe join discord too. I know a number of people have also said about joining and I'm happy to go through the instal process of mods etc. to help people get up and running too. Minecraft get together N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  8. As Dax is asking me a lot about this dragon I thought it would be handy to have a thread on it. First question though. On creative, once you have killed it, how do you get it to respawn again? I can't see an Ender Dragon egg anywhere. This is on Playstation version so it's Vanilla. Also, does this exist in our online server?
  9. Post here all items requiring technical help I'll start the ball rolling and I apologise if it's a long post I am only in single player mode at the moment but after a while the game becomes a bit jerky and hangs. I get the (not responding) message in the title bar I'm running W8.1 on a Sony Viao with an Intel Core I% with 4Gb RAM This is the Minecraft Game Output 14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 1 Recipes of Type class net.minecraft.item.crafting.RecipesMapExtending14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 138 Recipes of Type class com.InfinityRaider.AgriCraft.items.crafting.RecipeShapelessCustomWood14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 4 Recipes of Type class com.emoniph.witchery.WitcheryRecipes$114:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 1544 Recipes of Type class net.minecraftforge.oredict.ShapelessOreRecipe14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 2004 Recipes of Type class net.minecraft.item.crafting.ShapedRecipes14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoFound 1 Recipes of Type class com.emoniph.witchery.crafting.RecipeShapelessBiomeCopy14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoCollected Mappings from moze_intel.projecte.emc.mappers.CraftingMapper14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoCollected Mappings from moze_intel.projecte.emc.mappers.FluidMapper14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoCollected Mappings from moze_intel.projecte.emc.mappers.SmeltingMapper14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoCollected Mappings from moze_intel.projecte.emc.mappers.APICustomConversionMapper14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoMapping Collection finished14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoStarting to generate Values:14:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetIron(6470:0) => 1*minecraft:iron_ingot(265:0)" ingredient cost: 252/1 fixed value of result: 256/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 2*BiomesOPlenty:planks(532:10) => 8*BiomesOPlenty:bamboo(503:0)" ingredient cost: 16/1 fixed value of result: 4/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 2*BiomesOPlenty:planks(532:10) => 8*BiomesOPlenty:bamboo(503:0)" ingredient cost: 16/1 fixed value of result: 4/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetEmerald(6471:0) => 1*minecraft:emerald(388:0)" ingredient cost: 16380/1 fixed value of result: 16384/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 1*Growthcraft|Bamboo:grc.bambooCoal(4839:0) + 1*NSSFAKE1967: [1xitem.stick@0, 1xitem.natura.stick@32767, 1xtile.bamboo@0, 1xtile.plants@8, 1xitem.grc.bamboo@0] => 2*minecraft:torch(50:0)" ingredient cost: 8/1 fixed value of result: 9/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetTin(6475:0) => 1*Forestry:ingotTin(4574:0)" ingredient cost: 252/1 value of result: 256/1 setValueFromConversion: 0/1 + 1*OD: ingotIron => 1*Forestry:ingotTin(4574:0)14:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetQuartz(6473:0) => 1*minecraft:quartz(406:0)" ingredient cost: 252/1 fixed value of result: 256/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetPlatinum(6477:0) => 1*Metallurgy:platinum.ingot(5298:0)" ingredient cost: 4095/1 value of result: 4096/1 setValueFromConversion: 0/1 + 16*OD: ingotIron => 1*Metallurgy:platinum.ingot(5298:0)14:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 1*NSSFAKE1752: [1xitem.barleyFood@4, 1xitem.metal.item.utility.item@0] + 1*NSSFAKE1751: [1xitem.barleyFood@4, 1xitem.metal.item.utility.item@0] + 1*NSSFAKE1754: [1xitem.barleyFood@4, 1xitem.metal.item.utility.item@0] + 1*NSSFAKE1753: [1xitem.barleyFood@4, 1xitem.metal.item.utility.item@0] => 1*minecraft:gunpowder(289:0)" ingredient cost: 128/1 fixed value of result: 192/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetSilver(6476:0) => 1*Metallurgy:silver.ingot(5288:0)" ingredient cost: 504/1 value of result: 512/1 setValueFromConversion: 0/1 + 2*OD: ingotIron => 1*Metallurgy:silver.ingot(5288:0)14:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetDiamond(6472:0) => 1*minecraft:diamond(264:0)" ingredient cost: 8190/1 fixed value of result: 8192/114:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*AgriCraft:nuggetCopper(6474:0) => 1*Forestry:ingotCopper(4573:0)" ingredient cost: 126/1 value of result: 128/1 setValueFromConversion: 0/1 + 1*OD: ingotIron => 2*Forestry:ingotCopper(4573:0)14:40:09ProjectEServer threadwarnEMC Exploit: "0/1 + 9*minecraft:gold_nugget(371:0) => 1*minecraft:gold_ingot(266:0)" ingredient cost: 2043/1 value of result: 2048/1 setValueFromConversion: 0/1 + 8*OD: ingotIron => 1*minecraft:gold_ingot(266:0)14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoGenerated Values...14:40:09ProjectEServer threadinfoRegistered 3208 EMC values. (took 1513 ms)14:40:10net.minecraft.server.integrated.IntegratedServerServer threadinfoChanging view distance to 12, from 1014:40:10bspkrsCoreClient threadinfoDisabling Main Menu Mob render ticker14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerHopper14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerDispenser14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBrewingStand14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerBeacon14:40:10FMLServer threadinfoInvTweaks: net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerMerchant14:40:10FMLNetty Client IO #2infoServer protocol version 214:40:10FMLNetty IO #1infoClient protocol version 214:40:10FMLNetty IO #1infoClient attempting to join with 83 mods : NotEnoughItems@,Growthcraft|Rice@1.7.10-2.6.2,Waila@1.5.10,ForgeRelocation@,NEIAddons@,ForgeMicroblock@,StorageDrawersForestry@1.7.10-1.1.1,OpenModsCore@0.10,Growthcraft|Hops@1.7.10-2.6.2,AM2-Preloader@0.0.3,ivtoolkit@1.2.1,MetallurgyCore@4.0.4,NEIAddons|Developer@,RelocationFMP@,endercore@1.7.10-,bspkrsCore@6.16,mcp@9.05,Mantle@1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191,journeymap@5.1.4,Growthcraft|Bees@1.7.10-2.6.2,inventorytweaks@1.59-dev-156-af3bc68,StorageDrawersMisc@1.7.10-1.1.1,harvestcraft@1.7.10j,streams@0.2,McMultipart@,BiomesOPlenty@2.1.0,TwilightForest@2.3.7,Growthcraft|Cellar@1.7.10-2.6.2,AgriCraft@1.7.10-1.5.0,farseek@1.0.11,NEIAddons|AppEng@,OpenBlocks@1.6,harvestthenether@1.7.10,Growthcraft|Grapes@1.7.10-2.6.2,Growthcraft|Apples@1.7.10-2.6.2,RadixCore@2.1.3,ForgeMultipart@,CarpentersBlocks@,eplus@3.0.2-d,Growthcraft|Bamboo@1.7.10-2.6.2,wailaplugins@MC1.7.10-0.2.0-23,ProjectE@1.7.10-PE1.10.0,MCFrames@1.0,CraftHeraldry@1.1.3,Growthcraft|Milk@1.7.10-2.6.2,neiintegration@1.1.2,ironchestminecarts@1.0.4,FastCraft@1.23,MrTJPCoreMod@,Forge@,Roguelike@1.5.0,IronChest@,NEIAddons|Botany@,reccomplex@,StorageDrawers@1.7.10-1.10.8a,CodeChickenCore@,bt@1.0.2,AnimationAPI@1.2.4,Treecapitator@1.7.10,arsmagica2@,FML@,Natura@2.2.0,StorageDrawersNatura@1.7.10-1.1.1,NEIAddons|Forestry@,StorageDrawersBop@1.7.10-1.1.1,bigtrees@1.7.2b,MCA@1.7.10-5.2.2,chisel@,Baubles@,NEIAddons|CraftingTables@,NEIAddons|ExNihilo@,ArmorStatusHUD@1.28,WailaHarvestability@1.1.6,ArchitectureCraft@1.4.2,Growthcraft@1.7.10-2.6.2,Growthcraft|Fishtrap@1.7.10-2.6.2,witchery@0.24.1,Forestry@,OpenMods@0.10,Botania@r1.8-249,Metallurgy@4.0.6,yegamolchattels@1.1.2,runicdungeons@1.1.6a14:40:10FMLNetty IO #1infoAttempting connection with missing mods [] at CLIENT14:40:10FMLNetty Client IO #2infoAttempting connection with missing mods [] at SERVER14:40:10FMLServer threadinfo[Server thread] Server side modded connection established14:40:10BaublesServer threadwarnData not found for PlumbersCrack56. Trying to load backup data.14:40:10FMLClient threadinfo[Client thread] Client side modded connection established14:40:10net.minecraft.server.management.ServerConfigurationManagerServer threadinfoPlumbersCrack56[local:E:1dfaa208] logged in with entity id 346 at (-217.5, 67.0, -16.5)14:40:10NEIAddonsClient threadinfoConnected to new server, resetting commands14:40:10net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServerServer threadinfoPlumbersCrack56 joined the game14:40:12net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatClient threadinfo[CHAT] A new §eOptiFine§f version is available: §eHD Ultra D8§f14:40:12net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatClient threadinfo[CHAT] InvTweaks: Configuration loaded.14:40:13EnderCoreServer threadinfoSending server configs to client for com.enderio.core.common.config.ConfigHandler14:40:13ProjectEServer threadinfoSent EMC data packets to: PlumbersCrack5614:40:13EnderCoreServer threadinfoSending server configs to client for tterrag.wailaplugins.config.WPConfigHandler14:40:13AgriCraftServer threadinfoSending mutations to player: PlumbersCrack5614:40:13WailaServer threadinfoPlayer EntityPlayerMP['PlumbersCrack56'/346, l='New World', x=-217.50, y=67.00, z=-16.50] connected. Sending ping14:40:14journeymapClient threadinfoLoaded 0 waypoints from C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\New World------\waypoints14:40:14journeymapClient threadinfoBlocks and textures are current14:40:14journeymapClient threadinfoMapping started in C:\Program Files (x86)\Minecraft\journeymap\data\sp\New World------\DIM0. Memory: 719MB total, 260MB free 14:40:14MCAClient threadinfoReceived and applied server-side configuration.14:40:14ProjectEClient threadinfoReceiving EMC data from server.14:40:14ProjectEClient threadinfoReceived all packets!14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoMod is outdated! Check http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226410-projecte/files to get the latest version (1.7.10-PE1.10.1).14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNOTICE: 1.7 is now a legacy build and will no longer be officially supported. Minor fixes may come in the future but are not guaranteed. Development and support will continue for 1.10 and above14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNOTICE: As of PE1.9.3 legacy save conversion code has been removed. If you are upgrading from PE1.7.1 or below you will need to run PE1.9.2 once before upgrading further14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNEW: Ukrainian language file added14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNEW: Russian language file updates14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNEW: Portuguese language file updates14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNEW: German language file updates14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoNEW: Chinese language file updates14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoFIXED: Conflict with littleMaidMobX and other mods with similar InventoryPlayer interactions14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoFIXED: A hasValue api issue14:40:14ProjectEProjectE Update Checker ClientinfoCHANGE: Incomplete recipe disabling configs have been removed. Minetweaker and other mods do a better job of providing this functionality14:40:14net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatProjectE Update Checker Clientinfo[CHAT] New ProjectE update available! Version: 1.7.10-PE1.10.114:40:14net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatProjectE Update Checker Clientinfo[CHAT] Get it here!14:40:14net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatProjectE Update Checker Clientinfo[CHAT] http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226410-projecte/files14:40:14net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatProjectE Update Checker Clientinfo[CHAT] Use /projecte changelog for change log!14:40:15NotEnoughItemsClient threaderrorFailed to find identifier for: mods.natura.items.BerryMedley@6feadc5e14:40:25OpenModsClient threadinfoopenblocks.NEIOpenBlocksConfig.loadConfig(NEIOpenBlocksConfig.java:27): OpenBlocks NEI Integration loaded successfully14:40:25ForestryClient threadinfoLoading: Forestry NEI Integration14:40:25neiintegrationClient threadinfoLoading integration: Minecraft / Forge14:40:25neiintegrationClient threadinfoLoading integration: Pam's HarvestCraft14:40:25AgriCraftClient threadinfoReceiving mutations from server14:40:25AgriCraftClient threadinfoSuccessfully received mutations from server14:40:25NEIAddonsClient threadinfoReceived handshake from server14:40:25NEIAddonsClient threadinfoAvailable server commands: 14:40:25WailaClient threadinfoReceived server authentication msg. Remote sync will be activated14:40:25ArsMagica2Client threadinfoReceived player login packet.14:40:27ArsMagica2Client threadinfoCompendium unlock state not found to load. Assuming it hasn't been created yet.14:40:29net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatClient threadinfo[CHAT] §eJourneyMap:§f Press [§bJ§f]14:40:29journeymapClient threadinfoJourneyMap: Press [J]14:41:01ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:41:04ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:41:14ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:41:33ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:41:45ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:42:03ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:42:08ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:42:25net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServerServer threadinfoPlumbersCrack56 has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]14:42:26net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiNewChatClient threadinfo[CHAT] PlumbersCrack56 has just earned the achievement [Taking Inventory]14:43:52ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:44:16ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@014:44:18ArsMagica2Client threadwarnAttempted to unlock a compendium entry for a non-existant key: witchwoodlog@0 Aahhh! sorry...wall of text...MGO hasn't got an export function
  10. Can we use this thread so you can post your co-ordinates for your own house please. I've found a few last night after being told where they were but it would help if everyone knows where we all are so we don't go building on each others land. Once we have everyones we can set waypoints so we can teleport when we need to.
  11. Well, I've hit a blank about what to do next on the multiplayer, bought the PS4 version second hand and, on the spur of the moment, started a single player game on the PC. So, here are some thoughts, in no particular order, on things I've learnt and some early conclusions..... If you play on a laptop with integrated graphics it will lag like a mother. Take a break shut MC down and let the machine get it's breath back. Lag also occurs the more frequently you warp Bart gave us a (much appreciated by us noobs) a really easy start with the diamond chest freebies and free food. SP survival mode for the first time is a bit different! Creepers blowing up will kill you and leave a big hole in the ground Minecraft is addictive Going from heavily armoured in MP to starting in single player, remember you don't have armour!!!! Always, always, always mine coal for the XP Once you're secure in SP, mine your ass down to L12 asap as that's where there's more iron ore and shiny stuff but pay attention to the minimap F7 is your friend Torches are your friend Minecraft is addictive If you have the ring that gives you water etc be careful...if you've been underwater and surface make sure you come down fully to ground level or you will be kicked for flying AFK farming will upset the server admin sorry Bart Find animals, pen animals, breed animals, kill animals, cook and eat dead animals Grow barley, grind on the crafting table and make bread in the furnace...easy peasy Minecraft is addictive Minecraft on the PS4 after playing on the PC sucks big time Villager trading can be very lucrative if you find the right villager and work out how to refresh the inventory - I'm a emc multimillionaire thanks to this! Redstone mechanisation is fun but frustrating...anyone watching a YT video then trying it will realise why they do it in creative mode! Bee breeding is difficult but absorbing Minecraft is addictive Tunnelling is a great way to while away a few hours Going back to a bucket in SP after having the "water ring" (can't remember it's name) in MP is a right pain in the arse With the benefit of hindsight, I wish I hadn't discovered the energy convertor and collector as early as I did. Don't get me wrong I think the convertor is a great idea but coupling them to energy collectors for freebies is a bit cheesy. Why do it then?...because I can. I'll update this as and when I think of other things oh, and did I mention that Minecraft is addictive
  12. Greboth


    Morning all, I have been playing around with trying to build some redstone contraptions but frankly I'm terrible at them. The only thing I have managed to build is a flush piston door but that was only after following a video guide and even then getting it wrong several times still. So is anyone here good at them? Obviously we're limited to what we can build and the size of the builds on the server but I tend to plan builds out in a single player creative world so skies the limit there. I thought this thread could be useful for anyone trying to learn redstone, having troubles with a redstone circuit or just to show off a redstone build. For those looking an introduction, I found this video qute useful as he explains what the different things do and how they work etc.
  13. So for a complete noob where do I start with this? A good start would be basic controls and first things to learn / first 10 things in Minecraft to do would help me out so I can understand how to do the basics before I even attempt on picking a zone for myself.
  14. Started a new thread as the other got derailed. Will copy over the key inital info where it came from. It went into beta today for PC, Android and Xbox. Switch won't get beta access although they are part of the live release. The update adds features yet to appear on console - stained glass, parrots, coarse dirt and perhaps most importantly, world conversion. PC folk can download the Minecraft Better Together Update beta now via the Xbox Insider App. On Android, it will be available to those who have already bought the game via the Google Play Store. Worlds you have been building and playing on already will be present in the Better Together Update, and if you play with a world from Xbox One and Nintendo Switch then you'll get extra world generated for you when you reach the edge of your map. Gotta be honest, Sony look like proper dicks not getting with cross-play on this and the longer it goes, the worse it'll get.
  15. Greboth

    More mods?

    Afternoon all, Before anyone gets the wrong impression I'm not asking for more mods on the server. I'm happy with that as it is. Having been reading up on stuff it lead in to the all machines and things you can build with guides mentioning stuff from other mods which obviously we can't use. Some of these look like they could be fun to try out but would obviously need to be done in singleplayer. Can we add additional mods to the this build or do the mod lists have to match to connect to the server? Alternatively, I can see having a completely different version would be best to avoid any possible mod conflict. This is a long way off as I still have done so little on the server but I was thinking about it so thought I'd ask.
  16. A hardware telated query....I seem to be struggling a bit in game after I've teleported a few times or have been playing a while. Actions become "laggy" until it becomes unplayable or just freezes. A total restart of the game from the launcher cures it. I've got a 4 Gb memory stick in the laptop, I've changed the memory value in the launcher to "2" and reduced the render distance to 10 (whatever that does!) Would I see any significant improvement in game by swapping the memory stick to an 8Gb version? I couldn't sell it to Mrs P with the "it'll speed everything else up" argument as the only other thing the laptop is used for is word processing so I need to be sure before shelling out ~£60 Thanks guys
  17. Bart, Are we limited to a total of 10 warp points or can it be increased? Just thinking that, including you we have 12 members at the moment and only 10 warp points. Could it be increased so that everyone can have one (say Dave2, Bartwarp, etc) for when we're moving about?
  18. Okay, I've started this to take it out of the server thread but also to try and talk through my thoughts on them... Energy Collectors This to me is a glitzy MC solar panel/rechargeable battery/fuel enhancer. I don't have too much of a problem with this as it's almost "real world". If it's empty, connected to an Energy condensor and fully charged I presume there's no demand on the server and it just sits there - is that correct? Energy Condensors Now here I'm two minds. I know this is a game, but in real life, this degree of duplication is not available Granted, you have to have obtained at least one of the target objects in game to get it to do it's work. Want 250 Obsidian blocks in a hurry, drop an emerald to pay and it's the work of seconds. That's kinda like trading so I'm okay with that. Mined and stored 8,000+ stone blocks? Throw them in the box and get a diamond...you've ground them out so I'm okay with that. Put six torches on the wall and swop the light from that for something material like a diamond (yeah, mia culpa) that, on relection, is maybe not so good...you could just not bother trying for the Fortune pickaxe! What are your thoughts? Oh, and I think I'll scrap the second collector/condensor that Bart didn't spot in the other room!
  19. BO7H B4RRELS


    Three times now, I've been stuck in my bed when I've gone to sleep. I click to get out of bed, but nothing. I'm stuck there. Anyone else experience this? It doesn't happen every time, but I can't figure out what causes it. And, on the topic of beds/sleeping... That's one aspect that has always bugged me. If a bunch of us are playing, someone will always not have a bed on them/or be around monsters/etc., and someone else will be working on a project outside, and need everyone to sleep. Are there any easy solutions to something like this? I guess warping to bed is the best we've got, right?
  20. Plumbers Crack


    Anyone else hitting lag problems? I think it hits me after about an hour or so and when it hits you don't just stutter you can be looking at a pickaxe head for 5-10 seconds. I've got a Sony Vaio SVF 152C29M laptop with i5 1.8GHz processor, 4.00GB RAM (3.88 Usable), Intel HD Graphics 4000 running W8.1 64 bit OS Previous discussions with Bart at installation made me change the Minecraft launcher to a 2GB version. When I play I dont have web browsers open at the same time or music playing from the laptop Any ideas?
  21. Not with Sony though. Haven't had chance to grab the details however Microsoft want to allow gamers on latest versions to play in the same worlds together. They asked Sony, with the only details coming out so far is that they refused to be onboard with this stance. Not sure how mods go though as of yet as that is pretty much a key USP for Minecraft (just see why we're all playing it now).
  22. Created a poll after Bart's random question in the cross-play thread. There's isn't any rush with whatever the poll outcome is, I just want to gauge interest so we know what everyone wants to do in the future. Please note - Members viewing this via the App must visit the website via browser to vote in the poll.
  23. So years ago I found a user on Reddit that posted guides on how to make the most out of your builds. This guy(gal? idk) made guides that were stupid simple for me to understand, and most people on reddit.com/r/detailcraft raved about them. Here is a list of all of them. I hope you all find them as useful as I do.
  24. Tomorrow Ghosts comes out, if you would like to let people know when you're getting on for the PS3 let us know here. I won't be on until tomorrow night if anything.
  25. Hello guys! So I've been a member for well over a month now, and I thought I made an introduction post but now I think I realized I didn't. Anyhow, I am a 20 year old consistent gamer on Xbox 360 and the Xbox One. I play a variety of games from Call of Duty, to Minecraft, to Titanfall. I do quite a bit as far as social media and making content goes. I make videos for youtube, livestream to twitch, active twitter user, etc. If you would like to check my channel out and show some support, we will be best friends! Here are the links! -SNIP- C'mon man, at least participate first - Dids.
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