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  1. What challenges have you found the hardest so far? I'm starting to get into them now so good to know which guns are going to take forever.
  2. We had a spontaneous great night of custom games the other night with 8 of us. We should set a few nights and stream them as they are a whole lotta fun. The ideas we did last time out were: - Shovels and Knives (Airborne Class / Basic Training Serrated / Flash Grenades) - Sniper Only (Mountain Class / Luftwaffe Sniper + FMJ + Advanced Rifling) - Kimbo Wars (Infantry Class / Basic Training (I'll edit when I can remember it for 2 pistols!) / 1311 Handgun + Fire Rate + tbc. - Shotgun Fires (Expeditionary / Combat Shotgun + Advanced Rifling / Always load incendiary rounds on Spawn). Has anyone got others we could all try? We can get an event up then as get a full party going.
  3. until
    Prop Hunt, War and whatever else we can arrange depending on numbers. Zombies would work if the numbers are here too.
  4. Event Title: CoD WW2 Shenanigans Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 02/14/2018 08:00 PM to 02/14/2018 11:50 PM Prop Hunt, War and whatever else we can arrange depending on numbers. Zombies would work if the numbers are here too. CoD WW2 Shenanigans N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  5. I've heard how much fun people were having with Garry's Mod so great to see they are adding this to CoD! Immediate thought is we have to have some private matches on this. Explanation of mode - 'where one team has to hide from the other by disguising themselves as background items in a map, like a table or a battered chair.' Really didn't think some mod type styled gamemodes would come to a console game. Really impressed with the update. It's here for around a month aongside Demolition.
  6. Event Title: CoD Prop Hunt Private Matches Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 01/24/2018 08:00 PM to 01/24/2018 10:00 PM Prop Hunt is looking like great fun so let's a game going! Make sure you RSVP! CoD Prop Hunt Private Matches N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  7. Divisions Basic Info and Levelling Infantry Rank 1: Rifle Bayonet Rank 2: Additional Primary Attachment Rank 3: Extra magazines Rank 4: Move significantly faster while aiming down sights Prestige reward: SVT-40 rifle, 'Scoped' Basic Training (less sway and faster movement aiming down sights) Airborne Rank 1: SMG Suppressor Rank 2: Sprint for longer distances Rank 3: Climb over obstacles faster Rank 4: Increased sprint speed Prestige reward: MP-40 submachine gun, 'Energetic' Basic Training (no fall damage, start sprinting again sooner) Armored Rank 1: LMG Bipod Rank 2: Immune to Shell Shock and Tactical Equipment Rank 3: Take less fire damage Rank 4: Take significantly less explosive damage Prestige reward: MG 42 light machine gun, 'Hunker' Basic Training (earlier grenade warning, take less damage from explosives) Mountain Rank 1: Sniper Sharpshooter Rank 2: Always invisible to enemy Recon Aircraft Rank 3: Hidden to player-controlled Streaks Rank 4: Silent Movement Prestige reward: KAR98K sniper rifle, 'Inconspicuous' Basic Training (faster crouch movement, quieter movement overall)
  8. until
    Prop Hunt is looking like great fun so let's a game going! Make sure you RSVP!
  9. Explanation of game mode - 'One team has to blow up bomb sites while the other defends and diffuses any explosives the attackers manage to stick down. It's a bit like Search and Destroy, except you can respawn. You'll be able to jump into a Demolition 24/7 server for the duration of the event.' It's coming back for a month long event alongside the DLC so free for all to play. Looks like a lot of fun and I'm glad they are expanding the modes for free in this game whilst you can get a few more maps from the DLC if you want to. Anyone fancy playing this? Update should be available to play from today.
  10. I'd like to know more about how people feel C vs HC is on this game and what works well for them and not. On the BO3, I wanted to play all game modes bar Search and Destroy on HC. Hit register just didn't seem right on core in that game. However, in WW2 I much prefer core even if I'm getting hammered. Maybe its because I still need to learn the maps as it is comforting having the map radar. What's everyone else feeling on this?
  11. Okay. Let's see who is looking to get it and who isn't. Personally, the beta weren't all that bad and I buy games now to play socially more than ever before, so I'll be buying this. I think it has way more playability than IW ever has. Won't be playing it extensively, but certainly whenever we can get a group together....that is if people here will be buying it this time round? *holds ears waiting for bitchy cod sounds to happen*
  12. CoD WW2's first big patch is today (10th November) for PS4 and Xbox. PC to follow soon after. It is 1.04GB in size. It entails: Sledgehammer have also provided a few buffs and nerfs to their weapons collections, which can be found below: BUFFs - Walther Toggle Action Shotgun - Damage increased at extremely close range Bren LMG - Increased damage per shot LMG Bipod - Sped up ADS time when in bipod stance NERFs - BAR Rifle - decreased fire rate and widened hip fire spread STG44 Rifle - widened hip fire spread FG42 Rifle - increased recoil and widened hip fire spread Machine Pistol - decreased damage ranges SNIPER CLASS - Fixed a bug with all Sniper Rifles zooming to exact center when aiming down the sights. The rest of the 1.05 patch notes for multiplayer can be found below: Connectivity improvements and optimizations Fixed de-ranking issues Addressed an issue where players encountered an infinite load screen Leaderboard stability improvements and bug fixes General UI improvements Loading optimizations Splitscreen functionality improvements Added new unlock inventory stars to indicate when new items are added Adjusted hit marker audio to be higher default level (note: can be adjusted in settings) Fixed out of world exploits on Gustav Cannon and Sainte Marie du Mont Espionage Basic Training - Reduced painted time from 10 seconds to 6. Made it so only bullet damage paints you. Weapon tuning to allow for one shot kills outside of hardcore mode, enabling challenge completion. Fixed infinite flamethrower bug XP Earn rate tuned in Operation Neptune Fix issue of shotgun variants not appearing Emblem Editor and visualization improvements GameBattles Improvements Fixed Gridiron Ball exploits
  13. So with the beta going live yesterday - what are peoples thoughts on it so far? For me there is the obvious things to instantly like - no wall running, no boost jumps it is a proper boots on the ground CoD but we pretty much knew that going in to it. The good; Graphics - I can't say I noticed any particularly fancy lighting or moment of wow that looks amazing but the graphics are clear, textures look good and currently there is no horrible colours (I'm sure neon pink and green supply drop weapons will change that though) Guns - I only tried a few out last night but they sound and handle differently - especially seeming to have more recoil than previous COD's so each feels unique. The guns feel like they have different ranges too - SMG's feel useless at range, rifles useless at close range etc. though this could just be me being rubbish. Mediocre Maps - For domination and TDM the maps seem to flow OK so far - not perfect but OK. I'm really not sure on the new mode though - when it comes to building the bridge there seems to be so many spots to look out from that it is difficult to clear them all. Bad Insta-death - What would a CoD be without insta-death. It hasn't happened often but already died a few times before I could even react. Head glitching - It isn't really a glitch but I don't understand the constant need to put objects in the world people can hide behind and have only part of their head sticking above. Surely these spots just encourage camping which is seemingly the opposite of what most people want. That is it off the top of my head but I've only played for a couple of hours so I'm sure my view probably change a little.
  14. A few people have suggested to get rid of the Call of Duty forum. All down to you guys. Poll closes 1st Sept 6pn UK time. If it gets nuked, threads won't be lost, they'll go back into Shooters forum.
  15. Thought I'd kick the dust off this section as the next game seems like it has potential to be great. So what would you like to see from the next CoD? MP improvements, matchmaking changes, gun upgrades? I've been out of CoD for so long that I'm interested to know the pain points that would help to make a better game to play.
  16. Ready to take turns to kill Euan everybody? I'm really impressed to hear about most of the social md Headquarters supports up to 48 people at the same time and takes place in a 'D+3' zone (three days after D-Day), showing off the launching grounds of major Allied. The most exciting I've heard so far is entering 'The Pit' and challenging Euan, er, I mean someone to a 1v1. Headquarters also has proximity-based voice chat, so you can talk to others who are also hanging out in the space between matches. There's a firing range where you can try out weapons, and the range has target and you can challenge players to a contest in the firing range. That sounds like a great addition too. The shittest part i can see is getting prizes when watching other people open loot crates. Yep. Watching virtual boxes being opened. Wtf. Other than that though, some other decent updates (grabbed from Game Informer): - There are daily and weekly quests you can take on to earn rewards. - Players who take part in all the social elements stand to get more supply drops. - You can look at leaderboards, check your mail, inspect other players' attributes, use emotes, check up on Call of Duty news, or watch streams from inside a virtual theatre. - You can group up from inside Headquarters and head into multiplayer or zombies as a group. - You can "kick a few objects around," hopefully a soccer ball. - You can sit down and watch the 1v1 Pit matches. - There will be "dynamic events" in Headquarters, too, one example being an "aerial scramble that drives players to anti-air guns to fend off the base from enemy aircraft. - There could be seasonal events in Headquarters. - The game's cosmetic items aim to be authentic and genuine for the time period. This is actual decent news for a CoD imo. Let's hope there's no fuck ups with getting friends into the same HQ.
  17. Event Title: Black Ops 3 FG Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 08/09/2017 08:00 PM to 08/09/2017 11:00 PM Gun games, shotguns only, snipers only and knifes only. Would be awesome to get 12 on so we could do some 6v6 if possible. RSVP if the event if CAN or CAN'T make it. Ta. Black Ops 3 FG Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  18. until
    Gun games, shotguns only, snipers only and knifes only. Would be awesome to get 12 on so we could do some 6v6 if possible. RSVP if the event if CAN or CAN'T make it. Ta.
  19. Event Title: Black Ops 3 FG Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 08/03/2017 08:00 PM to 08/03/2017 11:00 PM I think we can get quite on this week - let's have some private game fun. Gun game, shotguns only, snipers only. 6 and below we can play another game mode. RSVP if the event if CAN or CAN'T make it. Ta. Black Ops 3 FG Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  20. until
    I think we can get quite on this week - let's have some private game fun. Gun game, shotguns only, snipers only. 6 and below we can play another game mode. RSVP if the event if CAN or CAN'T make it. Ta.
  21. until
    Seeing if we can get some people on Black Ops 3 for some lolz and good times. Starting it later in the UK people make sure you get there, its Friday night! RSVP and let us know if you can or can't make it.
  22. Event Title: Black Ops 3 Catch Up Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 07/29/2017 12:00 AM to 07/29/2017 02:00 AM Seeing if we can get some people on Black Ops 3 for some lolz and good times. Starting it later in the UK people make sure you get there, its Friday night! RSVP and let us know if you can or can't make it. Black Ops 3 Catch Up N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  23. Event Title: Black Ops 3 FG Night Event Author: GazzaGarratt Calendar: Community Calendar Event Date: 07/26/2017 08:00 PM to 07/26/2017 10:00 PM Let's have another Black Ops night and see if we can get more than 6 for some gun games and other stuff like shotgun only, etc. If we get just 6 and below we can play SnD, TDM, Dom, etc. Make sure you tell us what you can do so we know numbers. Black Ops 3 FG Night N.B. If viewing this via the FG App, please visit the Calendar event via browser to RSVP. Thanks.
  24. until
    Let's have another Black Ops night and see if we can get more than 6 for some gun games and other stuff like shotgun only, etc. If we get just 6 and below we can play SnD, TDM, Dom, etc. Make sure you tell us what you can do so we know numbers.
  25. Do you guys and girls want to group up one night on an older CoD game as its how most people originally knew each other? We can set up Black Ops 3 nights as thats on ps4 but happy to look into getting people together on older stuff and on previous consoles if you still have them? Let me know what you wanna do or if you think it isn't worth it.
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