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    burnfitbillyboy reacted to kylebees in 1st Prestige Challenge   
    MBROWN!!!!!! Fucking douche!!!
  2. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from tronic44 in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    I'll be on blad
  3. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from TigerBurge in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    What if they have ps+ on PS3 dumbass!Awesome games of Fifa Stretch, don't know why you hate Vela though, I think he's fantastic!
  4. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from Stretch616 in Frankencod   
    Best things about MW3 were our big private matches and knife only S&D
  5. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Chookes in Frankencod   
    I miss private party matches with a big group.
  6. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from Commander_Undies in BF4 PS4 patch incoming   
    If you leave it on stand by it will download before you even turn it on, it only worked on PS3 if you had ps+
  7. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Out of Context   
    This place is getting a tad dirty ^^^^
  8. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Plumbers Crack in Out of Context   
  9. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to kylebees in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  10. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Chookes in Frankencod   
    I will ban your ass.
  11. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Chookes in Frankencod   
    The knife, I completely forgot.
    To knife you have to use a directional button to take your knife out before you can use it. And when you do that a voice yells at you calling you a knifing piece of shit.
    No offence Tam.
  12. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from kylebees in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  13. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from tronic44 in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  14. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from TigerBurge in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  15. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Woohoo another great addition to the PS4 family!
  16. Like
  17. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from spectre in Most Memorable Villians - movie, tv, books, etc   
    Shredder would kick all their asses!
  18. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Most Memorable Villians - movie, tv, books, etc   
    Shredder would kick all their asses!
  19. Like
  20. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from Glen11 in [|FG|] Forever Gaming Banter Thread   
    Im sick of CoD now, even when i do well i just dont enjoy it. Just need a break from it i think.
  21. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in [|FG|] Forever Gaming Banter Thread   
    Looking forward to gaming with you bud
    Avoid Euan!
  22. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Chookes in Dylan orrrrrrrrrrrr this guy....   
    Whose harder to understand ?!

  23. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Sennex in bf4 tips/help   
    Never just Auto Deploy until you are a vet, and know how to read the tactical Map
    Carbines are OP for all classes
    Revive your team mates
    Drop a Med kit/ ammo kit as soon as you spawn in.
    Look for the weapon drops in Conquest.
    Issue Squad orders, or follow Squad orders, seriously you will rack up huge points just following defend and attack orders
    Do not take a helicopter unless you know what the fuck you are doing
    If you are in a vehicle in the spawn, and its not full up with team mates, and you drive away, you need to go back to playing CoD
    If you are getting repaired, don't chase down another vehicle before the Engi finishes repairing you
    Camping a flag is okay in conquest. However, if your whole squad is camping, then you need to move, thats begging for a grenade or a Multikill.
    You are not superman..... seriously Recon, I'm looking at you
    Hide in rubble.
    The easy path is usually mined with Claymores, C-4, or AT's and Slams. (Or some pussy ass recon is on a rooftop watching you)
    Avoid the LOS of all rooftops
    Underground, swimming, and tunnels are king for moving around. (Unless its Footlocker, in which case go outside, its nice, and lonely there)
    If only one path can be taken to a capture point, then its a stupid path to take.
    Turn off your accessories when you are flanking
    Open all doors when you are capturing
    Close all doors when you are camping
    The bursting radius of a hand grenade is always one foot greater than your jumping range
    If you are in an Aircraft, then clear the goddamned rooftops of the pussy assed recons camping up there. (If all you do is hunt recons all game, and keep the roof's clear, you will be helping your team more than any other player)
    If you play a pussy assed recon, then you need to drop spawn points, work the objectives and help your team by being mobile and stealthy.
    Your K/D means dick, stop trying to "pad" it, Play the Objective, take the death if you have to, but win the map.
  24. Like
    burnfitbillyboy reacted to Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Just read like 6 pages or so of this thread.

    All I gotta say is... get better. Lolololololol
  25. Like
    burnfitbillyboy got a reaction from TigerBurge in Merry Christmas/Happy New Year   
    Merry belated christmas and happy new year FG love you guys! <3 xx
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