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    uberwarrior reacted to Dockter in Poor me thread   
    Thanks for all the great responses. I guess this is why I felt comfortable writting this here. I don't have much time at work today beings I got put on a project (something I'm actually looking forward to). I just want to say thanks to everyone that responded and it actually helped to get it out. I haven't talked to anyone about any of this and as soon as I wrote it I felt a little better. Hoping to get on tonight after work before pool. Just wanted to drop a quick line and say thanks to you all and it's good to know I have somewhere to go that I can get shit out without feeling like an idiot.
  2. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from tronic44 in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Our financial controller is already saying there's no way, but where there's a will and all that.
  3. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to tronic44 in Poor me thread   
    This is also, in some ways like looking in a mirror for me. I can't really add anything more than what has already been said but will say a few things. Having suffered with addiction myself it takes a strong person to stand up and admit when he has made a mistake. Like people have probably told you, the start to recovery is admitting you have an addiction in the first place. The fact that you'd write all this should give you hope because you don't want to feel like this and talking to people about it is always a good step in the right direction.
    You may feel like the drink is helping but it's just working in the same way as the drugs would, it just masks the crap feelings you have in side you. It never solves them, like people claim. I don't believe any of this can be solved with drugs, if you go to a Dr and he gives you drugs, wtf?? That's no way to deal with this at all!
    In terms of your job, if you do look for somewhere new, keep the job you've got until you find somewhere else. I know loads of people that have quit their job before even finding another one, then when they can't find another job they just sit around and sulk all day and it just gets worse and worse.
    I to feel like i'm at a crossroad in my life, especially about my job. I too am 27 and i'm at that point now where i need to find something new, something that will test me. Maybe that is what you need, something that will test you, something that makes you use your skills so that you finish a day with a smile and you're proud of what you've done.
    We're still young dude, we're at that stage in our lives where we can choose to changes certain things in our lives. Make the most of it dude! and don't be a stranger on here, we're all here if you need to talk.
  4. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Poor me thread   
    You've had plenty of extremely good advice so far, and you'd do well to take it in board. At the age you are life should feel a lot rosier than you are obviously feeling right now. I was just a little older than when I went through a really bad patch for reason I won't go into now.
    The thing I picked up on more than anything was your comment regarding having kids. By the time I was your age I had 2 young daughters and absolutely loved (and stiil do) to bits. The first one was most definitely unplanned and I thought no I'm nowhere near ready to be a Father.
    The day she was born stands out as being one of the greatest day's of my life, the pride and overwhelming love I felt the first time I held her cannot be described by words alone. The same was true when her sister was born and when my 2 son's came along a good few years later.
    I always used to think I never wanted kids, how wrong I was. They bring so much joy, pride, heartache and at times pain, but I would not swap them for the world. I would lay down my life for them without a second thought.
    My point is. The very fact that you are questioning whether you would be a good Father is what would make you just that. Don't dismiss the idea going forwards because you don't think you'd be good enough or you're scared of what "could" happen. They would bring a whole new way of thinking into your life. All I'm asking is, hold this thought for the future.
    Right now, do as the others have stated, discover and be yourself. Find and do things that make you feel alive, try new things, experience things you've never done before. Live!!
  5. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from deterioration in In a thread: Success   
    Holy hell Bee's, with your luck if you fell into a pool of shit you'd come out wearing a new suit!!
  6. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Sennex in In a thread: Success   
    Holy hell Bee's, with your luck if you fell into a pool of shit you'd come out wearing a new suit!!
  7. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Just Cal in Pets   
    It's gotten a bit rancid at this stage but he used to be xD
  8. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Just Cal in Pets   
    So that's what happened to Shergar
  9. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Jason in Random Pictures   
  10. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to BO7H B4RRELS in Random Pictures   
  11. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from kylebees in In a thread: Success   
    My Step Daughter put a pair of Dr Martin's boots on Ebay the other day,  simply because she never wore them and she wanted to try and make some money to fund a new lens for her camera.
    She paid £120 originally, she sold them for £265!!! Needless to say she's happy, which as a usually grumpy teenager is a BIG bonus!
  12. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from TigerBurge in Who's missing?   
    Yep, he sent a PSN message out from his Cottonball account saying he was missing everyone. At least he's getting his priority's right.
  13. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Worst night ever!   
    Well, at least it's sorted now, rest easy my man
  14. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from tronic44 in kids "beauty" pageants   
    Go watch "Little Miss Sunshine", totally takes the piss out of these things, brilliant movie to boot!!
  15. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Just Cal in kids "beauty" pageants   
    Go watch "Little Miss Sunshine", totally takes the piss out of these things, brilliant movie to boot!!
  16. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Plumbers Crack in Out of Context   
    From the ShoutBox
    Palle : It's just so hard...(10 October 2013 - 04:38 AM)
  17. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from JsinOwl in Pets   
    Puppy looks as cute as!  Especially when using Flak Jacket perk!
  18. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in Pets   
    Puppy looks as cute as!  Especially when using Flak Jacket perk!
  19. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from wapntake in Pets   
    Puppy looks as cute as!  Especially when using Flak Jacket perk!
  20. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Docwagon in Out of Context   
  21. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Jason in Pets   
    Oakley looks like a cracking dog, especially with his green laser eyes!!
  22. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in Pets   
    I've had pets all of my life, although there was a 6 year spell where I didn't owing to my other half suffering with asthma and eczema which meant she was allergic to most animals when in close contact.
    Her daughter was desperate for a dog and did the typical kiddy nagging thing. I kept putting her off not wanting to run the risk of getting one and having to give it back because he would set off the Missus's animal hair allerigies.
    Finally we relented and started looking at breeds that were supposedly allergy friendly. This led us to Harley our Cockapoo (cocker spaniel, poodle cross), he doesn't shed (that's why we opted for this breed), is as mad as a hatter in a fun way, massively loyal, especially to me which I really love.
    I didn't realise just how much I missed having a dog until we got him about 18 months ago. I get the Dino scenario everytime I come home, in that he's always excited and happy when I come home and always puts a smile on my face no matter how crap my day has been.
    All in all he's the best dog I have ever had, which is saying something because there was one dog that I've had in the past that I thought would never be topped.
    I'll do the same as Tommy and post some pics later.
  23. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Docwagon in In a thread: Success   
    My Step Daughter put a pair of Dr Martin's boots on Ebay the other day,  simply because she never wore them and she wanted to try and make some money to fund a new lens for her camera.
    She paid £120 originally, she sold them for £265!!! Needless to say she's happy, which as a usually grumpy teenager is a BIG bonus!
  24. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Jason in Pets   
    I've had pets all of my life, although there was a 6 year spell where I didn't owing to my other half suffering with asthma and eczema which meant she was allergic to most animals when in close contact.
    Her daughter was desperate for a dog and did the typical kiddy nagging thing. I kept putting her off not wanting to run the risk of getting one and having to give it back because he would set off the Missus's animal hair allerigies.
    Finally we relented and started looking at breeds that were supposedly allergy friendly. This led us to Harley our Cockapoo (cocker spaniel, poodle cross), he doesn't shed (that's why we opted for this breed), is as mad as a hatter in a fun way, massively loyal, especially to me which I really love.
    I didn't realise just how much I missed having a dog until we got him about 18 months ago. I get the Dino scenario everytime I come home, in that he's always excited and happy when I come home and always puts a smile on my face no matter how crap my day has been.
    All in all he's the best dog I have ever had, which is saying something because there was one dog that I've had in the past that I thought would never be topped.
    I'll do the same as Tommy and post some pics later.
  25. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in In a thread: Success   
    My Step Daughter put a pair of Dr Martin's boots on Ebay the other day,  simply because she never wore them and she wanted to try and make some money to fund a new lens for her camera.
    She paid £120 originally, she sold them for £265!!! Needless to say she's happy, which as a usually grumpy teenager is a BIG bonus!
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