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  1. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from TigerBurge in Proud Moments   
    Got my longest headshot yesterday at 285m (not far i know but read on) playing Conquest on Operation Mortar using the MOD-11 DMR with an ACOG sight I headshot a guy parachuting down from the Gunship
  2. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in Proud Moments   
    Got my longest headshot yesterday at 285m (not far i know but read on) playing Conquest on Operation Mortar using the MOD-11 DMR with an ACOG sight I headshot a guy parachuting down from the Gunship
  3. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in PS3 vs PS4 controls   
    Took me a few days, but the memory muscles have kicked in for good now. I think I'd more problems going back to the PS3 to be honest. Can't fly for shit in this game anyway so no difference there then
  4. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to cyberninja2601 in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Please add me to the PS4 list
  5. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in PS4 becoming the primary system for CoD?   
    We've got Destiny coming in Sept and Battlefront in development which I'm hoping will be as epic as everyone is hoping for, so I think the PS4 is relatively safe when it comes to future fps titles.
    As for CoD I really couldn't care less anymore. The best thing this franchise has done in recent times is to bring this community together and up the anti for other XXX fps games other than that it's caused most of us to want to pull our hair out! 
    Of course it will still have it's appeal going forwards, but they seem to be losing the plot with regards to innovation and game changing ideas. How many of you still actually play CoD consistently as you used to? I haven't even had the urge to buy Ghosts and even my 10 year old says it crap (well not in those words) which speaks volumes.
  6. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Racist Giraffe in Malaysian Plane Missing   
    This is horrible. Most people are just thinking about what happened to the plane, or making up their own conspiracy theories and jokes, but you have to spare a thought for the families in this. Imagine your wife/dad/friend/whatever just completely vanished. Thousands of people and multiple countries are searching, but nobody has any idea in the slightest what happened to them.
    Hoping it turns out well but you couldn't imagine that happening at this point..
  7. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Commander_Undies in Battlefield community   
    I think I'm the only one that blocks out messages from people not on my friends list. Waste of my time, and I don't care what they think. Plus they get the pleasure of seeing "can't send message to this user", which I'm sure in return makes them even more pissed off and then they're left there to suck their thumb and play even worse.
  8. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to TigerBurge in Battlefield community   
    Its nothing in comparison to CoD. Its can be bad but nothing like CoD bad
  9. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from L_C_Scipio in riot shields in bf4   
    God I hope not!! I wouldn't want this CoD gimmick in this game, this is what vehicles in game as supposed to do.
  10. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in riot shields in bf4   
    God I hope not!! I wouldn't want this CoD gimmick in this game, this is what vehicles in game as supposed to do.
  11. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Diddums in I'm coming!   
    Yep, even Amazon couldn't supply faster apparently. 
    Really excited now. I'm remoniscing about the good ol' days of our gaming sessions. I hope you all have BF4, because fuck cod. 
  12. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Jason in Random Pictures   
  13. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from lepercolony in Malaysian Plane Missing   
    From what I've read and seen on the tv news, the black boxes have a fairly limited transmission range so you would need to be relatively close to before you received a signal. Also, and in all probability they are submerged in up to 300ft of water, which is substantially less than the Air France black box which was located in 13,000ft of water on the Atlantic sea bed 2 years after the crash.
    They have roughly 30 days of battery life before they stop transmitting. Maybe this is something that needs to be improved upon going forwards to allow for better and quicker recovery.
    Imagine a plane breaking up at 30,000ft doing 500mph and how far debris could be spread across. Even if they find floating debris it could a be long time before they even close to the flight recorders and other clues. I don't think we are going to get any definitive answers for quite some time.
    First and foremost they simply need to find something that confirms it went down, to at least give the families of those involved a definite answer despite the fact that it will all but extinguish any hope of finding survivors. 
    The Chinese are getting more and more frustrated at the perceived lack of information which is somewhat understandable, but would they have been able to do better in the same circumstance? Possibly they might by sheer weight of resource available, but they need to bear in mind it did take 5 days to find any debris from the Air France flight.
  14. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from lepercolony in Malaysian Plane Missing   
    I am currently in mainland China and due to leave out via Hong Kong on Thursday night, it will be very interesting to see what, if anything has been done to "beef" up security. I have a colleague flying over this way arriving tomorrow afternoon local time, so I'll be intruiged to find out his experiences.
    To be honest the current security in place at the airports I've used over here is as good as I see in Europe, except Turkey where you have to put your bags through a scanner before you even enter the airport building due to it's proximity to the Middle East.
    Obviously, this is big news over here at the moment and there is a lot of frustration over the perceived lack of information, but the airline is caught between a rock and hard place right now until clues start emerging.
    Bottom line, we all suspect that the plane has suffered a catastrophic failure/incident mid air due to the fact that it simply fell off the radar and there was no communication to say there was a problem. From my perspective, the fact that there are reports that the plane may have turned back without any communication at all is worrying. If it hasn't then where the hell is it?
    As for the cause, everything is pure conjecture at the moment, meaning nothing can be ruled out. For all we know it may have even been shot down. Until the recorders are found and reviewed we will not have a clue.
    I just hope that they find out something sooner rather than later as the poor families must be going through hell right now!
  15. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from L_C_Scipio in Second assault release schedule?   
    Yeah, but Caspian Border and Oman are the bomb!
  16. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to TigerBurge in Longest Headshot   
    New longest headshot 652m
  17. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from TigerBurge in Longest Headshot   
    I can't see that far so I'm buggered!
  18. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Diddums in Proud Moments   
    I'm getting so hooked to this game it's fucking unreal. I was completely AFK until Stretch came round and wanted a go on the PC, turns out that loads of the issues are fixxored (still loads active, but we're slowly approaching Beta status).
    I have two modes of playing this game:
    Absolutely fucking awful.
    Mediocre ("God mode" in Diddums terms).
    Yesterday I was playing all the DLC maps only, as an engineer (holy shit I love the new maps, except for the one with the cave thing in the middle, which is the most beautiful but whatevs). I was seriously tearing it up.
    I was getting so much rage from repair bitches it was awesome. Silk Road, the usual scout chopper layin' down the law y0 with his repair bitches keeping him afloat, I was killing this dude over and over until they decided to come after me with a tank. A small tip, on the ledge close to the centre compound, there's a battle drop rocket launcher. This puppy shoots three rockets at once. In layman's terms, it will take out anything in one shot, provided they don't flare. use a regular rocket to force flares, grab that puppy, and blow the shit out of the repairbitches. Triple kill guaranteed.
    On the mountain one (the one with the boats n shit, can't remember the name) I came across another trio of repairbitches so I tried stingering™ them over and over, but there's quite a bit of cover on this map so they simply fucked off and repaired. I tried about ten times to nab these fuckers but they kept pussying out.
    I then grabbed my RPG and came up close whilst they had half our team cowering and shot them down in one shot. Good sports too, I got a "good shot!" from two of them, and the third said he loves seeing engis use RPGs instead of Stingers (I wasn't going to tell them I tried for like 20 mins prior to that to stinger them, if someone gives you a compliment, fuckin' rock that shit br0).
    I also took out about 20 tanks and stuff over the course of the night, those SLAMs are a real killer.
    Also, if you're engi and you enjoy shooting vehicles, make sure you grab the right perk upgrade thingy and join a full squad. If you get upgraded, you get double rockets. I also only join squads with an ammo guy who actually drops ammo boxes (seriously rest of BF4, how fucking hard is it?) and follow him like a scavenger picking up all his scraps.
    I absolutely pwned last night, topping the leaderboards a few times.
    Prior to this, I was just trying to hold flags and get kills, but last night I rocked the engineer for the first time properly and decided to ditch flags, and try being more tactical. I had SLAMs covering access points to flags we were holding, I was shooting down choppers left, right & center, and just generally trying to be the biggest pain in the enemy's ass I could be, which quite often made me the high value target.
    Also, taking out Pussy Ass Recons with an RPG and watching their little fits of Pussy Assed Rage unfold is oh-so-satisfying.
    Good times. Fuck working. Someone buy me a lottery ticket.
  19. Like
    uberwarrior reacted to Dr Diamond in The most romantic thing you've ever done   
    put the toilet seat back down

  20. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from PrivateParts_93 in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Can I be added to the list please now that I am a proud owner of a PS4
    PSN name is, yes you guessed it! uberwarrior
    Origin ID is TheKingofBedRock
  21. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from NCA-Paendrag in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Can I be added to the list please now that I am a proud owner of a PS4
    PSN name is, yes you guessed it! uberwarrior
    Origin ID is TheKingofBedRock
  22. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from Baabcat in BF4 Complaint Thread   
    It might also be worth switching your field upgrade to "mechanic" for the Engie class. It makes your repairs quicker. That's what I've just done anyway. I might be on later tonight, but got to go to Holland tomorrow and not back until late Weds night so not sure when I'll get back on after that.
  23. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from TigerBurge in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Thanks Chris, looking forwards to it.
  24. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Thanks Tommy, might finally get to game with XBox converts in the near future
  25. Like
    uberwarrior got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
    Can I be added to the list please now that I am a proud owner of a PS4
    PSN name is, yes you guessed it! uberwarrior
    Origin ID is TheKingofBedRock
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