downloaded it last night, right my first impressions:
to be honest it didn't feel that much different from Battlefield 3 but that maybe because i haven't played that much on BF3, I played conquest and 4 games later not one kill, couldn't hit a thing at all, one game i spent being killed in the spawn area by a helicopter hovering over it and i couldn't get away because my team were being killed and were spawned there as well (one of the things i hated about BF3), i changed to domination with no vehicles and i did a bit better and managed 2 kills one was a battle with someone with the knife which surprisingly i won and was rather funny. i didn't manage to finish my last game as it locked my PS3 up and i had to mains reset it. the graphics look pretty good though and the movement seems pretty good too, i did better when i changed my stick layout to crouch on L3 instead of melee (like i use in BO2), i am going to give it another go this weekend and see how i do, maybe it would be better playing with friends than solo.