Nice post Jason, I'm not bored with the game yet but thought I would be by now but maybe it's because I can only put a limited number of hours into the game due to fact that during the week I have to be up early, I too enjoy the co-operative side of things and playing with the rest of you has been a fantastic experience and I've learned quite a lot from you all, the VOG I really enjoyed doing and could run it anytime and if it wasn't for being helped through it I probably wouldn't have completed it so anyone wants to run it any weekend let me know, most of the game for me is getting to know people and having a laugh which is what a game should be, sometimes I find it very complicated to understand but I'm glad I have you young gents to help me through it. If you need a good laugh you only have to watch me and Dave trying to drive the Sparrow from A-B, I know I detect a little despondency from some of you but I hope you all carry on playing as I enjoy gaming with you all and plus at my age I need all the help I can get.