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Everything posted by Baabcat

  1. So the Aksis challenge in the 390 version of WotM is tough, not as tough as Vosik in my opinion, but tough. Biggest problem is not killing Aksis, thats not too bad, but not failign the challenge along the way, and unlike the newly upgraded raids, WotM doesnt flag if you have failed challenge, Consequently i ahve killed Aksis 3 times this weekend, but completed challenge only once, and each time we thoguht we had done it Hardest part is getting 6 people who know what to do and do it The normal fight mechanics On hard this is pretty tough but the routine is very similar to normal, only addition is you need 7 bombs instead of 3 to start the teleport routine. Here is the fight in full 1. spawn and shoot Aksis to start 2. hide from immune Aksis as he throws Siva around, but kill the many shanks that spawn 3. Aksis goes left anf right, but just keep killing adds 4. Aksis goes back to middle , 3 people get empowered and Captiains carrying void, null and solar cannons spawn 5. Kill the captains, 3 people take cannons and each have 3 servitors to kill, matching the colour of the cannon you have 6. Each killed servitor drops a bomb, non-cannon people throw bombs at Aksis, after 7 (not 9) bombs Aksis starts to teleport. Note no need to kill all 9 servitors, just enought to get Aksis moving 7. Aksis teleports to one of 4 locations, left, right, front mid and back mid 8. Empowered gaurdian jumos up and Stuns Aksis on the back, gives a miny damage phase. Empowerment shifts, 9. Aksis teleports again to one of the other 3 possible locations, gaurdian stuns him, another minor damage phase, empowerment shifts 10. Aksis teleports again , gets stunned, major damage phase - Darkdrinker time!!!!!! 11. As soon as he goes back to his platform, all gaurdians need to run to one of the safe haven platforms just behind spawn, all need to go to the same one, as they disappear after use 12 Once the Siva dies down, do it all again. 2 or 3 damage phases showul send aksis back to his platform for final kill, bit like the end of the oryx fight The challenge Theres a hidden mechanic that helps the fight, called supercharge. Basically one of the empowered needs to hit one of three plates that light up just after Aksis teleports each time. Of course as empowerment has shifted this means you need to keep communicating and gettng the empowered in position to either stun aksis (as this still needs to happen), or hit the plate to super charge (gives all gaurdians their supers back). The challenge is to hit supercharge everytime the teleports. Needs to be just before, or very soon just after the stun. Miss a supercharge challenge failed There is a slight complication to this which is why i have 3 Aksis kills this weekend but only 1 challenge completion. Not massively well understood but if you dont supercharge every teleport , and Aksis doesnt teleport three times per round , then challenge fails. Two implications; 1 common tactic after a good damage phase followed by a missed stun is to take a plate (ie survive the aksis swarm by going to one of the 4 plates), however if the missed stun is in one of the first 2 teleports of each round, then this will not save challenge, as he wont teleport three times 2 if you do to much damage to him on a minor damage phase he will go to his platform for his final dearth, so not teleport three times, failed challenge Both happended to me this weekend, both times with really experienced guys who knew this inside out, but werent totally sure about the 3 teleporrt rule Hints and tips 1 I hate this challange as a warlock, jump is too slow and leads to missed stuns, at least for me 2 Loadout should be raid primary, ex-machina or high powered sniper, darkdrinker or rocket lancher 3 Three teams of two, one doing cannons, one doing bombs. If two people are empowered on the same side, cannon guy moves 4 kill shanks constantly, and kill captains quick, invisble hunter with sword is my go to for captian killing 5 middle is toughest captain as no cover, self res warlocks are useful but make sure they can jump well, as mid-empowered has to cover two teleport locations, fornt and back mid, so need to jump fast 6 communicate communicate communicate. Getting the empowered in position every teleport is a million times more important than doing damage during the minor damage phases. Hunters and titans can definetly go left to right in enough time to sort this out quickly, but get it sorted 7 you get your super 3 times a cycle at least, tether every time, super as much as you can, self res warlocks use your super in minor dmage phases to drop solar grenades on him 8 use all the cannons for damage, do loads 9 be clear when the seventh bomb is about to be thrown, most teams do 2 left, 2 right, 3 mid, with mid guy making sure empowered are on position before throwing 10 get good with cannons, easy to snipe all 3 servitors without moving , but get mobile if you are missing Thats it. Its a great feeling getting this challange done as it takes a well oiled gaurdian machine to do it. No hiding places, and I swear Aksis always teleports where you have failed to put an empowered. True test of teamwork, and finding that team is tough going Hope this helps anyone wnating to do this, it is a great feeling when it works
  2. Cheers Gary looks good to me
  3. Charlie told me new mode was like SnD which would be awesome Have barely seen any of the steam as I've been manic busy at work , but I don't really care, I'm buying it anyway.
  4. I started out yesterday responding to your 'Call to all FGers' post, basically saying 'Lee you are banging your head against a brick wall'. Well congratulations mate, your head was hard enough to beat that brick wall down. Top stuff and you deserve all our thanks I've got loads of stuff i could post on Destiny 1 still, and started with a Vosik challange thread yesterday, hope it helps people and maybe gets people intrigued anough about it to try and beat it, and will do more. WOTM is a great raid, but the two challenge modes are not easy, but we like it tough!
  5. Lee, its a bitch, but Aksis ain't much easier
  6. Of all the raid challenge modes, Voiks and Aksis are in my view the toughest. Other than getting to the lighthouse, getting a team together that can beat these two is the toughest thing in Destiny. I’ve LFG’d them many times, and have yet to beat the 390 challenge (although have beaten the challenge prior to the weekly raid coming along). This gives me 4 missing gaps in my exotic adept weapons, which is annoying but I thought I would share my experience to give some help to any of you want to give them a go. I know a few of you only beat this Raid on normal recently and I would recommend a few more normal runs before trying the challenges, they are really tough and knowing the normal mechanics off by heart is a big plus, certainly on Aksis. This thread is on Vosik. Vosik – the challenge Close the clean room doors using the two bombs that drop during the damage phase. Stupid mechanic, but that’s what it is. The problem this gives you is, two bombs, only four rooms, which translates to kill Vosik in three damage phases (ie go to rooms twice, kill him next time). Biggest problems are add control and DPS. Constant stream of adds, and Captain rounds make it really tough just to get to each damage phase. Three phasing Vosik is no mean feat. Mix them up and you have a bunch of trades offs between add control and DPS. For example most teams seem to prefer Darkdrinker for Captain killing, but it takes up heavy slot and exotic slot (no sleeper, no black spindle, those go to DPS machines). Suggestions from my successful and failed attempts at this Get raid armour – chest helps with extra armour when throwing bombs, and arms drop heavy ammo. Best reason for running the normal raid is getting. Obvious, three teams of 2, left, mid, right. Left is easiest, mid and right are equally horrible Three darkdrinkers/other swords to take Captains down, spread between right, mid left. Use swords aggressively for add clearance, don’t just wait for Captains. No more than 3 swords though, need 3 sleepers for boss damage Subclasses depends on what you have. Titans WoL first, BoL if you have two. Warlocks self res, Hunter tether but if you can spare one for Celestial Nighthawk its probably worth it Typically titans in middle (to survive Voik own damage) and self res warlocks or invisible hunters for front left and right Throw bombs quick. Needs co-ordinating but not at the expense of dying. Shout front left, front right front mid (the hard to get ones) and go on a 3-2-1 once the last one is grabbed. Whilst you are holding a bomb you aren’t killing adds, and you need to be killing adds! Manage the bomb throwing to optimise damage phase. Two things here. 1. Throw last set of 6 bombs from mid so can start shooting as soon as shield is down. 2 If you can manage this get his shield as low as possible before throwing for the damage phase – gives a bunch of damage immediately. Never tried this but might – get self res warlocks to stay shooting and not go to clean rooms, but jump into pit before siva kills them. Then res at the right moment to help deal with swarm of adds at start of next cycle Have nominated people for the door closing bombs – I suggest the sword bearers, as they don’t have sleepers so will be doing less DPS Will add more as I continue to work on this challenge. Will post an Aksis guide as well.
  7. Too right, the weekly raid routine is great.
  8. It was an amazing game considering it had like 32kb to use
  9. Lee sorry saw this yesterday but was in an all day meeting so never got chance to respond I think D2 will give this place a shot in the arm as there will be loads of new info to post , but problem will be were to discuss it. Whatsapp has effectively killed this place as a discussion forum. People will say it's just for banter but there's a lot more that goes in that could go here but doesn't. And maybe thats just evolution, need for a web forum killed off by easier to access app. I appreciate your your efforts for trying to breathe life into this place. Not sure it will work though , look at the response to this thread : Lee makes call to arms on forum Everyone just carries on calling each other c*nts on whatsapp. Whatsapp is crap compared to what this place used to be. But no idea how we turn back that tide
  10. I'm definitely in
  11. In the 'best 5 games ever ' thread I mentioned a game called Elite from about 30 years ago I used to play on a BBC micricomputer This here is the successor to that legendary game. I will definitely be giving this a look
  12. Guys need to be better at cannon sniping for hard mode. It's actually quite easy to do 3 servitors from left and right without moving much at all. Goes badly wrong when people end up chasing servitors. Challenge is frustrating, but at least it's a mechanic that helps the fight, unlike most other mechanics in the challenges. Actually not that hard, just got to get into the good habit, but very easy to screw up.
  13. I did Normal a bunch of times before getting into hard, it's a fight where you really have to think on your feet so I would recommend learning it inside out on normal.
  14. You guys did really well. It's a complicated fight, that gets easier with practice, and yes shutting up helps! And just remember left column is on the right, and right column is on the left. WoTM is raid of the week this week, hard mode with challenges. Challenge adds another level of complexity which we didn't touch on yesterday but now you have the mechanics down it would be worth trying
  15. Greboth I didn't mean year 1 weapons from D1, I meant year 1 weapons from D2. So we don't get to end of vanilla D 2 and have everything become obsolete again like happened first time round
  16. Infusion so year 1 stuff never becomes obsolete Maybe ranking seasons in the crucible , like in overwatch and R6, to give more point to it PvP and PvE to be separate so PvP balancing doesn't screw up stuff in PvE Vault space and a way of organising the vault. Access from the ship as well.
  17. Yes I think WoTM is a very good raid, although final fight is exceptionally tough. The way empowerment jumps about every teleport makes it real tricky and to be honest a bit of a lottery . Get lucky with where it goes and it's a breeze. Still think you guys learned al it yesterday so all doable
  18. You guys should do WoTM on normal before going heroic. Lot of mechanics, not hard, but need people alive. Happy to help today or tomorrow
  19. So VoG was a bit challenging last night. We can run a different Templar strategy if you guys want to try and get it done tonight. Less pressure on the relic holder, a bit slower but still ok
  20. Still need flawless raider and I think there is a DoI one around the bells in th iron tower Presume we would just blast through normal Crota for flawless , me and charlie came close a couple of times just doing it two man. However with new update it can't be two manned but I would think it should be way enough for 6. And quick
  21. Wife is away til Friday, which means raid all week for me. Whatever you guys want to do.
  22. Delighted you guys dropped Vex after 1 run. Having not dropped it in 10 Atheon kills I rejoice in your good fortune😭
  23. Yes great time last night and I thought we did pretty well given you lot are a bunch of filthy casuals.😱 we first timed confluxes and oracles and gatekeeper as well, and I knew Stretch would be the man on Templar. charlie played a blinder on gatekeeper , not sure if you realised but he kept two relics alive for ages on Venus when crispy died. Aetheon on challenge is tough and Crispy made a good call, need to have VoG weapons to give it a good go. I don't know if you guys dropped any legendary primaries but that is what we need , exotics are fun but legendaries are more useful. By the way the updates to Crota have made that a great raid , especially in challenge mode. No hiding anymore, got to go swording. It's great raid and still reasonably quick Kings fall this week coming. The two easiest challenge modes , war priest and golgy, if you want more exotic primaries.
  24. Why do you put two lumps of cork in the handle, what are they for. Looks good
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