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Everything posted by ChaosGladiator

  1. Oooohhh... Can we do them on just about anything? Cause I will unleash my inner geek here and do some hard ones that you will not get unless you are a geek like me or you google it xD
  2. Played a bit of it with randoms. I hate the revolvers now. If you do decide to push someone's base, you need your team to go with you, or you are so screwed as the revolvers slow fire rate will only knock down 1-2 people before the rest of the team start destroying you. Sniping aspect is good though.
  3. MW2 and MW3 are still my favourite CoD games. BO1 was shit for about 6 months until they fixed several very big issues, like getting an actual party to work, then it was a decent game. BO2 is the worst CoD I've played along with what ever the fuck the first exo-suit game was called. Fucking bullshit hitmarkers from sniper shots to the chest, getting killed around corners as if every bullet is straight out of that Angelina Jolie movie and some of the most boring maps I think I've played on any CoD. WaW was good for 6 months then everyone and their mothers managed to hack it and treyarch couldn't fix those issues. In the end they stopped even trying once most of the players moved on to the newer games. I didn't bother picking up Bo3 and the other one. If I wanted to fucking jump around like the people in a house of pain music video, I'd go play Halo. But in the end, it all comes down to preference with this, I know a lot of people who love the treyarch games and hate the others and vice versa and it's just about which games they did well on and which they enjoyed the most rather then which game actually worked better.
  4. Just had a tdm match where half the enemy team were camping with snipers and the other half were rushing with shotguns. On gibraltar. I left...
  5. Has anyone noticed a change in the dynamics of how people play since the infusion of christmas noobs? Parts of certain maps that pre christmas were always frequented now seem to get very little traffic now, and it seems less people camp the way they used to. Gustav Cannon now has a lot more people rushing, same on ardennes forest. Saint Marie Du Mont also has a lot more people rushing the outskirts of the map rather then sniping down the middle or from the middle building and more people seem to rush the middle with shotguns. Also the shotguns are being used less on maps like Point du Hoc where before half the lobby would be using them. But the biggest change is probably USS Texas, it used to be a full on snipers v snipers map most times I played it with maybe 1-2 people from each team going for the middle with smg's or ar's. Now it seems to have switched to where only 1-2 people on each team actually snipe while the rest run around the map. Anyone else notice this or am I going insane?
  6. What are the pistol challenges? Are they all doable while running the akimbo pistol perk? Cause that is really broken, it removes the firerate cap on the Colt and the P8 so they now fire as fast as you can spam the buttons. Range isn't half bad either actually if you use steady aim on them. I saw Driftor use them after someone on his stream said they were broken and he just kept laughing his ass off at how quickly they melt people, specially the Colt's.
  7. Never been a fan of HC modes on any CoD. Game is too fast paced for it in my opinion and just doesn't sit well with the miniscule damage you can take in HC. As for on WW2 I'm sticking to Core. My playstyle fits better to core and I don't seem to struggle much with hitmarkers, except the odd game where I will get 5-6 hitmarkers and get turned on, but that's a connection issue for either me, the other guy or the "Dedicated" server being located in fucking Siberia.
  8. https://imgur.com/a/hnlJi Gustav cannon, mostly christmas noobs on ny team. Used my usual rushing class; airborne, flanker, mp40 w/ext mags and advanced rifling, ice pick and sticky grenade. Was running recon plane, glide bomb and paratroopers. Paratroopers did very little xD
  9. Good luck figuring out all the fucking easter eggs they put into those maps these days xD
  10. Just make it a NSFW section with free reins for men and women to post what they please...
  11. We have a boob section? Convert it to a booty section and I'll frequent it all day every day.
  12. That medication only worked for Hugh Heffner for the 5 minutes it took him to blow his dusty old load in some poor teenage girl trying to make money off of her body. Not surprised it doesn't work for you Phil, you probably have more energy left in your trigger finger then Hugh had in his whole body.
  13. The PS4 takes screenshots? Wut?
  14. As long as your fine with shit quality pics taken with cellphones, sure.
  15. Nice little bit of housecleaning there with the type 100. Chuckled a bit at the carepackage fail
  16. Welcome to the forums. And don't listen to @phil bottle PES is shite.
  17. Welcome to the forums!
  18. Zombie map looks good, so does that remake of the french MW3 map. MW3 had some great maps compared to this game, so should be a welcome addition.
  19. So much Carentain hate :| I actually really like it, it's easy to creep from building to building with a sniper rifle, or rush around the outskirts with an smg to chain kills together. Or even holding down a street with an AR. The one annoying thing with it is how easy it is to get spawntrapped on it, but most of the WW2 maps are like that... Carentain and Gustav Cannon are probably my favourite maps atm. Sniping with the "rifleman" perk to get an smg as well on Carentain and on Gustav all out airborne rushing with MP40 w/ext mags and advanced rifling, icepick for secondary. So easy to flank the snipers and just wreck them once you got streaks going.
  20. I actually like Carentan. It reminds me more of the older CoD maps rather then the 3 straight lines. If you spawn on the wrong side though you need a good team or you are fucked from the start. Best mode for this map is probably SnD tbh. Two people can easily cover a flank each while the others roam the map.
  21. Been enjoying this game a lot lately. I have the same issue Kiwi has though, playing solo I get my ass handed to me by tryhards, playing with friends I shit on people 90% of the games we play. Still very much let down by the Thompson, it seems to melt the skin of my bones when someone uses it against me, but when I use it I can barely win gugfights even with rapid fire on. On the up side, STG-44 with rds, ext mags and rapid fire has become my go to gun. So good at all ranges and that rapid fire really helps with both close quarters and medium range kills. Probably one of a few guns I can chain 2-4 kills within a very short amount of time, as long as the enemy team is shit Something else that annoys me more and more (in addition to the previously mentioned stuff in earlier posts), why the fuck can you only get suppressors on smg's and only in the airborne division? And why the fuck is the perk that keeps you off enemy radar unlocked at lvl 53 or 54? This makes me not want to prestige further, although I could use one of the prestige tokens to unlock the damn perk early like I did with forage it just seems like a waste when you have the mountain division ready to go from lvl 1. But the movement speed and suppressors of the airborne coupled with the perk in question would be nice...
  22. The one I use for fifa doesn't let me sprint in CoD xD And the one I use for CoD doesn't let me sprint or use skill moves in Fifa. I have no idea why as the buttons work perfectly well for the other game xD
  23. I have that same controller issue Brede. I now use one for CoD and another for Fifa xD
  24. Just experienced this myself last weekend. Didn't bother me except I can no longer grab contracts or waste time in the shooting range between matches.
  25. I probably missed that event, but I'd be down for going for it again if you lot are. Just a heads up though, I am shit at everything except "training" the zombies at the end of the rounds and shooting the zeppelin
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