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  1. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in What has been happening "recently" - From my point of view   
    I didn't read the shout box. I personally will talk to person 1, 2, and 3. If any of them have a problem with that, fuck them. That's childish high school crap. Yeah.
  2. Like
    kylebees reacted to Palle in What has been happening "recently" - From my point of view   
    Here I will explain what I meant by my message in the shoutbox.
    This has been going on for a while: First, Dattebayo was the one who got was treated like crap because he felt depressed, wanted some sympathy and then left because he felt bullied. I think one person apologized to him about that. It still seems to be a "thing", though.
    After this, Steve expressed his beliefs in a thread, which he felt the need to instantly defend before there even were any replies... I don't think that's OK at all. I don't know what he expected or from who but it wasn't something good.
    In another thread, there was a lot of hostility against Jsin because he didn't agree on a subject.
    Now again, when Lee started one of his threads, which are controversial for a lot of people. Jsin lashed out at him because he didn't agree with it.
    These are just a few... Why can't we agree to disagree? If we don't like something, it's really easy to not spend time reading it and avoid adding negative or condescending replies that won't provide anything meaningful to the discussion.
    It seems like there are A LOT of tensions that have never been dealt with. I find this difficult to deal with for these simple reasons:
    1. I'm not sure I can mention anything about person 2 or 3 to person 1, because if person 1 still has beef with those people, might make things awkward and I feel it will affect that friendship.
    2. If I agree with or talk to person 2 about something, person 1 or 3 or might have the same reaction and things will get weird.
    3. Etc. etc.
    3. This is all difficult because person 1, 2 and 3 are all what I consider good friends (even though I never met you).
    I just don't know, this makes me very uncomfortable. I often feel that I must choose sides... Do I want to do that? No... Absolutely not.
    But what else is there to do? Should I leave and hope to find another place that is just like this? I don't think it's going to happen. The most similar place I've found to this community is Reddit but that place is largely anonymous with it's huge user base and it's difficult to really get to know anyone there.
    I honestly don't know why it's so difficult to apologize to each other and move on with our problems. It's really childish, to be honest. Especially when they the people on the receiving end are younger than you.
    We have long talked about being a "one-of-a-kind" community, where everyone is friendly and prepared to help each other out when someone needs it. We want to grow by having new members joining us, but that's not going to happen if we can't even solve our internal issues between veteran members on these forums.
    If we respond with hostility to topics we don't like or agree with, the result will be more anger and grief towards each other. If we then refuse to acknowledge about what's going on, it will only worsen it and lead to people distrusting each other and this community even more. Which in turn will lead to more members leaving and it will eventually wither and die.
    That's the truth.
    The general mood for me is that this place has been turning into what we all wanted to leave not too long ago.
  3. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    Mmm Pizza!

  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Youtube Stuff   
    This has officially made my day.

  5. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from tronic44 in CLASH OF CLANS : Clan Wars   
    Have you tried to hold down the home button (button on bottom of phone) and the power button together for a few seconds? That's the hard reset. Wait a minute or two and then hold the power button for a few seconds. The Apple symbol should pop up. Once I did this, everything seemed to work just fine.
    I know you probably have already tried this and I'm just a babbling moron but hey, I'm at work and have nothing better to do.
  6. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from burnfitbillyboy in Favela Remake   
    Stop stealing my thunder. Those are my lines!!!!
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to JsinOwl in Random Pictures   
    Just means the bat cowl will fit better.
  8. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Random Pictures   
    I get balder every year.
  9. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Random Pictures   
    There's no BDSM in racing! I'd love to Tweet Tom Hanks the image with that line How did he fit his C&B's in there?

  10. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Random Pictures   
    Taken at this year's Indy 500:

  11. Like
    kylebees reacted to Just Cal in Random Pictures   
    Hahahaha! Febrezeus!

  12. Like
    kylebees reacted in A million ways to die in the West   
    A Million Ways to Die in the West was received somewhat poorly and Diddums claims it to be excellent. Bad Neighbours was received rather positively and Diddums claims it to be shit.
    Who to believe?!
  13. Like
    kylebees reacted to Dattebayo in So...how many Australians around 'ere?   
    She can wrap me up and suck my blood any time of day.
  14. Like
    kylebees reacted to TigerBurge in CLASH OF CLANS : Clan Wars   
    Smartest thinng you have ever said
  15. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Out of Context   
  16. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Elliott Rodger   
    As a rule, I'm for it.  I don't believe in warehousing human beings who will never be allowed to interact with society again, who continue to pose a threat to other inmates and prison staff, or who require such costly and resource intensive solutions to those two issues such as "super max" prison cells.  Beyond that, fire up a thread and we can talk about it.
  17. Like
    kylebees reacted to Madjonny in Favela Remake   
    Seriously, what the fuck has this game become?
    Pirate ghost that look like they're off a scooby doo cartoon...
    Then favela and ac 130s, it's just desperate attempts to try and bring back the glory days...
    They ruined that with mike Myers, predator and ghost pirates...
  18. Like
    kylebees reacted to TigerBurge in Favela Remake   
    What! Ok!!!
  19. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from tronic44 in CLASH OF CLANS : Clan Wars   
    Rich, what do you play it on? I suggest uninstalling and then reinstall it. If that doesn't work, I hard reset my ipad and that has seemed to do the trick. I hope one of these works.
  20. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in Elliott Rodger   
    I've personally never even heard of a "men's rights movement." I also find it sad that you need a group to teach you how to be a damn man. Sad.
  21. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in Elliott Rodger   
    Interesting viewpoint in this article... Points fingers towards the "men's rights movement"
  22. Like
    kylebees reacted to J4MES OX4D in Elliott Rodger   
    From what I saw of Elliott Rodger; it seems his wealthy parents spoiled him throughout his life and that he expected everything to go his way and be on a plate for him. His attitudes to women and life in general was worrying. 
    I have grave concern for the youth of today and society in general. Parents that are happy seeing their kids playing on Xbox for 6 hours a night, no fresh air, Kim Kardashian, Rihanna, One Direction and Chris Brown as role models and this image that they have to maintain on social networks of being beautiful in all selfies and having as many friends as possible.
    I'd hate to be under 21 these days. The social pressures it seems is just too much now. Even guys are under pressure having perfect hair, skin, muscles and clothes. If someone doesn't fit the expectations; they get slated or bitched about by others. Also this fanboy culture we see in music and videgames has lead to people losing the plot, making death threats and literally going 'mental'. It's a far cry from the easy days I used to know. 
    I think society is on the brink of collapse and I think metal illness particularly in young people will go through the roof with all the daily social pressures it seems. 
  23. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Elliott Rodger   
    After reading updates all day it looks like race and misogyny have trumped the gun debate in this case. As said in previous posts people are using this tragedy as another springboard for their agendas.
    Not knowing all of his imbalances or mental issues: I don’t know if I agree with the blanket theory of misogyny and men seeing woman as sexual objects. I think it has to do with selfishness, jealousy, young mentality and under developed social interactions. I’m positive most of us have gone through being jealous and having our hearts stomped in the mud. This kid didn’t even get as far as "be careful what you wish for you just might get it". Seems to me like if someone took the time to talk to him and let him know everyone goes through the same shit in life it might have helped him? Maybe someone did? Has me wondering what if he was in a relationship and the girl cheated on or dumped him and got a new man? Would he have killed them and their families?
    Hopefully this will get people talking to their kids and will help prevent stage 5 clingers, psycho stalkers, property damage, assaults, etc… in the future.  
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to Docwagon in Elliott Rodger   
    Yet murder is illegal so that we can sequester that person away and keep them from doing it again, or be able to arrest them for attempt or conspiracy to commit and prevent a life lost.
    Stricter gun laws can prevent crime, if done appropriately.  Banning cosmetic features or wholesale prohibition is not doing it appropriately.  Allowing the mental ill to be disarmed does.  Indiana has the "Jake Laird law" because a mentally unstable person had their guns confiscated, petitioned the court and got them back, and then murdered his mother and shot up the neighborhood, killing one cop and wounding several others.  Had the law allowed his crazy ass to be held in a mental institution or prohibited him from getting his guns back, the tragedy could likely have been avoided.
    Since I work in Homicide & Robbery, I get a stat sheet on every homicide, murder or otherwise, in our county.  Very few murderers don't have weapons priors along with multiple prior felony and drug arrests (as do a majority of victims, for that matter).  Stricter enforcement for weapons offenses for felons would prevent crimes, as those assholes would be in jail instead of back out carrying guns and slinging dope again.
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to Drifter in Elliott Rodger   
    I won't get too deep into the gun control debate, but I will say this. Stricter gun laws do nothing to prevent crimes and anyone that thinks they will are just simply kidding themselves. Murder is a crime but that doesn't stop people from committing it does it.
    People can, and will get weapons to commit crimes no matter what the laws are, be it gun, knife, IED, baseball bat, chemicals you name it, there's many ways to commit heinous and senseless acts towards your fellow man. Legally or illegally  owning a gun is honestly a null point in cases of crimes. For those that are mentally ill or not mentally ill, if they can not get a gun legally then they will simply get one illegally (a lot easier than you would think in certain areas trust me) or they will just use some other means of mass murdering people such as just running them down in his car.
    Honestly there is too much garbage after an incident like this happens where both sides of the debate as well as the Government waste so much effort and time talking and fighting about gun control when they should be addressing the real underlying problems. Which is proper treatment for mentally ill persons, and stricter punishments for criminals rather than slapping people on the wrist and letting them back out into the world (not the case here but is the case in other incidents).
    The other thing that obviously the Gov has no control over, but which I believe is another main reason for senseless murders ...and that is the deterioration of morals/values and improper upbringing over the past two decades. There's been more senseless murders like this over the past 20 yrs than there ever was in the 50 yrs before that, there's a reason for that and it's the way society is these days.
    Anyway that's all I'll say about this because this sort of discussion can get pretty emotionally fueled and I don't like to get too deep into them, but the above is my .02 for what it's worth.
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