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  1. Like
    kylebees reacted to Plumbers Crack in [|FG|] PS4 Meet Up Times   
    Connected to the psn store after 45 minutes (they must be busy!) and BF4 will finish downloading mp in 83 minutes and Ghosts mp in 4 hours! They're the £9.99 upgrades so at least thats saved me about £60 so I'll have to be patient!
  2. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from tronic44 in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. And it's not only happening in this "Complaint thread".
    I, too, offered some solutions to the complainers here, get a new lobby, turn the game off or stop playing. My god, if it's that bad why the hell do you keep going back to it? Yes, I rage a lot in this game but you know what?  I don't come here to complain about it. The biggest complaint I have is with IEDs and the solution offered up by spectre was a great idea. But you know what? As much as I get killed by IEDs in this game, it's not enough for me to come here and post about it every time I get on and have a session. This is my point.
    Joe, deterioration, absolutely hates the game. You know what he did? He stopped playing. Just saying.
  3. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    and at the same time I offered a possible solution to the issues. For example, they should delay the IED timer. Complaint + possible balance fix equals constructive conversation.
  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to Just Cal in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Yeah I'm on board with bees. I moaned so much about it so I sold it (numerous times)
    Now that it's gone for good, I don't get to play with the lads but at least I don't moan anymore. If a game stresses you out (in general, not a specific person) it's not worth playing.
  5. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I'm not trying to start a war, I'm just tired of hearing the same complaints over and over. And it's not only happening in this "Complaint thread".
    I, too, offered some solutions to the complainers here, get a new lobby, turn the game off or stop playing. My god, if it's that bad why the hell do you keep going back to it? Yes, I rage a lot in this game but you know what?  I don't come here to complain about it. The biggest complaint I have is with IEDs and the solution offered up by spectre was a great idea. But you know what? As much as I get killed by IEDs in this game, it's not enough for me to come here and post about it every time I get on and have a session. This is my point.
    Joe, deterioration, absolutely hates the game. You know what he did? He stopped playing. Just saying.
  6. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Probably because complaints are leaving the complaint thread...
    I've been annoyed to come on here sometimes simply because a lot of the CoD threads I read are bashing the game some how.
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to Playertd in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    Thing I don't understand is that the few people that keep complaining about this game keep saying the same things OVER, and OVER  again. We hate lag, we hate campers, we hate things that are explosive we hate snipers we hate stuff. I got the idea 10 pages back, don't see why each of your issues need's to be repeated over and over
  8. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I don't mind complaining in one thread. But when you spread it to each thread about the game, that's when I get annoyed. We know you (general) don't like the game, so keep the pointless remarks out of them.
  9. Like
    kylebees reacted to tronic44 in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I'm going to back Bees up but the main reason i am isn't the fact that people are just complaining but it's 15 pages worth of complaining. Whether people want to admit it or not, this is a fucking good game! The issue isn't with the game, it's with the people who play it or your internet, i know that and so does everyone else. It's just a shame that one of the most popular topics on a gaming site is people complaining about one of the best games out at the moment.
    Anyway i generally stay away from this section purely because i have so much fun playing it and it annoys me that people can only ever find bad things to say, even though there are so many more pros than there are cons.
    Anyway, that's my 2 cent or 1 pence or 3.38 yen
  10. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from burnfitbillyboy in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  11. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Playertd in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  12. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Commander_Undies in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  13. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from techno in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  14. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from crippled_viper in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  15. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from tronic44 in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  16. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from BO7H B4RRELS in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  17. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Chookes in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  18. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from TigerBurge in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    I apologize now to Brede and anyone else that is here bashing this game. GET THE FUCK OVER IT!!! If you don't like, stop fucking playing it. Trade it in and get something else. The game has been out for well over 2 months now and you are still complaining about the same fucking things/ It's getting real old.
    I play this game and quite frankly, I'm having a blast playing it. Are there issues? Certainly but there have been issues with every COD, YES, every COD. Get over it. One thing that I have learned as I continue to enjoy playing this series, is that there is a learning curve for each game. Quite honestly, with all the bullshit that is in the game (spawns, IEDs, maps too large, re-skinned map, etc, etc etc) this is by far the easiest CoD to date. Fuck Campers, quick scopers and all the fucking douche bags that play this game. If you get in a lobby and you get destroyed by a bunch of campers, find a new lobby. Don't stay and aggravate yourself. Better yet turn the game off.
    So once again, I apologize but I'm just tired of reading all the bitching and moaning. By the way, you run into bullshit no matter what game you play. It's just the nature of gaming. Funny how you never hear the pros bitching about this stuff. And if they have I'll shut the fuck up.
  19. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in COD Ghosts - Official Complaint Thread   
    The only problem with IED's is you can't avoid them sometimes (like going prone on bouncing betties) If they would make the delay timer just a little bit longer, you could survive sometimes and that would be just fine for balance.
  20. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Jason in BF4 - FG Platoon (PS4)   
  21. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
  22. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in Would Call of Duty be a Better Game IF...   
    If you go on Twitch and watch ALMOST anyone livestreaming, they all seem to be spawn trapping, with Blitz being the game mode of choice. Truly sad to watch as people join a shit lobby only to die immediately upon spawning, over and over and over. What fun is that, aiming down your sights waiting for a guy to spawn in front of you? Fucking retarded. It's even more sad when these douchebags end up coming against half way decent players, then you start hearing all the complaints about this guy is camping, this guy is watching their spawn, etc. etc. They wonder why people back out of games against them and then call them all kinds of names for backing out. Bunch of non-confrontational pussies!!!
  23. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    Interesting theory

    Evidence FOR the Governor to be officially dead:
    1. Everything that was shown in the show to that regard. By all accounts dude should be dead.
    2. His listing among the casualties during The Talking Dead.
    3. The fact that he also dies, killed by a different Lily, in the book during the assault on the prison.
    4. Given the arc of the Governor on the show, it made sense for him to die then and there.
    However, here are the loose ends that perhaps make a case AGAINST him dying:
    1. We never really see his face/head getting blown off. This is not me being morbid or graphic, but considering we got everyone else's graphic deaths right on our faces throughout the episode (from Hershell, to the key players in the Governor's group), it's odd that we don't see the final fate of the Governor on screen. We do see a fallen chess piece, which could be a reference to his literal death or to a metaphorical fall of the leader of the group/family (but not his official death). Just saying, a character of this magnitude, you want to know that he's dead-dead. I don't believe in the Michonne approach of skewering the guy and giving him the look of "you so dead now", but not sticking around to see it through or finishing the job.
    2. In the books, prior to the attack on the prison, he's maimed very badly by Michonne. As in missing-limbs badly. So the character has the potential to come back from pretty horrible stuff. Again, another case for sticking around to either finish the job or making sure the guy dies for realz, Michonne!
    3. Interesting that David Morrissey was not invited to bid adieu to his character on the Talking Dead (as is customary). You have Hershell, and Kirkman (the writer and creator of the comic book), and... Maggie! WTF? Where is David Morrissey to talk about the last time we saw the Governor... unless... it's not the last time?
    4. Although the arc makes perfect sense for the character, I'm wondering if it makes sense bringing Morrissey back for just 3 episodes (and a glimpse at the end of another) only to be killed. Granted, all three episodes really concentrated on him, but still...
    5. And what about Lily? What is her fate now? Did she get killed? Did she run away? Does she have anything to live for? Or does she have another purpose in this story? I can see a scenario where she shoots close to the Governor's head, and then decides she's going to get out of there alive with this bastard. She may want answers before she really kills him, she may not have the killer bone in her yet, who knows? But I'm not sure of what would the show do with her at this point... except abandon the character into oblivion OR... use her as an excuse to get the Governor barely alive out of this one.
    I know, too many what if's, but I do think the lack of a visual of an uncontested death of the Governor AND his absence as a guest in the Talking Dead are my biggest (and closest to most legitimate) red flags.
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in sniper nerf   
    Fuck Thunder. He's a whiny ass bitch.  Snipers ARE NOT OP.  If they are so OP, then why aren't there record breaking games posted with 3 KEM strikes using.............wait for it................ sniper rifles?  They don't. Because they aren't the most powerful and efficient gun to use. People like Thunder that bitch about snipers game after game do nothing for the community but perpetuate the bitching and complaining about things that people hate to get killed by.
    Now, as for the nerf.
    Increased hip fire spread - not a big deal, no scoping has always been a last resort anyway.
    Reduced Aiming Speed when using Quickdraw - again, not a big deal. I don't even use that perk and I get along just fine.  "Try Hard Snipers" put that on because they think they need it without even bothering to try without it. (Thunder "That is the Biggest blow to quickscopers" - again, he's an idiot. I quickscope just fine without it)  It is hard to take someone like Thunder seriously when he doesn't even know the first thing about sniping.
    Reduction in flinch when using Focus - not a big deal yet again. The flinch is so pronounced when using sniper rifles that focus doesn't help you stay on target anyway, when you are scoped in.
    Increase in ADS time overall - now this one WILL make a difference.  Snipers are at a disadvantage because the time to kill is so fast in this game.  A sniper scoping in, finding the target and firing is going to be slower than nearly all other guns in this game (and when you add in the lag; AKA, you die by the first bullet that hits you because the lag didn't register you were being shot at until all the bullets arrived) - factor that in and you might as well hang it up. You'll have to stay scoped in on chokepoints far longer and it will be a bitch just to get around the map. As soon as you scope out and try to move, an enemy appears and you're dead instantly.
    Silencer - chest up OHK , instead of waist up. This is the way its supposed to be anyway.
    Question?? How often do you guys get sniped anyway? Its pretty rare for me to die by a sniper.  I thought it was OP though. Wouldn't everyone and their brother be sniping then?
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in Guard Dog Skin   
    Guard dog has a higher KD than I do.
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