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  1. Like
    kylebees reacted to Chookes in MW2   
    I loved MW2. I sucked but it was amazing. I remembered one of my acheivements was unlocking akimbo UMP45s. It took me ages and I told my brother and he was like, "seriously, that you took all afternoon and you only need 40 kills?".
    I'd be happy if they re-released MW2 with no one man army/danger close noob tubes. Maps were brilliant.
  2. Like
    kylebees reacted to J4MES OX4D in MW2   
    I miss the MW2 days so much
    Despite the noob-tubes, quickscopers, commando pro, last stand and all that mumbo-jumbo; I don't think I've had as much fun with a videogame in my life. I got into watching YouTube quite a lot back then and many great uploaders we see today were born out of that game. Just great memories. Not as good as COD 4 but the it was the game that changed gaming for years to come. 
    I remember watching the first ever nuke recorded, Chris Smoove growing from 10 subs to hundreds of thousands and GeneralMinus introducing teamkill griefing to the fore. It was so unique and groundbreaking but as time wore on, the game got a bit frustrating and too many people were trying to replicate things seen online before quickscoping and general noobery became too prominent for my liking. The maps were really good although they'd be pretty big in COD terms now. 
    It wasn't hyped to buggery or very commerical back then either. MW3 just went way over the top in its promotion that people had seen it all before it was released. MW2 was unique as people were still new to the series and learning. It may have created the typical 'noob' type player we see today but for all its faults; it was brilliant for me. 
    If I hadn't boxed my 360 up and hackers weren't plaguing the PC version; I'd go back for a while but it wouldn't be the same as the good old days.
  3. Like
    kylebees reacted to Commander_Undies in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    (I'm mobile so bare with my mistakes.)
    I might be late to the party... And no one will probably care what the underpants thinks. But... Here it goes.
    I haven't played Ghosts as much as I would have liked to simply because of my personal happenings. I've also been enjoying some other games. But back to Call of Duty.
    My favorite of the franchise was CoD4 and MW2. I loved what Treyarch had to offer, but I could NOT stand their crappy connections. That's why I started to hate CoD. CoD4 and MW2 had the best connection for me. MW3, for me had good connection but the game didn't have those things from Treyarch that I liked. So it was a step backwards, but hey, I could still play it since there wasn't that Treyarch lag that I hated so much. So I still liked it. Ghosts came out and from what I've played, the connection is fine. That's the most important thing to me. Call me crazy, I know. Sure it doesn't have all the goodies that Treyarch puts in their games, but I could play it. I don't like some of the things in Ghosts like the maps absolutely suck and the challenges always rotating ticks me off. But the fact that I can play with minimal lag, makes me not mind playing it. Since the new consoles came out, there is a division and I really only ever play with Matt or John when I'm not busy.
    I feel like I am getting tired of the formula of Call of Duty though. Ultimately, I don't care if we're playing Call of Duty, Battlefield or My Little Pony. I just wanna play with you guys, full homo. So let me know what you guys are playing whenever I win the lotto and get a PS4. Ktnxbye.
  4. Like
    kylebees reacted to Dattebayo in 'Price is coming'   
    We'll probably have to wait until 3ARC'sinstallment 1 year from now.Unless, of course, you trust Sledgehammer.
  5. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in 'Price is coming'   
    Cats? Ducks? Price? What the hell is next, a Princess pack? What a joke. Just as I have not bought the wolf download, these will not be bought either. It does look like they're catering to the pre-pubescent population. James might be right. They will not get my money for this bullshit. They should be concentrating on better maps and getting the community that they have lost recently.  
  6. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Baabcat in 'Price is coming'   
    Cats? Ducks? Price? What the hell is next, a Princess pack? What a joke. Just as I have not bought the wolf download, these will not be bought either. It does look like they're catering to the pre-pubescent population. James might be right. They will not get my money for this bullshit. They should be concentrating on better maps and getting the community that they have lost recently.  
  7. Like
    kylebees reacted to OccamRazor in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    Techno, thanks for the info on the DOM scoring, I was not aware that only the first player on a flag got credit on his score streak for it.  I guess I don't notice because I'm often the first one on.  I have no problem with that as it rewards aggression and unselfish play.
    Spending a squad point for new operations doesn't bother me.  I bought new operations 8 times before the one I wanted came up.  I like that when you buy new operations, the ones you are close to don't go away.
    I agree, the overall numbers playing Ghosts are way down.  I'm on Xbox One and in the evening (8-10pm Central time--I think we are GMT -6) there are between 30,000 and 40,000 on XBL.  When I was playing BO2 on XBox 360 there were often 300,000+ on and sometimes 400,000.  I think this will continue in the coming years until the 360 and PS3 are retired.  Four consoles and PC make a pretty fractured game base.  None of that matters though if they can keep reducing lag.  I played last evening and heard some Spanish, so I know with the lower numbers we are getting put into games with players from much further away.
    Anyhow, none of these issues are big deals to me.  I bought my first Xbox (a 360) to play BO1 a few years ago, and other than Skyrim (awesome) and Far Cry 3 (pretty good) I really only use the game system for COD titles.
    I try to take the strengths and weaknesses of each title and adapt my game to them.  For example, in Ghosts, I know the first to get on target and fire will often win the gun fight, so every class has stalker and my go to ARs, R5 and AK12 have dead eye.  Also, maybe because I'm old and don't care, as long as my KDR stays above 1.00 I don't get too bent out of shape.  I figure I get as many bullshit kills as I receive bullshit deaths.  It all evens out.
    Plus I tried BF 3 when it came out and I just find that I prefer the arcade shooter to the more tactical one.  God bless those of you who have the mind and feel for the BF series, I am just not one who does.
  8. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Baabcat in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    And finally. there's this...
    I appreciate all those that contributed to this thread. I now see why many of you have left. There are many valid points on what makes this game not as good as others and there are other points that agree with me. With that being said, I have no hard feelings towards anyone here. We all have our own thoughts and opinions. Let's not make this a bigger deal than it is. We are talking about fucking video games for heaven's sake!!
  9. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Jason in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    And finally. there's this...
    I appreciate all those that contributed to this thread. I now see why many of you have left. There are many valid points on what makes this game not as good as others and there are other points that agree with me. With that being said, I have no hard feelings towards anyone here. We all have our own thoughts and opinions. Let's not make this a bigger deal than it is. We are talking about fucking video games for heaven's sake!!
  10. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from L_C_Scipio in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    Patrick, I have no issue with people posting their opinions on why they no longer play or like Ghosts. I do, however, have an issue with people continuing to bash the game in this thread after they have stated their view. I simply wanted to know what everyone's thoughts were that left Ghosts to go play other games. This thread should probably be locked as people don't get it. 
    Just a FYI, please go back and read statements by Adam, Brede and James. All 3 made negative remarks about people that still play Ghosts and that means me. Sorry I take offense to that!!! 
  11. Like
    kylebees reacted to OccamRazor in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    I have over nine days into Ghosts.  I enjoy it a lot.  First, three truths about online gaming, whether COD, BF4, and even TItanfall: One, every lobby will have some douches in it, but that's what the mute button is for.  Two, online gaming is always better when you roll with your friends, no matter how good or bad the game is, the experience is better with friends. Three, people will camp.  If you accept it as a given, it becomes less frustrating.
    Anyhow, My two cents after all those hours into Ghosts:
    Connection is better than the last game, but not perfect.
    Good weapon balance.  I can use a wider variety of weapons and still fell competitive.  
    DOM scoring took a big step up for me in this iteration.  I am a decent player, but in spite of my KDR I enjoy DOM the most.  In this game you are rewarded with caps counting toward streak bonus.  Pair this with hardline and run the squad mate support streak (he gets YOU an additional CAP credit when he's on a flag with you).  Not unusual for me to get double digit caps in a game and near 9/10k XP each game.  (A special treat is playing DOM on Whiteout where the B flag is in the little cave in the middle--a C4 tossed in off the spawn can generate a triple kill--"XBox record that").
    The ability to deal with campers.  When I play, I often use a kastet grenade launcher as my secondary and C4 as my lethal.  With a little practice, the kastet and C4 can be effective and humiliating tools to deal with campers.  I am to the point that I can be VERY accurate, even at distance and elevation, against campers and snipers.  I used to get frustrated with both snipers and campers, but with a little practice, you will turn your frustration into grins.  No one in Ghosts has ever accused me of being a "noob toober" in a lobby after a game and I must have hundreds of kills with the kastet.  I guess they don't want to bait me into exposing them as campers.
    C4 deserves its own entry as a "pro." What a fun piece of gear.  Toss it into windows!  Toss it on flags!  Toss it around corners where a wounded enemy is waiting for you!
    Weapon variety.  I covered weapon balance above, but the variety of weapons is a definite pro.  I used all of the weapons until I found at least one (and in the case of ARs, FIVE, that I like.  I now have classes that include each weapon type, including shotguns, SMGs, ARs, LMGs and even a sniper for occasional change of pace.
    Perk variety.  Every bullshit tactic now has a counter.  You don't like dying from random IEDs?  Run blast shield, run sit rep.  There are so many options that any tactic has a counter.
    Streak variety.  I prefer the support streaks, but in each of the streak packages there are many options.
    Operations.  In order to level up as fast as possible, I always pay attention to operations.  I don't ever run canister bombs, but I saw recently that if I get 30 kills with it I will unlock a new uniform that looks pretty bad ass.  So now I'm running canister bomb for a few nights.
    Player and weapon customization.  Literally thousands of combinations.  I love running difficult to earn uniforms and headgear. 
    Map Packs.  I have the ability to buy all the extras and I usually do.  I understand the frustration of the "nickle and dime" argument, but I paid $60.00 for a game I've already played for 13,380 minutes.  With the cost of the map pack, the Sgt Price character (yes, I did), the extra slots for each character (1.99), I'm up to 9/10 of a cent for each minute played (or 56 cents per hour).
    Several of the maps suck.  I will not play on Siege.  I will not play TDM on Overlord.
    Scoring in KC took a step backward in this iteration.
    My KDR is the lowest its been in any COD.  I attribute this to the quick deaths.  But to be fair, this is really not a con in the sense that I'm still above 1.00 and I really judge a game on fun rather than KDR.
    Anyhow, I really enjoy Ghosts.  I will keep playing.  If you don't care for it, I hope you find something you do enjoy.  I have ordered Titanfall and will give it a go.  Looks promising.  I enjoyed the beta.
  12. Like
    kylebees reacted to JsinOwl in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    If someone wants to send me their copy, I'll give it a thorough evaluation.
  13. Like
    kylebees reacted to J4MES OX4D in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    I think everything has been pretty much covered now. 
    The most important thing of gaming is people play what they enjoy most and I will never criticise anybody that still plays Ghosts regardless of my personal thoughts and disappointment of the game. I paid my money for it fair and square but it didn't reflect my hopes and expectations. If this was the last gen; I'd struggle to find a game to replace that I can play on a regular basis with friends but thankfully there is a fine choice of titles available now and in the future which is excellent for gamers and should be celebrated.
  14. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    I just want to see the new chick naked.
  15. Like
    kylebees reacted to spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    I thought it was a great episode. I agree Michonne was a little too happy, but we gotta see her lighten up eventually. That is most likely to happen in one on one situations. She is probably an Introvert.  I did think the Carl and Michonne adventure was stale. Their first adventure was far better when he tried to get that picture of the family.
    I think the guys that Rick ran into are the Hunters from the Comic Book series. If they aren't the Hunters, we are sure to still see them again. They wouldn't have hired this guy
      to sit on the porch and talk off camera for just one episode.
    The fact that one of them saw Rick (jackoff #1 on the floor) right before he passed out, and also that Rick killed one of them (jackoff #2 jacking off on the toilet), should get this group out looking for some revenge. We haven't seen the last of them.  It was great tension not showing their faces except for bits and pieces just how Rick would have saw them.
  16. Like
    kylebees reacted to lepercolony in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    she's on that crazy cheese yo.
  17. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from TigerBurge in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    First, let's get back on topic. This is turning into exactly what I didn't want and that's a war over what game is better. They are different and let's leave it at that.
    Second, I don't appreciate those of you who condescend those of us that still play and enjoy Ghosts. ALL OF YOU that have made statements as such have included everyone that still plays. I find that a bit pompous and it pisses me off.
    Lastly, if I see one more statement about how much better Titanfall or BF4 or GTA is to Ghosts, I will ask to have this thread locked.
    Carry on!!
  18. Like
    kylebees reacted to L_C_Scipio in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
    You guys keep going on about CoD being the the same every year. Got a little secret to share...it's supposed to be the same! The formula works. People love CoD, and they buy it every year precisely because it's the same. If you change it too much you risk losing customers, who buy your game because they know what to expect from it. I think sometimes you guys forget that just because you all feel a certain way doesn't mean the community as a whole feels that way.
  19. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from spectre in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    I can't believe no one is talking about this week's episode. I thought it was great. We got to see a lot more of Eugene, Abraham and Rosita. Did anyone catch the gratuitous ass shot of her bending over to pick up the picture dropped by Glenn? God damn, she's friggin' hot!!

    Interested to hear what you guys thought. Looking forward to next week. 
  20. Like
    kylebees reacted to deterioration in The Walking Dead (Will Include Spoilers)   
    I haven't finished the episode yet. Sunday I had only watched up until Bull Randleman smashed those walkers heads in and went to bed. I tried to watch it yesterday, stopped with Michonne in the pink room, and I was interrupted to purchase 2" lowering springs for a 1996 Ford Mustang GT. Hope to finish tonight.
    One thing that threw me off, Rick told Michonne he can't be Carl's Father and Friend while asking her to befriend Carl but did she find some ditch weed and toke up or something? She was acting waaaaay too happy. Not saying the character isn't nice in the story at times but that was like Bizarro Michonne.
  21. Like
    kylebees reacted to Dattebayo in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    Comparing BF to CoD is like comparing an Apple to an orange.
    It's just silly.
    If I were silly, I could say that the action in BF slows to a crawl way to frequently and you can't find anyone in those giant maps and that vehicle whores are always mucking e everything up, while the action in CoD is always fast paced and engagements end quick enough for you to spawn and get right back into the action....
    But that'd be silly.
    I'm not defending Ghosts, nor am I attacking Battlefield.
    I'm protecting the idea of different tastes.
  22. Like
    kylebees reacted to Jason in Last movie you watched   
    Stars Jackman, and Gyllenhaal.
    Its about two families who's daughters are abducted. Jackman is the father of one of the abducted girls and Gyllenhaal is the Detective assigned to the case.
    It's a very good movie, one of the better films I've seen in a while. I highly recommend it.
  23. Like
    kylebees got a reaction from Plumbers Crack in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    Jonny, I see you on all the time. I have no problem if you want to game, even without a mic. I know you're a good player and you would definitely be better than 98% of the randoms I get.
    I really do hope that the next installment brings everyone back!!!
  24. Like
    kylebees reacted to L_C_Scipio in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    I'm with Bees on this one. MW2 was the best CoD ever and Ghosts is right behind it.
    -The scorestreak mechanic was great, but all it did was reward players who already played the objective. Black Ops 2 didn't have more or less killwhores or objective players than any other CoD, and neither does Ghosts. People play like they've always played. (Side note: in my experience Battlefield players aren't much better than trying to win than CoD players)
    -Maps are much better and more varied than BO2.
    -Connections are obviously much better.
    -Create a class is improved. I didn't care for the Pick 10 system, but Ghosts nails it with the wealth of perks available. I can build my guy however I want without being penalized for attachments or more perks from the same tier.
    -Create a soldier is a big improvement on the prestige system. You get to start from scratch and try new things without losing everything you worked so hard for. Plus you get lots of classes.
    -Hardpoint sucked 6v6 and HQ was my least favorite mode, so it's fine by me that they're gone. Also I was on the fence whether 2 round Dom was an improvement so I don't care that they switched it back.
  25. Like
    kylebees reacted to techno in What's wrong with Ghosts?   
    Hey Jonny you sound a little like me I'm ok when I get to know people but quiet otherwise, when I joined the clan I never said shit and Kyle scared me lol, however as I got to know them its much better now.....kyle still scares me tho
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