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Posts posted by Madjonny

  1. Does anyone who dosent play anymore have a max rank, Heavy Cal, Blind rage or Narrow minded that they would sell to me?

    They are still pretty rare, especially people willing to sell them...

  2. I have android fone and know nothing of this game. Ugh yeah, don't know where that leaves me.

    It's highly addictive... I didn't think I was going to like it when I was asked to get it, but now I'm hooked, you don't have to spend a lot of time on it either if time is an issue. The progress is just slower...

    It's definatly worth a look, and it's free...

  3. What's your tag Jonny see if I can see your village? War every day is dedication!

    Clan is UKF, clan tag is #282GUY9L

    My village isn't anything special, I'm only just starting TH8, but coming along nicely...

    War everyday really helps with upgrading stuff since war bonus got massive buffs and CCs can hold much more...

  4. I know it's not the same, it's not real but having been someone who watched 24, you can see that these methods of interrogation are probably necacerry in real situations...

    I know shows like 24 are a bit over the top, but the ideas and scenarios come from somewhere...

    I kinda thought everyone knew this sort of thing went on behind closed doors...

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