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Posts posted by Madjonny

  1. January cannot come quick enough for a Liverpool fan... Jesus Christ a 3-0 loss to Watford...

    Liverpool can brush aside the likes of man city and Chelsea but drop points against newcomers like Watford... Get some bloody consistency!

  2. Aww man I just saw it!


    Oh my god! It was just amazing... I won't say any spoilers...

    Iv been waiting for this so eagerly for about 8 months... I almost burst into tears on the opening titles... (I didn't btw)

    I need something else to look forwards to now... It sounds incredibly sad but, wanting to see this film has been like the only thing I have looked forwards to in months, there's not been a day I haven't thought about it...

    Now Iv seen it, all I can say is it was everything I could hope for!

    Has nobody else seen it yet?!?!

  3. Well until today I'd been just using UAV...

    Just now I started to get some nice games going and put out UAV, CUAV and Guardian... Loved that in BO2... As soon as I'm good enough I'll put on the blackbird like streak...

    Working pretty well although Iv never known UAVs get shot down so frequently...

  4. Smart Jonny. How are you liking it

    I'm really enjoying it actually...

    However I just wish I'd take a bit more time and care when playing... I still keep non stop sprinting around thinking I can outgun almost everyone, like the old days...

    I'm my own downfall at times... I'll just keep trying, and in the words of the almighty Auptyk, try's and "GET BETTER"

  5. Found a good use for glitch...

    Used it quite a few times for this now, rush into a small tight room where there's 2+ tags close together, when you know there's enemies still in the room, slide from the doorway through the tags then glitch back outside the room...

    I'm still alive and have more tags for the team...

  6. I have been using prophet...

    Using the Glitch ability (teleport back to a previous position)

    My theory in choosing this seemed sound... Useful ability, when getting shot, glitch back in time so I know what's coming and get the drop in my attacker... Or if being chased glitch back and end up behind my chaser...

    However, I often don't think about it until it's too late...

    Or when I do glitch backwards, I find myself disorientated so it really dosent give me much advantage...

    I suppose it will all come together with more practice...

  7. Right... First off I'm rusty as fuck!

    I do like it so far, even though I'm appalling at the moment...

    I won't be able to truly give the game a review or even enjoy playing it though until, I unlock my essentials... As usual I simply cannot cope without QuickDraw and stock, so until I unlock some more attachments it's going to be a long, miserable and hard road ahead...

    As usual the connection is poor, I won't blame that yet, im bad enough anyway but it really isn't helping me...

    Why we must play the same map 3 times in a row aswell I'll never know... Harvester constantly...

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