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Everything posted by Madjonny

  1. Ps always gets screwed when it comes to COD you should be used to it now... Shouldn't be like that but that's how it is... Just don't look at an Xbox then you'll be none the wiser...
  2. Well that's just stupid...
  3. Not really heard anything, the only people with info have he game already are your typical pub stomping killwhores who don't care about the win...
  4. Search and rescue sounds good, makes s&d even more intense and tactical... Cranked seems a bit silly, yes I moan about people camping in TDM etc but if you don't want to run around, you shouldn't have to... CTF demolition, good riddance... Hard point was good but I didn't like it because of the predictability, if the hard points were random and there were more locations it would be better... Happy that KC is still there!
  5. I think those emblems look alright, more like an actual medal than a cartoony picture... As TigerBurge said, I'm not in them long enough to care, all that matters is the last 1 looks nice...
  6. Pathetic performance from Liverpool... Arsenal were good but we made them look extra special I feel...
  7. More than 35 yards? It was from his own box, that's not really very good description of that goal... 12 seconds aswell...
  8. Same, I wouldn't be too happy about buying new headset when the one I have now works perfectly fine...
  9. I'm seeing a lot of moaning already... "The maps are too big" If that's the case, then this is my game... I much prefer big maps...
  10. Providing they give it me at launch, I'll be off on the Friday and Monday so a long weekend of ps4...
  11. The closer it gets the more worried I'm getting that I'll have to wait... GAME online at least is guaranteeing people who preordered prior to the 6th of August, I preordered on store and preordered on the 8th... I'm guessing try would have more consoles than preorders before 6th of August, and how many people will preorder a ps4 in my store in 2 days? I'm hoping not many... So theoretically I should get it on release, if not I'll be pissed off standing in the cold for 5 hours then being told I can't have 1!
  12. Wahooooo some bs something for us to rage about already: That dosent look fun at all, that is going to be incredibly annoying!
  13. Watchdogs and driveclub are both delayed until 2014... That's 2 release titles down... Just Ghosts, same old FIFA and Killzone for me now...
  14. Yeah! I win... Fingers crossed the ps4 comes with no added bullshit... Well that's my theory anyway...
  15. Was just getting this message, SQL Error An error occured with the SQL server: This is not a problem with the IPS Community Suite but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above. ← Return to the index This was in iphone, it's fixed now, just wondering what it means?
  16. Mid this for what ou should order or what have we ordered? I only ordered ps4...
  17. Good man... I was reading through and some of the things being said I thought hmmm I better stop here... I still think 3.5 is harsh
  18. I'll read the rest if that later, seems like it may spoil the plot...
  19. Thanks to mike again, http://bit.ly/1eYUkNm Apparently this game isn't doing as well as it's predecessor... I can only think lack of advertising before release, and the fact next gen consoles are coming in 3-4 weeks time. It certainly dosent reflect the quality of the game IMO...
  20. Mike retweeted this article earlier: http://go.ign.com/1d91AW6 Its about how landmark games will be inevitably forgotten vs films and books of the same stature... I thought it was interesting, not sure if thread worthy, but have a read and see...
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