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Everything posted by Chookes

  1. I'm on train home now And you're not a spammer if every post you post has as much effort and intellect that I include in mine.
  2. Dylan can have a flaming diet coke. Or milk. That drink sounds awesome Kyle. I think I've had a flaming sambuca once, it was horrible because it was sambuca.
  3. We should have a drink in your and others honours. You choose one of our rounds for us!
  4. I had a bacon and sausage roll this morning as even though I'm at work I feel like its a holiday day. 7 and a half hours until home time.
  5. I'm not allowed to drive the plane . Heading to work, 4.15 can't come quick enough!
  6. Supermarkets stock enough cling film for you to even do that?
  7. I'm guessing heavies is bud. Bud is better over here for some reason.
  8. I'll have a drink at the airport as well, going to go straight after work so I can get some munch.
  9. Arrival time in Gatwick, leave Glasgow at 19.20. I think the Gatwick Express is about 30 minutes so should be in for 21.30 I think.
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