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Everything posted by Stretch616

  1. Quality throw in! I think they've banned that in the English leagues because it plays havoc with the offside rule (as you can't be offside from a throw in). Keeper should've just let the ball go in rather than have touched it. But I guess that's pretty easy to say from my high pedestal!
  2. Such a poor performance last night. I'm just glad I was at the pub watching it, so at least I could get shitfaced and enjoy that!
  3. Nice dude. You need to get some drinking training in anyways for the end of the month! Have some Jager for me!
  4. I hope you're right. Lampard and Gerrard are the 2 players that I always wished could've transferred they're League form for country. Because on form they are probably up there as some of the best in the world. With that said, i'm looking forward to seeing Wilshire grow into being the big man for England though! And I want to see him get more and more game time
  5. Yeah $250 is more than I paid for my PVR. Not sure I want to sink much more money into making crappy videos!
  6. That's the reason I ask. Because when I tried watching a DVD when through my PVR it wouldn't work beacause of the encryption
  7. I agree about the team part. I just thought a call up for Crouch would've made a bit of sense even if he doesn't start. He's used to the pressure of England and would be a good card to call if Lambert seems like he's struggling
  8. Nooby question. But how would the adaptor get round the copyright issue? Surely the signal coming out of the HDMI port is encoded no matter what you convert the eventual output to?
  9. Blue WKD, I wouldn't expect anything else from you Euan! A beer world sounds alot like somewhere I would be spending alot of time!! Never had mead also. I might have to look at getting some in. I'm working my way through ales at the moment as well. Tending to lean towards the pale ale side of things
  10. I quite enjoyed the last beer thread we had and it introduced me to alot of new beers that I hadn't tried before. So time to resurrect this and put anything down that we've tried and like (or not) A personal favourite of mine is Vedett Extra Blonde. A nice crisp lovely tasting beer, plus they do a cool feature of personalising the label if you buy a crate http://www.vedett.com/form Anyone else got any new ones to add to the list?
  11. So what are people's thoughts for the England game tomorrow night? I think we're going to struggle without a internationally recognised striker leading the line. Much as Lambert has impressed so far he's had other people to help him out. I don't really think a draw is a bad result for us. It still leaves us clear at the top with our fate very much in our own hands still. Plus whatever happened to Crouch playing for England? He seems to be a bit of a forgotten man. As I remember his England scoring track record isn't too shabby at all
  12. Dude you gotta get GTA. It's gonna be the swansong of the PS3 and played for a damnsight longer than Ghosts will be
  13. So I wondered if anyone had seen any further information on this. To the best of my understanding at the moment the PS4 will only have HDMI output facility, but that will be copyright protected to the same degree that it currently is on the PS3. Therefore making game capturing impossible. Now I know that they have the share function attatched the the controller which will give you some form of game uploading, but if the above is correct then any PS4 users can kiss goodbye to any commentary, montage or anything else that would require a PVR & editing program software. I didn't think that Sony would've done this but they've not said anything to the contrary and XBOX has been quite the opposite in saying that it will be supported. So i'm kinda concerned that their silence is saying all it needs to.
  14. Doesn't seem that way from everything that has been said so far. I can't really see it being in their interests to withold any kind of plan for a next gen release either. Although I did read one internet rumour about it, I've seen nothing since. I'm in the same kind of boat as you buddy, I think once I get my PS4 i'm really going to want to play on the new and shiney toy!
  15. PS3 unfortunatley. The controller is really not suited to these types of games. Especially when mine is semi broken! Been thinking and i'll probably do a live com over 2-3 games. Hope this sounds good!!
  16. Cool. I'm away this weekend but i'll maybe look at getting a vid up next week
  17. Wouldn't have thought it was a killstreak as you are able to pick it up from the ground. But hey uou never know I guess. I'm just happy that they might be giving shields some love this time around
  18. Just wondered if anyone had picked this up yet. It's really worth a look. They're pretty hot on the balancing patches as well. I was also thinking about maybe doing a few vids maybe if there's interest?
  19. Not actually confirmed but at the moment there is a Riot Shield Radar weapon. It's been seen as apick up weapon and also if you watch Sp33dy's video on it, you can see the mini map pulse around him when equipped. Hopefully this means shiney new attatchments as well. Fingers crossed
  20. Ewwww! But i'm sure we can get people shitfaced enough to put them into compromising positions!
  21. Didn't expect much else from you. But i'm sure your away trip to Elgin will be just as glamourous as Celtic's visit to the Nou Camp & San Siro
  22. No morons here, well apart from Dylan, but you'll grow to love him!!
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